Losers edition
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Frames and Modding: pastebin.com
Tierqueer Filters: git.io
CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.3.0)
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/wfg/ - Warframe General
Adult operators when?
1st for best waifu
Is rebbeca a virgin?
>being slow
nyx is gr8 tho
Harrow sucks
>umbra quest has you sacrificing your boipucci for aa full fledged dicke
That is not a picture of Nezha
I'd like for them to have a few less chromosomes but their age is just fine
What changes would make Harrow good?
chat fucked for anyone else?
it is stuck at loading and doesn't load anything
Us making mixed warframe babies when
>660 blast damage in a fuckhuge AOE
>50% crit
never have I wanted a weapon more
I legitimately can't tell who's the girl
Im not sure it could be done. His design is fundamentally flawed. You could speed up his buffing process and change his buffs so that they dont depend on harrow doing all the killing, but then he's basically just a boring, passive buffer with some mediocre CC.
>using a shitty reaction image is now avatarfagging
hope you got 10bux
they're both female faces, it's like the first 12 are female and the second group are all male, though you wouldn't know it for some unless you look at the torso suddenly change when you reach the border
Who said there was only one?
plz respond this is ver serus
>finish building nehza
>see passive is increased slide speed
>put max slide mods on her (male)
>go faster than volt
This is fun.
>you look at the torso suddenly change when you reach the border
You'd be surprised how many people don't even catch that.
a girl can't have a baby with another girl user
and despite user's insistence to the contrary a boy can't get Nezha pregnant either despite all honest effort
any offensive attack
>black silhouette emits from Harrow
>retard strength energy blast or chains grip enemies until they burst into clouds of gore
Last for best waifu
What will happen first, self damage removed, Explosion radius Reduced, Damage increased, ammo increased, ammo regeneration like the Cycron, or increased fire rate?
This weapon is gonna be hit with a nerf stick so hard, nobody is going to experience once the 3 day grace period expires, so those who goy enjoy your mastery 8 corpus Bow Tonk while you still can.
Post more Becca, Loser.
>Not impregnating through immaculate conception
I firmly believe we are on the cusp of significant enough genetic, reproductive, and general biomedical technology thresholds being crossed to herald the dawn of a new age in which pure lesbian futa love can result in viable offspring, but just look at all the degeneracy the orokangs were capable of and tell me that's even implausible for operators
>exalted fidget spinner
>all enemies in range go full retard and are torn apart when you let it rip
but I like the idea of the using chains and smoky dark aura rell's tism specters had
this but video form
Off to a good start
I want to rape her so bad oh lord, please please please
Hi Mynki, did your cell mate tear open your asshole today?
it has a dick
it is not a girl with a dick
it is a fag with tits or a hermaphrodite at best
as such it is not lesbian just weird
and the orokangz were(?) (I have a feeling we will be seeing them again) immortal
I think they didn't give a shit about reproduction
Kuva Fortress extract tile is broken, this is hilarious.
holy shit lmao
your face is hilarious lmao
This is the second time Kuva Fortress extraction was broken.
+ mag cap, whats the disposition and how much does it add overall?
which has a dick? because what I'm suggesting is violating the natural order and literally growing a dick on a genetic girl, you mongrel
reminds me of when the sealabs tileset was newer and there would be nearly unfinishable exterm alerts and shit because sharkwing was broken and just never activated, it was a challenge to just reach the end if you got any of the bigger underwater tiles only I don't remember if we had coptering and air melee to use or the new parkour
I really want to buy this bow with plat.
you can use rocks to reposition yourself to the extraction level
working as intended
Or just tater dash to the extract point.
thats if you dont do something stupid like performing a slam atta-
dispo is just under 0.90
>violating the natural order and literally growing a dick on a genetic girl
if you do it to a fetus in the womb you would be creating a hermaphtodite
that fucking frost
>look how goddamn buff I am
>praise zyzz
>mfw steel bod
do you not realize that you're getting memed
do you not realize I am trying to enjoy my anger over here?
Peter, get off the internet.
I rather have a thousand TQ VS Tom Cruise arguments per thread than this shit.
that is one cute becca
but the dick makes it better
M I R I N '
you have 50-50% chance of being either gay or totally gay
>taking a gamble when people are paying 1k for any rolls
just get rid of it before it gets nerfed
you have 50-50% chance of not knowing when people are fucking with you or not being able to tell when comments are ironic
ironic that YOU of all people is saying that
Last time you did that you got proven wrong instantly, don't start this shit again.
What frame is good for solo endless defense or survival? I currently use chroma or Octavia for it but I'm not really satisfied with how they perform, which ones would you recommend?
Can you guys like masturbate before you start posting so we don't have to endure this embarrassing shit? Just as a common courtesy. Thanks.
How do I install warframe without steam, in a location other than appdata? I don't want it on my c:/ drive.
>actually putting in the effort to unveil them instead of selling them off to some shitter to buy more and sell for more
I don't know what is wrong with some people
did what?
We're currently having a long discussion about literal feminine penises and THOSE are the posts you have an issue with?
What's that? Post more art of the Warframe girls? Alright.
I want to sleep on warframe butts.
>implying I was even being ironic
I'm really just saying that in spite of the obvious anatomical and technological hurdles I think genuine girldick can be a reality some day soon and that a society as opulent and top-heavy as the pre-fall orokin would have probably been all about that shit, especially if their immortality hinged on finding novel new vessels to inhabit
I don't know if the installer lets you but you should be able to just move the directory once it's installed if not, maybe do a find/replace on reg entries if it made any for that instance
Sorry I didn't link all of the embarrassment. It's just there's so much of it.
Are you kidding me?
I honestly only do it because I find it better to assume that people are joking than that they're just actually this stupid but I'll stop now
this place is a hellscape
Oh shit, there was an updated version? Fukken saved.
what did he mean by this?
Do... do you not understand female anatomy? The venus mons? The female pudenda? Do you know what the pubic bone is?
Yours included for being so blatantly new that this kinda shit that happens every thread still annoys you.
Fuck outta here.
Are you actually asking someone on Veeky Forums if they know the female anatomy? The answer is going to be 'no.'
It's too small to be a bulj. Frick off
as a girl, I do not have a pant stretching bulge.
Fair point, pic related.
>as a girl
Evidence or fuck off. Also, you're likely not wearing tight enough, or thin enough pants to achieve that look. And you never will.
I really don't get this meme, I get that he has the look but come on, wouldn't that be a little on the nose?
>you're likely not wearing tight enough, or thin enough pants to achieve that look. And you never will.
why would I want a bulge?
why would anybody strive to "achieve that look."
>as a girl
Ask me how I know you're alone and/or a tumblr feminist.
no don't tell them I'm baiting these (you)s are the only nourishment I get all year
PoE was a mistake.
How do you know I'm alone and also a tumblr feminist?
Was it from my lack of a dickbulge?
When do we get to fuck kill Worm, guys? How do ya think this shit's gonna play out?
It's gonna be really shitty if they don't take the PoE big open fields and this shit huge design and make into a boss fight.
Can't kill children in Warframe. She'll have her own syndicate next year.
can you fuck off before posting in our general?
>can't kill children
Pretty sure I've seen my operator "die".
>there are this many newfags in every thread
I want it to stop
>kill worm
>tato becomes new grineer queen
>eats enough orojizz to get the elder queen's proportions
>frame does all the missions solo, tater replaces lotus
>ruk, hek and regor are your new besties and you kill all corpus forever
>grustrag-style custom clone companion that can use your grineer weapons