/ink/ - Splatoon 2 General

Which is worse - not being able to kill a charger right next to you with a crutch weapon, or an entire 4-person team, including a Luna, can't take down one incoming squid jump faggot right onto the tower?

Last thread: - Direct Link to current thread: splatoon.ink/ink/
- Booru: booru.splatoon.ink/

> News
- The first Switch My Nintendo rewards are Splatoon 2 equipment (Japan exclusive so far) - New update patching exploit and tweaking special costs: en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27028/p/897
- The next NA/EU Splatfest is Mayo vs Ketchup has been announced. Join a team and scrub your Tees for 2000 coins each.
- New Splatfest-exclusive stage "Mystery Zone" announced!
- Salmon Run has updated with new gear and rewards past 1200 points.

> Splatoon 2 Information (links + translated tweets)
- pastebin.com/h04p6aqy
- pastebin.com/1wPYkZc9

> Splatoon 2 Weapon Stats
- imgur.com/a/eV8p0
>S2 New weapon stats

>S2 Headgear
>S2 Shirts
>S2 Shoes
>Big S2 Gearlist

> Resources
- pastebin.com/6UaR6zHL (embed)

> Wiki
- splatoonwiki.org/

> User Stats
- splatoon.nintendo.net/

> if you want to add your friend code before splatoon goes out use this:
- docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrpLqYcIcxHjNbeVoBql4HDGqUseArmbUePz71gXqBgHlHtA/viewform?usp=sf_link

> list of FC:
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y-zt8u4va5GuDYnX_ToKfRUFRHu-1izMtE6ifaRK4II/edit?usp=sharing

Other urls found in this thread:


Sex with Marie!

The Goo Tuber isn't shit!! It's a good weapon!!

amiibo cards splease

What's your highest rank so far, /ink/?


I managed to take out an entire team with the Goo Tuber, but I'll never be able to prove it because no capture card :^(

I want to perform oral sex on Callie and Marie!

#1 Hipster weapon

>Since Splatterscope was too mainstream and generally viewed as a good weapon, woomy decided to main the Gootuber instead.

I want to _____ Marie!

REMINDER to REPORT AND IGNORE all furfag posts in the plaza
REMINDER to give a "Yeah!/Fresh!" to everyone EXCEPT furfaggots (even if they're promoting the opposite splatfest team)


>longer charge time than the splatterscope
>less range than the jet squelcher



Since when could people level past 30 already and get S ranks? They did not restrict it this time around?

be enslaved by

Why are you still in C rank?

So Japan finally gets a splatfest that is the same as us. And they are still going to score it separately. God these splatfests have been a shit show so far. I can already tell this is going to massively skew potential results just like the last one.

H-3 is now good guys

Does my rank in Splat 1 count?

Marina fucking instagrams he shit instead of eating it.
Why am I not surprised shit girl is into that.

I can't say you did a good job censoring the names there.

Even if Splatoon was real life, they're like, the biggest celebrities of all time; you don't stand a Shrimp's chance in a deep-fryer with them.

Geezus; Pearl is beyond a Gremlin, she's a fucking Bridge Troll. Condiments are supposed to enhance food, not overpower them. She may as well shovel it out of a jar with her bare hands, or just shove her misshapen face straight in.

I am not a fan of ranked modes in any online multiplayer games. Probably because I have a fear of failure. I like to play for fun most of the time.

>Splatoon 2 General
Gee, what do you think?

went from B- to S splat zones in one rotation with the dualie squelchers today, I think they are pretty good

Reposting my template if anyone wants to give it a try

Reporting does seem to work. Or at least it removes the post from your plaza. That's what happened when I reported something under 'harmful or inappropriate'.

If you see furfaggot posts that have Twitter handles in them, you can report them for advertising and get away with it.

I want to hurt Callie with my penis!

reminder to +Fresh all furry posts and to ignore any anti furry posts, abusing the report system will lead to your reporting privilege to be revoked, join the winning team
a signature isn't advertising, but I wouldn't expect a calliefag to know the difference

Marie definitely has a thing for Agent 4 tho. Speaking of which where is that guy who was doing a fanfic about them

Tomorrow's SR weapon supply might be the best so far. It's got something for everyone.

Dual Squelchers / Charger / .52 Gal / Slosher

aw shit dawg, I've been doing that every-time I go out to the square to change gear.

I'd shoot a woomy with my Gootuber

Almost every furry post I've seen has been Team Mayo. Fuck off falseflagger furryshit

Wouldn't you? He's so much more hygienic than Agent 3 was.

>all furfag posts relating to the splatfest all support team mayo
Hmmm........ Really makes me think.......

+1 post for drawfags who never deliver

I'm a wee bit concerned about everything but the charger having terrible range but yeah it does seem pretty good.

They all also use crutch weapons

truly has one pondering

Can someone tell me why I should buy and use a clash blaster over a rapid blaster? Both are gimped in damage but with high fire rate but the rapid has more range so why would I use clash over that?

