Today is the day brothers.

Either we go to 3k or 300.


Python script to monitor SEC website for email:

Reddit ETF megathread:

Thread song:

Get the fuck in here Veeky Forums, nocoiners are about to be on ETERNAL suicide watch. To da moon

Other urls found in this thread:;O=A


winklevoss will carry coiners into a glorious new era starting this fine winter morn, meanwhile zuckerberg got no sleep last night at all.

Even if it tanks to $10 I feel like I've had my share of entertainment from being a part of this magic internet money rollercoaster.

I thought they will make the decision on March 13

Unlikely. Today is the day.


i don't even care about the money anymore, the assblast is the only thing that matters no matter who's ass it is

t. coiner

wired 5k to a bitcoin broker to insta buy if the etf gets accepted :D even if it doesn't there are going to be cheap coins available so win-win situation for me!

This. Institutional left wing investors on PERMANENT SUICIDE WATCH.

Alpha chads Winklevii will deliva


So before of after?

This is your last chance, nocoiners





what time should we expect a decision? I have to go to work soon but I don't want to miss the boom/dip.

Probably 4pm or there about based on old decisions.

ready your BEST nocoiner memes. i want this thread looking like an /sp/ archive.

EST I'm assuming?

you idiots actually think they will legitimize this? HAHAHAHHAHA

>if ETF fails

ETH goes up

>it if succeeds

BTC goes up
Is that the jist of it?

>if ETF fails
we buy the dip

>it if succeeds
we bathe in money

>sounds too good to be true, what's the catch?
the only catch is if you're a filthy nocoiner :D:D::D:D:DDDD:D::D:D::D:D

I think the market as a whole will go down if this fails. You're deluded if you think otherwise.

Nocoiners will not be allowed to post below this line.

Your vagina is horizontal.

Would you guys say this is a 50/50? I'm desperately trying to buy coins but bpay is taking so fucking long. Provided it does go through is it still worth buying the coins ASAP??

50/50 at this rate, most ETF's they've left until the last day have come down to approval. Denial is usually done before the deadline.

If it gets denied buy at the dip and we have the next ETF for bitcoin due before the 30th which people have been more positive to due to the way its been organised.

Yeah I don't understand the mentality that speculators will jump over to other cryptos if the ETF falls through.

>most ETF's they've left until the last day have come down to approval. Denial is usually done before the deadline.
This means that approval is quite likely then ?

Aren't there like 2 or 3 other ETF's waiting? One day one will be accepted.

what's the worst case scenario, seriously?
I see no downsides but maybe I'm 2optimistic

I'm an Ausfag
What timezone is the approval?
4pm where?

You ready to become part of the new financial elite Veeky Forums?

4pm EST

If going off past results, then yes.

Yes, another one on the 30th. It's only a matter or time.

Bitcoins sold by people getting out, cheap bitcoins bought by people buying in cheap rising the price again. There will be a dip but it will recover.

Here we go lads.



It begins

just hit $1350.

where were you when people who carry fiat became next generation bagholders?


srsly did the decision get announced?


it hasnt been announced yet, lol

What the fuck was that 1350 ???

wtf i'm a fucking nocoiners right now cause I sold
When will I learn???
Callins suicide hotline now

If you're on Veeky Forums regularly you should already have bought. BUY RIGHT NOW YOU FAGGOT

What do I need to buy some memecoins? Bank account+verification at least?

The verification takes days/weeks. If you're not already signed up, it's fucking over for you.

So sorry, as I've missed you
Running with the crazy crowd
I'm climbing, going higher
I don't care if I never come down
I don't care if I never come down
I don't care if I never come down


Get rich or die buying!

the people's thread theme

If this gets approved, how long until the ETF is available to the public?

And when will we know symbol?

See if there's a Bitcoin ATM near you.

Its slowly coming back down off of that fucking cliff

Remind me, was that 1339 an ATH?

>Google "BTC ATM"
>Check my country
Fuck this country srsly.

Can anyone explain what just happened?



Hype or somebody is betting that bitcoin will fail so they took out a massive loan to short it.

So this isn't a reflection on some sort of influence on the outcome of the ETF approval? I'm waiting for my bpay but its taking ages.


Of course.

But bitcoin broke the previous ATH just a few days ago.

One big feint.

Major investors pumping bitcoin in order to ensnare suckers thinking the ETF got approved and trigger other suckers' buy options, thus creating a minor tsunami they can short the fuck out of.

You can watch the webcast of the meeting here.

Starts in 45 minutes. Buy now lads. This is a revolution.

Risky as fuck it can backfire so badly, much more likely insider info

Someone had a plan. Short squeeze on the way up, trigger buy orders and then dump. Flawless.

So ya think itll go back down?

With the hype that's going on, anything's possible.

>today's events:
>Thursday, March 10

Is that a fake website or something?

It already did. The price we're at now is because of the buy orders at the bottom. We hit $1068 and then bounced to where we're now.

Site's seems legit, found the same site through the official link.

We're going to the moon, you faggots!


why didnt you buy user?

my bpay didn't come through in time

What do you think the price will be if ETF is approved and price stabilises ?

>price stabilizing

...this your first day playing crypto user?

We've been at a steady 900 - 1200 for the past weeks now.

a 30%+ fluctuation in price is not stable

So do you guyt think this actually will be good for bitcoin itself? All I can see is lots of btc being owned by people who can't even access their own coins.
Also I'm kinda curious about the technicalities of this proposed ETF, how they will generate a wallet(s), where they'll even get new btc from in a secure way, how they'll manage ownership etc.., is there anything known about that?

The stock itself doesn't matter itself so much as the 300 million that's going to be tossed into BTC as a result of the stock.

Not now. If etf fails, wait for dip. If succeed, wait for new price floor.

If you buy now you risk buying at th VERY top then watching it crash. Don't be dumb.

It is already in a bubble due to the ETF. The true price of bitcoin is about 400-500

>The true price of bitcoin is about 400-500
Regardless of market cap, users, acceptance, ... ?

Exact same way as gold silver and oil can't be accessed by people investing. You don't get to go down to the nearest Microsoft or Apple shop and take items because you own stock as well.

Will be ledgers I assume of who owns what percentage of coin(s) and the brothers have to have that on hand.

They'll use their own Bitcoin to float the company.

>this nigger

Despite the last 18 months that show differently?

Please explain to me why. It has 400 dollars worth of scrap metal in it? Quit talking out of your ass.

a friendly reminder

buy on rumors sell on news

No coiners please leave.

I'm watching this, and it seems completely unrelated.

this shit is a religion not an investment to these people. rationality is out the window.

Nigger what? We're not mETHheads

I'm in for the long haul on both ETH and BTC anyways unless some ultra travesty happens.

This ETF is good:
>approved: my portfolio grows and nocoiners are buttblasted
>denied: price drops, buy the dip

Sometimes it's too easy to make money.



who here just hodling without riding the buy sell waves of today?

guys GUYS

where is the absolute fastest place to get the word of the announcement results?

is this a good place to be watching today?

> Anonymous (ID: iZchpDDD) 03/10/17(Fri)06:52:26 No.1847163 ▶
>File: C5_q1L1WQAAyJBy.jpg (48 KB, 499x474)
>who here just hodling without riding the buy sell waves of today?

Yo, I'm just riding this bitch. I wish I was playing the waves but I don't want to fuck around right now.

could be

or also;O=A

100 coins ride or die to death.

this ride or die mentality is retarded and happens way too often on this board

why would you ever expose yourself to a 'die' outcome

i'd much rather be "stay neutral or miss out gains"