I'm working around 40 hours a week as a developer. Work out 3 times a week and sleep 7-8 hours a night

I'm working around 40 hours a week as a developer. Work out 3 times a week and sleep 7-8 hours a night.

Recently I've been inspired by a friend and certain "hustle" speakers to work more on myself and my skills. I have many ideas I want to implement and things to study to get better in my free time.
Currently pulling 1-2 hours a day after work or working out of coding/studying and so far its been satisfying but how do I NOT GET FUCKING TIRED?
I'm 22 and in the best shape and health of my life, why is it that by 7-8 pm I am already so tired its painful to sit and watch my screen to code?

How do you "hustlers" handle this aspect?

Dev here. You're doing it wrong.

Coding day and night IS exhausting. You need to find a hustle outside of just monitors and keyboards.

I'm into real estate and working on starting to flip houses in my area.

It's also a good diversification. You need to build other skills.


Hmm fair point, even though my friend does mostly just this. What could I get into without money tho?

Jesus fuck user...

>flipping houses.

Just. No. Please...

What's wrong with that? The numbers look ok to me (not great, but not bad). I've been doing buy-and-hold REI for a long while now and thought I'd give something more active a try.

But, if you have other suggestions, I'm all ears.

Well, obviously, you'll need some money to start something. But as a dev, you should have some spare cash. My point is to not do what you always do and force yourself out of that comfort zone. Honestly, take it from me, dev work will turn into a dead end very quickly and you'll regret not setting up an actual business on the side.

I actually am working at my own startup and interning at another company in the meanwhile, trying not to have all my eggs in one basket. I'm about to graduate my BSc and going straight to Masters while juggling all these jobs + side projects. Have no idea what to look for.

I have the same problem. I would say the problem is the screen but I just use Veeky Forums instead. I guess coding requires a lot more active usage which is exhausting.

Unfortunately this is my only real skill.

Flipped houses in the Albany NY area. Trust me it is something you want to stay far far away from. The profit you make after taxes is so little it isn't worth the time and effort. Especially when you lose money and all your motivation and determination goes down the drain.

Thanks for the input

Yea, I've been talking with some local flippers here and I get the impression that I'd have to really take on more time and risk just to get parity on what I make from my cuck dev job now.

Still, thought I'd give it a try, but my biggest issue currently is even just finding contractors that are reliable. Most see "investor" and think "Oh great, he wants the flip done quickly but oh make sure it's cheap and oh make sure it's quality too!". I can just hear their eyes rolling over the phone. And I get it.

So, I'm now investigating more alternatives to side hustles. Need to get my income up.

what do you do?

>Tumblr filename
>No other sizes of this image found

im guessing her tumblr is not indexed

I didn't know you could do that.

A better option is buying real estate and putting it up for rent. You get a check every month and the option of rent to owns which can greatly increase your overall profit. Once sold you can avoid the cap tax by throwing the money in a third party escrow account until you find another house you want to put up for rent of higher quality. Rinse and repeat.

You either need more sleep or you're a morning person. Try sleeping longer and try sleeping the same but getting up earlier.

I did this and suffered for years but then I just started using my lunch break for sleep in the car. You can train yourself to within a week fall asleep within 5 minutes. Sounds like it won't be that much but even 30 minute lunch can work wonders.

then obviously have brought food and take it to your desk and eat there instead.

See if power-naps help you.

Also, try to estimate when your productivity is best. I work all day and all night, but I think some of my hours between 3-5am are wasted. I should probably sleep at 3am.

makes sense when you put it like that

this is really interesting, but I don't have a car, will try to figure something out tho

how much time is a powernap ?

I've already got a lot of income from rentals and other real estate. I'm looking for higher risk, higher return

Moar pics of this female pajeet

she's my indian waifu

I just take power naps at my desk.

One of the biggest reasons I do alternative sleep schedule is not just for its refreshing properties after a lunch break but it will fiercely eliminate "not a morning person". I used to be by far the worst morning person I knew, it would take me 30 minutes just to get up and 2 hours to really wake up and be functional. Now I consistently leap out of bed 5 minutes before the alarm is set to go off. alt sleep schedules are literally military tier solutions to sleeping. Hardest thing about this is going to be finding a place to do it if you don't drive to work. Seriously worth looking into.

Post her Tumblr.

>how much time is a powernap ?
For me, about 12-20 minutes.

Fucking hell, the developer meme is true

stop posting here you filthy pajeet