who else c/o/mfy right now?
Other urls found in this thread:
>in n out
>acer screen
>the amount of ketchup on the plate
>that unkempt desk
That doesn’t look like the inside of a car..
>only one monitor
>no anime
What a fucking loser.
How do europoors find that shit entertainment holy fuck is it bad
Yuropoor here, brit car tv is utter shit and we continentals always laugh at the way bongs drive in their gay right hand minis over bumpy little rural streets. It's like a fucking cartoon. Meep meep.
>that fucking puddle of ketchup pre-cum
I see the stereotypes about white americans are 100% true.
they're fat
they have tiny penises
and they're stupid
fuck off, soup cooler
>single screen
>sharpies for the pooper
>unappetizing burger and an ocean of ketchup
You disgust me.
actually i was holding the plate sideways and it slid
dumb fat american
try again u big-lipped fatherless monkey
not even American baka
>denies being an amerifat out of fear of getting bullied
like pottery. sperg more
i have a father tho???
>denies not having a father
even if you did, he obviously didn't do a very good job
he did a great job considering i didn't turn out as a dumb fat american
sperg more
That doesn't explain why you're so O B S E S S E D with them
You turned out as a gay, AIDS-riddled nigger with a furfag fetish.
You should sue your father.
>literally projecting
instead you turned out as a dumb retarded spic/nigger
>You should sue your father.
>Implying he knows his father's whereabouts
oh yeah. got my new hd579 + fiio btr1 setup up so wireless amazing sound quality is included as well
knew it was good idea to post this.
post rattled amerifats to their core
what is that? do you live in a shipping crate? what am I seeing here?
barrack m8
looking comfy lads
I have a fire going too but it's at the other end of the room
you guys are very tidy people, i'm surrounded by bugs and dust
ew what the fuck
FYI this is just my bar, I keep it tidy unless there's tons of people getting shitfaced. Even then it gets cleaned up afterwards.
I have a messy room too, but it's unfinished space for storage. Probably lots of spiders hiding in there.
Why did you take the burger out out of the burger bag you cock mongler? Stuff is gonna start shooting outta the back now that you did that idiot.
i'm a hoarder
is this like a youth thing?
Ew go to a more degenerate board pls
like /b/ or /lgbt/
I bet you'll finish off another 5 guys before the night ends
>Five Guys
Jesus Christ kys
fuck you for making me laugh
I am comfy in bed
look at the date on the receipt and the time stamps on the screen, lol.
it says 2009.
Holy shit we just got epicly trolled boys. Can anyone here ever recover from this?
Macfags were fags in 2009 and they're just as gay now.
>tfw have that same fucking shitty desk in my barracks
>nothing but posts of """comfy""" setups and bants
>Literally not a single Veeky Forums related post
I'm actually mad
I'm just pointing it out, relax your tits. No need to get all faggy.
Why? There are a million threads on Veeky Forums right now. It's cold outside and we're all here posting in multiple threads, why not have one dedicated to /comfy/?
Go be bitter somewhere else if you're uncomfy you miserable shitlord.
I just cracked another brewski, I'm twice as comfy as when I originally posted. I hope this triggers you.
>cracking a brewski
>instead of brewing crack
>brewing crack
Pleb tier shit. Real men cook meth.
>it's cold outside
Nigger it's fucking 45°C it's hot.
>Go be bitter somewhere else if you're uncomfy you miserable shitlord.
Here's a novel idea: why dont you go to a different board where you can sperg about your autistic bar without filling the catalog with offtopic garbage like this thread?
/comfy/ threads are quite common here, we've had a few over the last week. They're usually good because they're Veeky Forums related. This isnt. Neck yourself.
Not everywhere on earth you fucking dunce.
Only shit places are cold at this time of year.
how obese are you?