/parag/ - Paragon General

Change is coming edition

FAQ: pastebin.com/0S9SiFtH

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Full Info on v42

Latest Released Hero – Zinx

2nd Latest Released Hero – Wraith

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User IDs: pastebin.com/EJGkMtSU

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First for Mommy

so what's up with leeterr's profile

Fucking crit Grux jungler again.

When is that fucker going to finish the Serath animation?

Remember, Elo hell isn't real bruh

just won a game with a Belica who shot the enemy hero once and just afk'd under tower for 2 minutes until she dc'd at around the 6 minute mark

>carry my team as /ourboy/
>a scourge and menace to the enemy team
>we manage to lose still

i've lost so much elo recently GG

Makes you wonder what was going on on the other end of the Belica. Family emergency? Pizza delivery? Did they tab out and forget about the game entirely because they were high as fuck?

the last time i played as belica my game crashed in the first 2 minutes and everytime i tried to rejoin it would freeze on the loading screen and force me to alt+f4 out

I was looking at her history and she had a 9 match losing streak, 0.95 KDA on Belica and 1 win and 2 losses, with that one win being the game we just won. I'm guessing that she picked the wrong deck since she had default deck starting items or got tired of the game and decided to disconnect.

>or got tired of the game and decided to disconnect
Truly. the lowest of low.

Nah mate, your whole team was just much better than the enemies. Even without Belica.

more like 4v1 win

Why the fuck isn't Ult'd Serath frowning or looking at me with contempt?

>"The sins of the past are swept away as the people look toward the future. All things become possible."
lol fuck outta here Cam you ain't safe yet nigga

>wukongs clones damage reduced from 40% to 25%
>plus they do 75% less damage to towers on top of that
>slow only slows for 150 now despite being the only way he can keep people from just turning and running from him and is still hard as fuck to hit
>even his fucking farm passive got nerfed
iggy went from splitpush god, to dodge pick, back to splitpush god and the character who replaced him as the splitpush god has now replaced him as the dodge pick. bravo cam

It's a good thing, having two splitpush gods would suck.

how the fuck do you play angel tits?
eqr jungle smash?
Can't play her for shit and feels so damn squishy.

Who is more fun and/or better as a support? Steel or Dekker? In addition who should I buy mastery for if I don't buy both before August 8th?

steel is one of the worst characters in the entire game and isn't even a support

Mommy is an adc first, solid offlane 2nd, and last resort Jungler 3rd.
Your job is to build damage and lifesteal until the new card system.
Use her invulnerable move to dodge attacks and finish off escaping enemies with low health.
Her slow can be used to initiate or help you escape, her ascend can either close the distance on someone or be used as another escape.

She's an offlane first and foremost but you can take her to the adc/jungle role
Play her like an assassin/ganker, come in the right time and just wreck shit up. She's especially useful in team fights with her ultimate, let somebody else draw the aggro while you're sticking to other targets or just putting in the damage

sophitia-esque greek warrior goddess skin for mommy so we can see that fat ass and tits in all their glory when
also a reminder to all my kwang main friends to hold off from buying that new skin because it'll be 30% off on tuesday

>She's an offlane first and foremost
Such heresy
wew lad bronze spotted
pic related
>Serath in a toga and sandals

new hero leaked


looks like a borderlands character


yeah, this is the new hero, people were spotting his hero portrait from v.42 videos but this seems to be the full model, probably the master skin
helm reminds me of the brotherhood of steel helm, mix of mad max, something else idk

>11 posters

Probably the new carry. Still no new jungler.



Yurop will be awake in a few hours, and the slowpoke Yankees will filter in when they check the last thread.


This shit has been overdone

Too late. Already bought it, but glad you'll get your discount user.

>Yurop will be awake in a few hours
I even haven't gone to sleep yet.

Lol I already bought that shit. It looks even better in game

me neither, but my head's on the pillow


bump /v/ thread

Where can i find a Serath gf?

Excellent question.
A blonde, wholesome woman, with suppressed sexual urges and bipolar anger issues.
Try a christian/catholic/mormon dating site/app.
Or southern/midwestern college campus.
Or a northern, midwestern housewife.
Or just go to yurop

but will they let me call them mommy

>Or just go to yurop
>mfw already in yurop

But couldn't fine a Serath yet though.

Not when her actual parents are around, I'm sure. You're gonna have to condition that behavior behind closed doors user.
My advice, start by calling her mamacita, then eventually shorten it to mami.
Source: Hispanic people
They won't be in plain site, have faith

That /v/ thread's a joke: wish we could just turf that actual graphics faggot out into the barren Internet wastes or Reddit and never have to be associated with him again.

>calling her mommy around other people
thats weird user i just want to indulge my degenerate sexual fetishes

You wouldn't even have these threads if not for me. I'm the first person to talk about Paragon on Veeky Forums.

Are you the OG???


I'm not the OG.

I'm the Actual G.

>caring what /v/ thinks
the less anime shitposters we have in the general the better i hope /v/ never likes the game

We've clarified this: you're the actual F-A-G. Now get a trip so we can filter.you or fuck off and take my word for it when I tell you that you've done so much more harm than good for Paragon on Veeky Forums.

