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same boat here dude
gonna kill myself brb

thankfully it was only 1 BTC and i got 14.something on my wallet

but holy shit whhat the fuck is going on

It will drop below 1k in the next few days. You heard it here first.

I sold all and my buy order at 1160 didn't go through cause we only went down to 1170

I bought at 1140 and sold at 1201.

I think I did okay.

calm down fags, price will dip if it gets approved or denied. you did the right thing. this mother fucker is ready to pop.

I want to believe

just ask the thousands of people trying to move bitcoin right now but cant, btc is broken and blockstream is too greedy to fix it

it's pumped up by speculators right now and they are about to take their money and run, leaving everyone with a broken coin

Look at 1200 on that graph. Depending on where you bought, you probably made a good sale.

>if it gets approved or denied
Didn't Trump put a halt on all regulations?

by that logic it will be denied, not approved

if they aren't doing regulation they wouldn't enact new rules and therefore approve new regulation

Why the fuck would you sell at 1200?

You were suppose to BUY at 1200, you knucklehead.

so what's actually causing that?

block size is too small for the network volume, which drove up transaction costs to the point where 55% of all btc addresses have less in them than what it would take to perform a transaction. the miners are making bank off the high fees (which prioritize transactions), and the miners control the network, so they are trying to prevent bitcoin unlimited from gaining traction, which would fix the network and thus lower tx fees. greed will cause the death of bitcoin if bitcoin unlimited doesn't win over core.

Yea I was just reading about the blocksize debate on bitcoin.it, also found out there are only 3 transactions per second happening and at most 7/second supported theoretically, which is frighteningly little IMO.

No. You sold out fortunes that your decendents would have inherited

Hindsight, man. I made $30. That's something at least.

Fuck descendants. Im 27, if in 10 years im not rich im killing myself.
If im rich i'll fuck tons of 8+ hookers then off it

when do we think BTC will tank?

impossible to say, it might take some time to digest "what's left" if the etf is denied. it might start right away. if I was holding, I'd sell before the etf decision.

then again if etf is approved it could shoot to the moon. I'm just glad I'm only holding ETH and don't have to stress over it.

pretty certain the bubble is gonna burst either way tomorrow

>making $30

haha, dude most people spend that in tx fees on a trade

congrats, you are now a nocoiner

>bitcoin unlimited
Quick rundown?

Yeah, it ran down pretty quickly.

not quite

Another powergrab attempt just like Bitcoin XT and Bitcoin Classic. Only low IQ mongs that still don't understand it's impossible to scale bitcoin onchain to mainstream levels without centralizing the nodes support BUllshit. People with a functional brain support Core + segwit + LN.

Handling the main branch of the software into a team of amateur coders, giving full control over miners, splitting the blockchain, rejecting segwit... it's like every wrong decision on a single package.
