/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Reminder that there is nothing more alpha than impregnating your little sister.

This triggers Raul.

why don't people like fliers?


I love Silque

So, this thread? Alright.
Favorite character?


hilarious and original

hilarious and original

hilarious and original

This is a superior girl to Tharja and Rhajat

Extra limited edition ranged, no healers, no archers. They're boring as fuck.

Joke team sabotage is leading with a healer.
True team sabotage is leading with Roy.

Trip back on, sweetie.

I do though
I'm making a wyvern team once Valter drops

Alright it looks like yet another bonus hour for Elise is coming right up. Will this be the last one?

>Ayo whatchu lookin at human boy

what's the probability that igrene gets added within the next decade

Triggered I called out your stale as fuck excuse for a joke?

>healers are bad meme
Roll a Genny already.

6.9x multiplier

>once again, lolifags demonstrate that they have to impose their sexual tastes on others who really don't give a shit

Terrible variety, that's why. I'm going to 5* that sexy creep Valter though.

Faye pls

nothing makes me happier in the gauntlet than getting friends and randoms who rep good fliers
>i run a +atk hinoka
>the guy on my friendslist who i keep getting reps a +2 minerva
>get third flier from random
i mean hinoka can solo the entire thing on her own but its fun to get team synergy through random chance

trip back on

>once again, mommyfags demonstrate that they have to impose their sexual tastes on others who really don't give a shit

Fuck it. I am going all out with my flags this round. There's no guarantee there will be 1 more.

How is the bonus triggered again? When one team gets below 10% of the opposing?

How big is her butt?

Fred suddenly closed the gap a bit.

I dunno, someone from my friendslist kept giving me Roy, and he was actually pretty useful, because he's a sword user that doesn't combust as soon as a mage looks at him. I took down some tricky teams with him.

I don't even know if I can get a girl pregnant with my hypogonadism

Unless Japan has been sleeping for the past 27 hours or so, I don't think them waking up is going to stop Frederick from gaining ground, although I'm sure it'll slow him.

>4.5% pity rate after 120 orbs and still no Summer Corrin or any other 5* for that matter
I won't cave and buy orbs, but dear Lord. Does this happen to everyone? It's an absolutely hellish feeling.


>10/10 art and design
>outclassed by countless other sword infantries



did you get flying_blue_mage.function yet?

Happened to me with summer tiki. Just nino and bartre.

I bet I could sabatoge it harder!

There's nothing inherently head-turning about a man who finds women with big breasts attractive.

Meanwhile if you tell literally any normal person you like little fucking girls

im at 4% but i feel you
i don't want scorrin for meta purposes but because i really like fliers and don't like using spring camilla

No, when my husbando loses I will join her in hopes to appease the gatcha gods.

Reminder that lolicons don't actually want to impregnate their little sisters. They're just drawings after all.

It's happened to me before, then the next time I saved up orbs and spent them I got quite a few good units including some 5*. Dry spells are going to happen, if they didn't then no one would have a reason to whale.

a general rule in FE:H is that the better a character's design/voice is, the worse their stats

I learned this after the first gauntlet

Are these drawings no more than functions?

The prospect of missing out on Summer Corrin and Elise makes the urge to break F2P hit hard
The reality of -speed Spring Camilla and Bridal Lyn ground me

I went up to 4.5% on this banner before rate got broken by summer xander. I got corrin 2 rolls after that though.

>no TA to get obliterated by every blue ever
>good res
>generally fast enough to not get doubled
Today's not your day.

They're my favorite functions. Too bad there are no lolis in MvCI. Shit game.

fuck her

I hope IS have enough money and people to make another experimental FE. Like Echoes but not restricted because it won't be a remake.

Will Valter break the curse?


>yfw Ashnard is a red DC with hone flier

>there will be a full team of flying fates royals without character overlap before there will be a team of magvel units

I want Clair to grind my cock between her thunder thighs

Pretty much the same thing for me. I just want to make a fun wyvern team. 2 blues and 2 green should be successful enough for most in game challenges and quests.