If you have a problem with actual graphics, you have a problem with Paragon.

>I'm the first person to talk about Paragon on Veeky Forums
You're deluded if you believe this

>Countess futa on Paheal

>male on futa
literally gay. the only cock we need is ulted serath sexual breaking all the girls with her 12 inches of divine punishment

Where does Feng L'Mao fit?
I already play Sevarog and Kwang for jungle and the game keeps giving me fucking Feng L'Mao skins so I'd figure I'd give him a try

feng is a pretty good offlaner and should be even better post update now that he goes sanic fast for some reason

Should I get Kwang's new skin? The armor is on point but the stupid cyber sword with the red light looks dumb.

>the stupid cyber sword with the red light looks dumb.
>hating the best part about the skin
The skin will be on discount after the next update I think
30% off. Sale ends August 14th

Here is a clip of imsko playing against bots on the new patch, he is top 10 on the agora leaderboards.


with the new growth cards, with stuff like Growth Totem, do the bonuses you've gained stay after you discard the card?

Alright thanks

>best part

Yeah if you're a pleb. The cyber sword ruins his entire aesthetic. Why does the ancient chinaman need a future sword?


Phase still didn't get nerfed hell because of the rebalance for 42 she got buffed, it's a good think Zinx is just as if not more OP than she is and with her getting a universal attack speed buff them claws gonna be GG

They don't, "actual graphics" guy is actually more help than harm

if he keeps it up and we get rid of these mommy/bush fags thread will be perfect

> I've been taking about post-apo themed hero some time ago
> This comes out
Ebin intern among us fucking confirmed ONCE AGAIN
I like him actually. Would prefer an alien, but that's an interesting concept as well

If heroes all share the same damage scaling, and carries are now defined by their kits, then is Murdock bottom tier? His ult is still decent, but his kit is so barebones at this stage that he's just shoot man.

It works for the same reason Novation Greystone works: Letha and Omeda teaming up. The "Heavenly" part of Heavenly Focus probably implies that the gear came from offworld, but the Letha people can only understand that in terms of legends or something. It's the classic Sci-fi meets fantasy thing man.

>we get rid of these mommy/bush fags
>Hating what kept these threads alive and flourishing

So you're saying it's some Outworld Mortal Kombat shit Kwang is wearing?

That's a good way to put it; Futuristic technology with Ancient/ Traditional people.
Like how the Lin Kuei had the Cyber Initiative

>cyber sword with the red light looks dumb.
>What is light reflecting on gem stones and crystals?
I really hope you didn't think there was a battery in his sword or something

well guys after 2 whole months of playing this game only on smurf accounts, because i just couldn't stand the never ending bullshit you have to put up with in the higher ranks, ive come to the conclusion that this is the true and only way to play the game. never caring about team comps, hero picks or the impact either of those would have on some doubly fake version of a number allowed me to just play the game and have fun with it and playing all types of new characters or those ive always wanted to play but was terrible with was a breath of fresh air even with the never ending phase faggotry in every game.
once the update drops im going back to my real account for good and going to try to stop giving a fuck, though after 5 games with the usual shit 1600 elo matchmaking ill probably go back on everything in this post im going to try dammit.
have a profile of mommy showing off her thicc tits and ass for reading my 2am shitpost

Who keeps putting a garbage pic in the OP. The games not dead yet but you arnt doing it any favours

>Not reaching the middle ground of mid gold and then not caring about "elo" from that point forward since your skills will keep you in the sweet spot of shitters and tryhards
>Not playing who you like from the start and then playing them in the roles that they fit in
You defeated yourself from the start, it sounds like. Glad you found the light finally.
Quality mommy though, good job

This game is so fucking unplayable not even the Phase but its so god damn poorly optimized. I'm tired of going for banks or running and having the game lag to shit and randomly start freezing. High end GPU & 8GB RAM, this happens in no other game I play even when I play on max everything.

The Zinx update has introduced lag spikes to the game and no one knows why

night /parag/
wake up yuros you're on the clock

Dekker has nice, full lips.

What do you guys think about adding this to the OP until a new FAQ is written up in the pastebin


i'm new to paragon
i'm a level 3
how to gadget?
i never played any MOBA before
also i have problems managing health and mana, do i really have to come back to spawn everytime i'm at 100 mana and health? the item don't regenerate enough so is it worth it to just come back to spawn every time?
With gadget i'm just spamming her mines like hell and using my speed gates to escape and boost the minions, and i just run into the enemy and use my ult in them, am i gadgeting right?


thread is dead
seems like nobody want ACTUAL GRAPHIC sadly


Yuro is up

How much ability penetration on a caster?

>do i really have to come back to spawn everytime i'm at 100 mana and health?
At minute 3 when you go into the jungle through the entrance of the midlane, there is this flying insect (riverbuff). Just kill it, it will restore some of your mana and give you a buff (depending on it's colour). It spawns again at every odd minute.

