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yes this is shit thread

I can't get to rank 15. What the fuck man. I was close to legend a few months ago.

If I use Deathwing to complete the warlock quest, will it discard the portal or is it not added to my hand until after it resolves?

I want to them mouth

what decks are you playing

>barefoot in Northrend
These Death Knights are stupid

shit son

quick i need a deck that i can stuff this nigga onto

it probably wont
don't try if you have to craft the card though

Wonder what Arthas is gonna do as a card.
IF he is a card, I suppose.

>tfw I got to rank 15 on the first day after reset this month in EU with fucking n'zoth dragon paladin
git gud user

Do you have Wild cards? Play Dragon Warrior.

is this the worst way of keeping a meta in check possible?

I don't have a Deathwing, would anyone who has the warlock quest and deathwing and some time to kill mind testing it for me?

Are you stupid? They're undead


Which Death Knight do you think looks the best for now?

>No Khadgar

gimme like 5 minutes


That's because it's day 2 and all the legend players that surpassed you are also 15. Unless you really want to try hard or git gud and actually pay attention to the game, just meme for the first week and then climb

first for why isn't she still available

the worst thing is that Crawler is actually not trash if you don't hit a Pirate.

>finally able to draft paladin after being unable to after at least 5 drafts
>get matchmade exclusively against paladins who had a luckier draft


it will add it to your hand, kibler has done this

Taunt warrior, silence priest, dragon priest, aggro druid, midrange hunter, secret mage. Nothing works. It's all roughly 50-50 but I can't get any winning streaks.



Get fucked Jaina, 1v1 me Freeze ditto Final Destination

Is a handlock deck that uses the quest but only triggers it with deathwing as a last resort something anyone's tried?

i dont think so, seems like a neat secondary win condition

>Garrosh will never bend you over, and give you all 16 inches of his Gorehowl
Fuck man

you mean old expansions? yes, i do.

can you give me a list?

Murloc Paladin With Curator

Deathwing's effect triggers - Quest counts discarded cards from DW's effect - Quest completes, reward is added to hand

If you want to streak, don't switch decks ya loon.

Token Shaman/Druid and Freeze/Secret Mage are still probably your best shot, but you can literally play anything that's not Gul'Dan or Rexxar and succeed if you play well

play token shaman or control mage

cool, thanks, I might try that out then

Crab and Crawler need to have their text changed to enemy Murloc/enemy pirate so murlocfags and piratefags can't run it and sacrifice a 1/1 for the buff

whats the best control mage list?

The funny thing is that new Paladin card is a worse Ancestral Spirit, yet Paladin has so many good Divine Shield minions it might actually end up being played anyways.

Get Babbling Book, Cabalist Tome and Pyroblast and you're fine.

would you play this card?


Guenther Mage is fake news at this point, you either play hybrid Freeze or you're playing Secret Mage, with Crystal Runners and such on the SMOrc side and Burgly Bully Tony/Medivh on the midrange side


costs way too much.

Maybe if (You) stopped posting it every thread.

Never change, OCfags.

Does a spell cast count? If a mage pings you, do you win? Shit oc gaylord

>turn 10 or 9 with coin
>Primalfin Champion + Rigged Steed + new paladin revive
Would this result in infinite buffs/steeds unless the opponent had silence or hard removal?

>Any character
Why not only minions?
It sucks anyways, your opponent can trade minions or kill you anyways

Buffs don't stay after something is revived.

>no mage
>only shaman and warrior
>add in ooze and golaka and take out flare and secret eater
>suddenly 8 mages in a row
Not rigged guise :^)

>shitty 5 cost Ice Block for hunters

>at 10 wins
>spinning thingy gets stuck in a loop
>restart the game after waiting for a while
>you won your last arena game
is there a better feel?

>Does a spell cast count?
If a mage pings you, do you win?
>Shit oc gaylord
thank you for your feedback

You're welcome baby boi :3

Help me, /hsg/, the memes are pulling me in after opening a Voraxx earlier today.

I'm already sitting on 6k dust pre-expansion, but I was planning to grab at least 1 hero, the most decent legendary, Kazakus and at the very least 1 of the classic legendary dragons.


your turn

he giveth
he taketh

They might as well print this since this is all Hearthstone boils down to, competitive or casual.

this is what yogg is

In all seriousliness, this might see play as the last last resort in any deck

>giving majordomo away in wild.

the age of memes is upon us

>Hydra into Defile combo
Maybe Warlock will have memes if not a useful deck.

>quit game after explorers update
>come back
>the worst part about priest/mage with cards generating new cards into hand is literally fucking everywhere with the discover mechanic
>arenas being decided by who got to discover more cards

just let this game die please

You know you would need MUCH more setup for the defile to work multiple times besides just hydra + giveaway + defile, right?

*Blocks your path*

>inner fire


>crazed alchemist

Just Hydra into Treachery into Spreading madness my dudes

That's why I said combo and not just defile.
You will do it with Possessed Villager and Patron on the turn after you summon Hydra.

What a shit tavern brawl this week huh.

>Who would win infinite value creatures or useless ones xdddd

>Coin this turn 3
>innerfire + the 2 mana defender turn 4
Gets hexed.


Thinking of making the jump from Gwent to HS, never played HS but understand the CCG genre.

>How badly am I going to be fucked as a totally new player?

>Do people play their tier 1 deck in casual all day?

>How long until I can get a decent deck for any character? I don't plan to spend any money on this game.

>Any general tips?

ft. Butt mad pay to whiner

you can play for a year and make like 2 real decks. this game is fucking bullshit for F2P.

>coin this on 3
>play wee spellstopper on 4
>ez game

Costs 11 mana, you need a coin and this combo only works past t10/ t9 going into t10

very badly if you dont buy a t1 deck
budget pirate warrior

Which is why I said memes.
Also Emperor exists.

What will happen if the enemy board is full when you cast this card on your own minion?

Name a cuter card. You literally can't.

nothing, or it dies

Nope, just mad that one archetype gets to win every game and the other gets to bottom right.

If the card is so cute, why is it's text worded so badly?

Probably destroys it which will make for interesting plays

If it dies its quite a big deal, for example instantly triggering sylvanas


>tfw no leggos for 15 packs and counting
is it over or am i doing it wrong?

>that's a big deal!
>wild-only in a situation that never happens

this game doesnt give out free shit like gwent
after sitting there and scraping at dailies for like 2 months youll barely have anything playable

anyone know a good website or app to theorycraft decks with?

The game client isnt really friendly unless you already know exactly what you want, since it only shows 9 cards on a page and you cant scroll.

does the bug still work

Wait, what, this is fucking real?

I thought this was bait, jesus christ

