/nepgen/ - Neptunia General #1264


Last Thread: Hyperdimension Neptunia Downloads (Skins, Artbooks, Manga, Guides, Soundtracks, etc.):

Latest trailer for Compile Heart's new game Clanpool: [YouTube] PS Vita「塔亰Clanpool」 プロモーションムービー (embed)
Iffy's Online Shop adds dogoo hats and pixel Nep shirts to their merch list: twitter.com/IdeaFactoryIntl/status/890263137198325761 (embed)
Neptunia staff discusses the future of the series: dualshockers.com/neptunia-interview/

Nep-Nep's VII-rtual Reality News:
New virtual reality gameplay screenshots: dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/563/1563181/
Report on the VIIR event in Japan: dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/563/1563254/
DengekiOnline's livestream with gameplay footage: youtu.be/-OSXubI6_VU

Highlight - Nep in the Virtual World: youtu.be/SbTHTGupFqg

Highlight - Battle Footage: youtu.be/6xLmzH4N4Fg

VIIR Opening: youtu.be/KULVltxeq3k
VIIR to be released on the 24th of August: gematsu.com/2017/05/megadimension-neptunia-viir-launches-august-24-japan

Other urls found in this thread:


Aw, thank you.

What just happened?

Nah, /chg/ sounds better.

What the hell guy? You need to shitpost harder for your goddess.


Dunno. I went for a nap, woke up, and we were dead 'n' shit.

Let's decide that by fighting in Serious Sam.

Sorry, I have the PS2 version.

> (embed)
You had one job

Don't have it I'm afraid, plus I'm at work anyway.

Be already happy I bothered keeping the Youtube links, I wanted to remove them all.
In the end I just removed the Noire VA one.

I count that as both of you getting on your knees and admitting you're scrubs that can't hold a candle to my magnificence due to how grossly incandescent I am with my l33t FPS skills being uber awesome and allowing me to trample you peasants.

Don't let your boss catch you on the CATHEDRAL of mysoginy, the internet hate machine.

Fusion version?

>In the end I just removed the best one

We need some justice here.

I blame you for making me discover it. I've been playing it for 2 weeks nonstop.
Fuck the krells and fuck the Syrian werebulls. Ugh-Zan the Third and Ugh-Zan the Fourth for the win.


Googling that leads me to Bayonetta, but that picture looks way too old for that game.
It looks like it's as old as Diablo 2.


you're so detached from reality that it's almost hilarious

Yeah, I found it. What's the deal with that screenshot? Is it from an ingame bestiary?

no just a pic I found somewhere

pic related is the ingame

well apart of it so far

Haa, it's a fanpic, okay.
I did find it weird that it looked that old, I thought Bayonetta was fairly recent or something.

the first bayonetta was released on steam as well as vanquished

Oh? I didn't know it was ported on PC, I thought it was a console exclusive.

it was until April 2017

Haaaaa, okay.
Is it as "good" as Castlevania? The Lord of Shadow 2 game was A FUCKING DISGRACE AND A PIECE OF SHIT


I heard it was Really good

I only have the Wii U version that was packaged along with Bayonetta 2

the pc port is basically the definitive edition

Good to know.

>No news about the release date of Cyberdimension nor a CE...
I really am willing to cancel my damn GT Sport pre-order from the UK but hell, there's nothing yet.

I want to spank Ram.

you shouldn't have preordered in the first place.



>In the end she removed herself

>ywn buttfuck Ethel so hard she prolapses

I want to speak to Rom.

Don't buttfuck Ethel, she's a kid.

Why do you want to spank- SPEAK to her?

thank kami-sama for that

I doubt it

She has the voice of angels and would probably have some interesting things to say.

She's a little girl until that cute Tiara.

Finally sat down and finished RB3 and got the true ending, neat game but i still prefer RB1, but boy there is a lot of post game content.

I´ll start VII soon

VII has the best gameplay, but has a few flaws as well.
It fucks with your party a LOT (enjoy having to buy 80 nep bulls), and it has too many characters by the end of the game.

Even more than RB3? i mostly used the CPUs or whoever i saw fit for the story at the moment.

>and it has too many characters by the end of the game.
I will never understand why this only comes up with VII and not every game that's not a Tamsoft game.

Well, you have :
- the Makers (two characters, if I remember right),
- the CPUs (four characters),
- the Zerodimension characters (two),
- the Candidates (four),
- the Golden Turds (four).