Dual Squelchers have huge range what are you on about

I mean Nintendo sucks at their online shit but if their kiddie games gets overrun with fucking degenerates they will either slowly abandon or crack down hard.

Why is the Rapid Blaster good this time?

Can't they be reported for advertising if they have twitter names?

I am a fucking inch away from changing my name to "FurBonfire" or some fucking shit.

There are fucking CHILDREN playing this game and yet the god damned furfags are doing THIS shit.

Oh shit you're right I thought it was just normal dualies.

Yeah it probably is the best loadout.

Twitter handles are advertising.


continues to be true

Man, this fucking sucks I only chose Mayo cause I like the little gremlin fuck over the nigress.

They changed its damage model. It will kill with any 2 sources of damage as long as one is a direct.

They buffed its damage, it has a great kit, and has great range over the other currently popular weapons (tri-slosher, tentatek, nzap, etc.)

yeah it is really obnoxious. I miss splat 1 and the miiverse. The posts were genuinely more innocent and cute. But since these are tied to twitter accounts this time around the posting is just god awful. Using social media accounts for this was a mistake

just reported that one. I don't even hate furshit but fucking come on.

What, based on her calling them cute?

Celebrities call their rat-sized Dogs that they stick in their purses "cute" too.

I'm not high enough level to actually buy the Clash, but I used it in Salmon Run and it seems like garbage: Chums have the same health as players right? If so it takes THREE direct hits to kill someone with!

yes, an @ with any letters after can be considered a twitter name and can be reported, the same with a /, I would assume.

get on twitter mate and report furfags, something will eventually happen

>picking based on idol and not theme

Serves you right

After 3 years I finally realized that you can actually use the Spy corner stab trick with inklings. Backstabs don't mean anything but it's easy to juke people out around a corner.

It's a whip because whips are cool and need to be in every game ever especially ones where they don't belong

Also tentacles are squid themed maybe

Speaking as someone who used it extensively last game, it isn't.

It's actually been indirectly nerfed in almost every single way. The only buff they gave it still makes it worse than an optimal loadout last time.

I think it's mainly because the scrub meta weapons are worse than the krackon while still being short range, so it's a bit better against them.

If it makes you feel any better, all the autistic people are on Mayo, so your team will probably win in the battle department.

Please don't make this a furry vs nonfurry splatfest, you're gonna make it insufferable if they win

>absolutely no one chose shitty sugar semi jam cause they prefer black ass over midgets

More like Gayonnaise, LMAO

>What, based on her calling them cute?
>Celebrities call their rat-sized Dogs that they stick in their purses "cute" too.

Man it's all over the place. "Don't die, I'm pretty invested in you" etc. etc.



i see posts like this all the time, dont try to bull shit me in thinking that they dont influence your choice in the least bit you faggot and you know it.

more like

Ketchup? More like corn syrup loooool

Ideally, I would trade the the gal in for a roller, so trash salmonid can get squished. Gals are not that great. But still, good rotation

>Marie will never stick you in her purse and call you cute

Why go on

I've seen this post in the plaza.

Callie? More like I love this squid forever and no one else can have her!

Not even the same guy. Search "Barkhemoth" or whatever the fuck.

Report both, anyways. Fuck furries. Gas them all.

I like Pearl more but picked Ketchup because I don't like Mayo that much.

Why are all fury fucks like bundles of fucking miserable edgy feces?

It's 2017


How should I prepare my anus for S rank?

I saw post like coming a mile away, which is exactly why I joined team mayo,it's going to be Callie Vs Marie all over again, we have the power of degeneracy on our side
>muh chilluns
what did you expect to happen when you brought your child to a grown man's show. complaining about furries in splatoon is like complaining abour furries in pokemon

That'd be cool. Similar to a roller, it could 1HKO, have Splatcharger range and if you held it down you start spinning the whip above you creating a circle of ink around you.

>Mfw Callie was wearing a thong

I've decided that I love all four idols the same amount.


stop playing ranked you'll be happier.

So why is there, at most, only 2 drawings featuring inklings in my plaza at any given time

I'd like to apologize to mayofags after all the bants and insults now that they have to be associated with them.

By leaving that heavy splatling back home.

I just wanted to shitpost about whips but that actually sounds cool. Thanks, user

am i good now?

Ok, this. This is a step too far and is unacceptable for this game.


>getting to the top of skatepark
>rain down dynamo onto the opponents
Good times.

is pearl the loliest of the lolis?

seems a little strong for a main weapon.
As a special it'd almost be balanced.

I refuse

>Gas them all
is that a confession?
this is a game for children you sick fuck
no it isn't, you should have known what you were getting into when you joined team mayo

Real talk though, who else was fucking disappointed that the final boss was literally an easier baby version of the first game's boss.

Some people drew a few furry pictures on not Miiverse. People asked them to stop so it made furries draw more and more.