Dis tred ded


v42 gameplay that's not on nda I guess

>no zinx nerf
>no phase nerf
Absolutely useless dev team. You actually buffed Zinx with your nonsense attack speed increase. How are you guys this bad at making games?
>released toxic horde without nerfing it
The day the leaks came out I said this was going to be the card that breaks the game and punishes good play. I thought there would be no way it gets through internal testing untouched yet here we are. How does epic even ruin wave mechanics? Diamond+ play is going to be coordinating horde timers and playing a even shittier pong match.
>wukong nerf
Good. He was a bad character and a liability to the team. He preys on lack of coordination in low elo games but is trash tier around and above plat. Maybe dumbasses will stop getting boosted up here and ruining these games because they played some pve to grind elo.
>Another "BIG UPDATE" where they don't focus on the core issues limiting their games enjoyment and competitiveness
I don't know why I thought anything different. Can't wait for the community corners for the next few weeks after the patch being cam constantly defending obviously op or broken mechanics with shitty anecdotes and internal testing knows best memes.
>They nerfed /ourguy/ before they touched zinx and phase
Really makes you think

typically ~12 cp worth is plenty. I think most heroes end up with 25 passive ability armor so just getting enough to pierce that so you are doing true damage is generally a decent idea.


okay i just don't get this game
so i've been getting rekt as gadget while throwing literally all my cooldown on a character with some sort of flying turret where you can occasionally see its range, i threw my slow + my grenade + my speed boost that slow enemy and i was even with minion yet she killed me

also the fact that i'm doing a shit ton of damage on 1 character and that when he's getting killed it's considered as an assist it's really fucking bullshit and sometimes it doesn't even register as an assist
.. that was my first PvP round, and we lost because i lost my monitor screen for a moment then it went back on. welp

>throwing literally all my cooldown on
don't do that
>flying turret
Drone , you can always see it's range it's glowing red,
>I threw my
you wasted mana Belica's kit is anti caster the lower your mana the more damage her ult does

you need to stick to vs AI before you play pvp or at least CO-OP till you learn all the heroes and their abilities

>also the fact that i'm doing a shit ton of damage on 1 character and that when he's getting killed it's considered as an assist it's really fucking bullshit
I mean, it makes sense because it was the other player who made the kill.

>and sometimes it doesn't even register as an assist
That makes sense too, because they heal over time and otherwise everybody would have 30 assists at the end, and that's not the point.

>okay i just don't get this game
You don't seem to understand mobas or games at all. This your first?
>so i've been getting rekt as gadget while throwing literally all my cooldown on a character with some sort of flying turret where you can occasionally see its range, i threw my slow + my grenade + my speed boost that slow enemy and i was even with minion yet she killed me
Oy vey, where to even start. Clicking all your buttons doesn't mean you win a kill. Use your abilities when you need to not just because. Gadget has a small mana pool but has high burst, easy to land abilities. That flying turret can be aimed at a point on the ground to stop there or you can aim up and click the button again to stop the drone where you want it. The mine auto locks to the closest enemy, hero preferred. Again, just because you clicked 4 buttons in somewhat quick succession doesn't mean you are given a kill. You probably just got outplayed for randomly throwing your kit on the floor.
>also the fact that i'm doing a shit ton of damage on 1 character and that when he's getting killed it's considered as an assist it's really fucking bullshit and sometimes it doesn't even register as an assist
Come on now. This is some weird nonsense troll bait student art project right? Are you arguing that you should get a kill on anyone you dealt damage to...but didn't kill? You assisted a teammate in securing the kill, y'know, an assist. This is a thing in every fucking game and just makes sense. You are some prime Hydrogen Elo.
>.. that was my first PvP round, and we lost because i lost my monitor screen for a moment then it went back on. welp
Solo VS AI is the mode you should click on mate. At least till your parents buy you a monitor, kiddo.
>I know the general is more dead than usual but these shitposts are not the answer lads

Yeah this is my first moba.
I landed all my kit on her dude and then i got a few shot on her yet she didn't bites the dust, it's a joke imo i'm basically spamming my mines as tons of guide says but i'm always out of fucking mana man at early games i'm always going to mid and just stay behind defending with my friend and exclusively get all my ability then i just upgrade the sticky mines but nothing
it just seems that i never have any mana and the consumables do absolutely nothing
I needed to use my abilities against that enemy dumbass i didn't launch them just because.

I really like this character tho.

>that was my first PvP round
That explains everything
I'm assuming you don't have alot of cards for a custom deck? Get used to being a sub-par Gadget until you unlock more cards to build a better deck. Until then, keep learning the character and how to fight with Gadget in every situation.
>i'm basically spamming my mines
>but i'm always out of fucking mana
Then don't spam mines
Your job as Gadget and I'm assuming mid (hopefully) is to force the other mid out of lane, secure the river buff, and keep the lanes in your team's favor, not to secure kills. If you do get kills that aren't assists, consider that a bonus.
Also if you're expecting to to get a kills just by 'landing all your kit' then your hopes are way too high. Might as well wait 5 more days for that to happen.