And if you count the DLCs, you also have 5 bonus characters.

Because VII fucks with your party a lot and forces you to level your characters separately.
The Rebirth games are a lot easier, you just pick the new character you want, change the combos and stuff and that's it.

So wouldn't have a problem with the roster size if you just weren't forced to level them individually?

It would be less of an issue. Having to level K-Sha just to use her insane Rush abilities (so that she doesn't die in two slaps on the butt) is a bit annoying.

I'm very confused about your stance on the Gold Third. Sometimes you seem to hate their guts and masturbate to the fact that they haven't shown up again since VII, but sometimes you seem to like them. What gives?

I just like K-Sha's and B-Sha's asses.
Their band have a really shitty name and they're poorly used in the game, besides I'm 100% sure they'll never come in the story again.

They're not a band, doofus, they're a Let's Play group.
That said, I liked their interactions with the CPUs, so I don't know where you're coming from. And unless they want to keep paying out the ass for licensed Makers, they'll have to touch them eventually unless they decide to make the franchise GODDESS ONRY NO FIRUTEE HYOOMANS ARROUD

I want to impregnate Noire's mother.

DUDE GOLDEN THIRD even through they're four.

>he doesn't understand the reference

>he fell for the meme
They got their power from the Gold Towers. Gold.
The CPUs are the most powerful beings in Gamindustri, with the Candidates in second. The S-Shas are the third most powerful. Third.
Gold. Third.
Actually they're third party publishers, I just wanted to come up with an in-universe explanation.

Well I figured S-sha just wasn't interested in being counted among the four.

I'm sure everyone will agree that IF > S-Sha.

Yes. I am in agreement with this statement.

IF can't summon a Sharing Field

Ye lookin' for a fite, m8?

but she's crazy

No, everyone knows C-Sha is the best anyway

I prefer K-Sha, but C-Sha is bro tier. Well, more like sis tier.

She's no longer can use HDD. Her nation is gone.

>She's no longer can use HDD

>She's no longer can use HDD.

>She's no longer can use HDD

Have we become so desperate to keep the thread bumped that we must resort to samefagging?


don't try to wiggle your way out of this

Sounds to me you no longer can used English and basiced logic.

I like "/nepgen/ - Neptunia/CH General" better.

It's iconic, and we have 1264 threads of /nepgen/.
And also the Veeky Forumsleague uses /nepgen/.

Then I'll change the OP to add "others Compile Heart games are also welcome" next time.

What the shit are you talking about?

I'm going for the "/RWBYg/ - RWBY/RT General" formula here


>She's no longer can use HDD.

I think RB3 can be excused since only the makers and oracles are DLC.

>She's no longer can use HDD. Her nation is gone.
My guess is that he's an Asian.

>She's no longer can use HDD

Even if she no longer can use HDD, Lastation is still around.

English didn't need be fully perfect.

Her position took over by Noire. No more shares for her.

Doesn't you think Noire didn't not never took over and instead took after when she bit bite bitten the dust?

What did they finna mean by this?

English is dead. Nice job guys.

>Waiting since 2015
>Shouldn't have pre-ordered
Fuck you.

IFI only announces Limited Editions like two months before release and Cyberdimension is taking them eons because of the porting bullshit.

What the fuck is this shit? Is that supp

So I think it'll pass the GT Sport deadline, well gonna see what I can dig up, I'm digging up LE for PS4 and a regular Steam version...

Re;Birth1 had this shitty dialogue problems, I think it's just the first ports IFI did that had this annoying thing, don't know about the Vita version though.

Vita version has no issues with the story text, it's entirely a port issue that never got fixed because IFI doesn't give a shit and people eat up the ports anyways.

Though both versions of R;B2 had some hilarious problems with Chirper characters having the dialogue extend visibly outside of where it was meant to go.

It's not exclusive to Neptunia, sadly.
And don't get me started about the typos.

Most probably due to the Vita's shitty resolution.
I love the typos when referring to Rom or Ram and the translation actually swaps them.

What does the Vita's resolution have to do with it? The ports are the same shit but scaled up.

>Can't even line break

Scaling text to different resolutions may result in errors on the textboxes, it's like said, Neptunia games aren't the only ones with these problems.



Big Nep is for nepping! She must be nepped right now!