Last thread Screenshot sharing and campaign posting encouraged!
John Campbell
1: Killed Krell with his bare hands.
2. Defeated Gilles the Breton and routed his Grail Knights.
3. Was only killed by Throg because he was emotionally crippled at his temporary loss of beauty and wasn't paying attention/didn't care.
Caleb Howard
>banner-men, captains, musicians never ever
Ethan Nelson
Reminder that the russian leak is legit, but outdated, and that anyone who says otherwise is a gay.
Xavier Bell
Brandon Sanders
??? we've known since a year ago
Jace Mitchell
It is now August, and the howls of dying slaves fill the bleak land of Naggaroth with a sweet cacophony. Very soon the Asur will experience such an atmosphere, for the Witch King is finalising his strategy for the coming campaign.
From all over the land come the lords and ladys of the Black Council, and it will be a permanant position for some. Ever eager to guide her son down the path she has divined, the great Hag Queen Morathi spends much time in council with her son. Though some sense conflict between them in the future, Morathi has promised her strongest pupils will join the legions of the Druchii.
In Har Ganeth the cavorting Brides of Khaine spill the blood of offerings to their God, whilst many a would be sacrifice is lost to the blades of the Executioners. The Beastmasters of Clar Karond rouse their monstrous captives with many a laggard elf suffering in the process. All over Naggaroth the corsair fleets have been sent ahead to pillage and despoil the Black Council's choice of targets, a content glint could be seen in the Witch King's eyes, if anyone had the heart to look at them. The time is now, the treasonous Asur will soon bow to the true Phoenix King whether they wish it or not. Domination by a best elf soon!
Camden Moore
Bunch of anons claimed it was bullshit to begin with.
Hunter Cook
*blocks your path*
Andrew Hall
People saying Chaos daemons are going to be one faction