Elisebros let's do this!
>6.9x multiplier

We still gonna lose aren't we?


I feel like they're purposely making the limited units more and more desirable because they know that people who are normally F2P might actually spend money on them. Watch one of them have a flying archer next.

>you can now summon a friends unit during the tempest trials if you lose a unit
>but only on your first team, and only once

Yes/no? Kind of get more use out of the friends list since it's practically worthless.

it wasn't obvious after the first hour?

>Gurgurant has built in DC and Iotes

>Both Robins are featured
>Female Corrin is on full display
>Male Corrin isn't even mentioned
>He's also the only of the 4 to not make top 40 in the CYL poll

As it should be

For god's sake Nino

We have no chance of winning whatsoever. More importantly, this may be the last multiplier so go all out.

>Wyvern rider Sakura confirmed for Hoshidan Halloween

no just do this
>get enough points to give corrin a multiplier
>corrin gets way more points and slingshots the multiplier back
>get slightly less points than 10% higher
>corrin has no multiplier for the rest of the match
>elise wins

I feel like even if you're a siscon, you wouldn't fuck your little sister. There is a difference between being a siscon about 2d and being an incestuous pedophile. If you had a little sister you would know that the only thing you want to do is protect her, anything else is truly disturbing

I like Lucina. Not in a waifu kind of way but more like she's my best friend's daughter and I would very much like to impregnate her kind of way.

Hopefully the nips will let elise take control

Why are Echoesfags so cringey?

Please take the lead so I can finally get a score bonus on team Corrin.

Or win so I can get off the Corrin ride.

Still going to lose but it was nice seeing her do as well as she has

Not on the Corrin/Elise side, nor have I even looked at the numbers over the past few hours, but the amount of coordination and timing amongst all the players supporting Elise (not accounting for language barriers either) is pretty much impossible.

I'm going to give my maid cunnilingus.


>that fucking reposition in the beginning

If the Elisebros get a multiplier on the last hour they can win to Corrin

Building a team out of friend units would be cool, allow players to register (don't use the first unit in team 1 that's annoying) 1 or 2 units in the tempest to be their reps and anyone on their friend list can add them to their team.

The last tempest was so incredibly easy simply replacing a unit wouldn't have mattered.

Are we doomed, Tikibros?

Yeah knowing these people I doubt that.
>implying taking your little sister's virginity first before some chad does isn't protecting her
>implying teaching your sister the ways of procreation isn't protecting her
>implying making sure your family bloodline remains pure isn't protecting her
>implying making her a youthful mother isn't protecting her

>actually watching people play a gacha on YT
Sort out your shit m8

The next FE game should have a SMT-like recruitment system

I love Severa! I hope she gets in FE Warriors!

Why are you so autistic?

This is just as cringey. Looks like something you'd see on Reddit, or maybe /v/. Go home. Why do you keep posting this? Did you make it or something? Is this the extent of your "talent"?

how new

will IS ever give gauntlet team leaders as a 1* unit reward?
the star rank border around the units in the tournament chart should be a determining factor of what star rank people who chose that team round 1 should get once the event is over
is 1 free 5* per month to a small amount of the participants in the gauntlet really going to bankrupt IS when it won't even count for the bonus points in the gauntlet

also this makes it so you have to choose between a good unit and feathers from multipliers and actually make it a "who do i want to win" type of event rather than a "who do i join to get the most free feathers" event


Ok, Raul.

>I don't like it so I have to blatantly shitpost and bitch about how I don't like it, making myself look like a newfag with le epic buzzwords and reddit accusations.

>Attention whore who posts the same shit picture over and over
>Calling someone else Raul


>want retard babies
>have such a cuck complex you can't handle the idea of your sibling having sex
>being so much in control over one person because you have zero control in your own life
>having such pure genes you want to keep them instead of making stronger/more atrtractive hybrid babies
Yeah no

>losing all the time despite almost constant multipliers
>do as well as she has
If losing constantly with all the help of the world is "doing well", what exactly is doing badly for you?

>Also a musoufag

He's so hot