League of Legends General - /lolg/

Pentakill Kayle Edition
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floof tail

denounce azirfag TODAY!

Tell me a secret

crushed balls

xth for Sonas poor back

I want to BREAK this Vastayan's mind as I BREED her body!

>Pentkill Kayle
>not PentaKayle

god damn it

Reposting cause my thread timing sucks dicks

>be Rengar onetrick in LAN
>fucking tired as hell of this tank meta bullshit
>get notification from Riot's youtube channel
>literally mocking Rengar



>Less than 7 hours to the last telecom war
Let's go KT

vg vs vg +4

had it in the filename
blame riot

comfy bfs~

holding hands!

Her back may be poor

But her front made her rich!


>Stupidly walked under tower with no allied minions
>Naut was at 3/4 health and >6 lvl
Is this what LAN is about?

When is Riot making Irelia a loli?

bronze region bronze plays

>tfw you can tell the difference between a shitposter and an avatarfag

Im just as bad as them arent I.

One rule azirfag always had was naming his files. If it wasnt named it wasnt him. Or lewdposting, he doesnt do that either.

Best husband!!!!!!
Yay second graves poster is back!

>miss fortune is thiccer than sona
>but she's a Veeky Forums pirate and doesn't get back pain

another reason she's better than sona

I want to look EXACTLY like Diana!

I fucking hate having to work for a living.

Hold the fuck up, is that a pro match at the end?

Lulu is cute and loveable I cannot and will not understand anyone who thinks otherwise.


>Last match of promo series.
>Playing annie into zed, he gets too solo kills pre 10 minutes.
>Team losing, but not too bad
>Computer crashes, manage to reconnect ~10 minutes later.
>Team is winning the 4v5, game stalls till like 40 minutes when we lose a teamfight but kayne just manages to backdoor.
Feels good man.

>mfw SKT misses worlds by 2HP

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +4

crushed yordle balls

>Been playing since S3
>Almost never talk in chat aside from basic game things
>Literally can't remember the last time I experienced toxicity

>Leaguefriend complains all the time about how toxic League is, how everyone constantly rages at him, etc. etc.
>Decide to play a game with him to see what's up
>From minute fucking 3 he's raging at his bot lane
>They respond in kind
>Chat blows up with them arguing
>Meanwhile in skype he's messaging me "SEE? SEE?"

I need better friends.

/lolg/, what's his name again?

i want to kiss pentakill kayle HARD

grouped flatchester



Eh I admit to a mobile post or two, usually its the like the same one or two images I recently saved since I dont want to go up my backlog. But usually those come out as "IMG_XXX". Not many people recognize how I post. Thank you.


I love Riven so much!!! She's so cute and perfect!! I'm so glad she's my wife!!!

I refuse to play meta champs. No matter what I must always shitpick. If I'm not struggling every fucking game I'm not having fun.

i once accidently a lulu

xth for breast metal waifu

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +3

> fully grown men wrote these posts

think about that for a second

That would mean that both LongZhu and SSG have to beat SKT in a BO5

for all you newkeks:
4 ezpz steps to a better lolg


I want to help you murder Leona and then make love to you on top of her corpse but not until you look EXACTLY like Diana

I also hate working for a living

This bitch look like a buttugly martian.

Are you trying to tell me loli Irelia wouldn't be an improvement?


Watch your words mate.

>That's actually kinda funny.

>using the filter
>not enjoying the true and pure autism of lolg
learn to live

>Ray is a skinhead now



xth for Cute Ashe

You mean barely 20 y-o faggots, pedos and other degenerates?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +2

I'm in such a bad mood murder does seem plausible. I better do my best at it then.

>censoring your lolg experience
no ty famalamborghini

did someone just say BUTT UGLY MARTIANS??


t. lulucancer

stop cropping your images you cunts

>tfw in promos and three minutes in top lane and jungle give Tryn kills
>and then again
>and then once more for good measure

no sorry

Anyone in bronze or silver want some free wins? I'm a little upset about the climb on my main rn and I just want to stomp for a few games and pretend I'm good at league of leggo.

The only one worth filtering is that faggot that keep posting his thing, you know which one

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +1

Are league cosplay girls as slutty as they look, /lolg/?
What're my chances if I go to a con?

I was trying to boost one of my IRL friends to plat but literally could not get out of gold-- not only because he was low silver trash and severely weighed down our team every game, but would incessantly harass any lane that wasn't doing well, or when he was feeding, would collapse into a blackhole of toxicity and rage when he himself was criticized for anything.

Most games he would just tilt the entire team and make us lose easily winnable games.

Are you the poppy who carried me at 2 AM?
If so yeah Im good for more games, come earn that RP im giving you


Do you like fatties?

>What're my chances if I go to a con?
you specifically?

Will League ever be balanced enough that pros can pick comps and champions that they're good with instead of every team going with whatever's busted at the time?

Most people who go to cons stay in a hotel over a weekend.
What do you think

tfw my bronze v friend thinks that he will have better results staying out of bronze v by learning to play orianna and cassiopeia

As it is, I wouldn't even trust this guy to play Annie.

These two are made for each other and Riot just needs to make it canon already.

user... i'm pretty buff these days...

Yes. that cartoon series makes fun of fiesta plays

haha +3 now vg vs vg
+3 na vidya :)

but what's your elo?

That's pretty brutal for the pro players, isn't it?

What's in it for me?

a shame she and especially kayle got so little attention

but a fuck ton of karthus was shown so cant complain

>he actually still PLAYS league of legends


Did Kayle even actually sing in that song? What's even the point of debuting her there then?

vg vs vg +3

I drew a quick ahri (angry >:( )

No she didn't. I think it's to debut her joining the band?

The word balloon is pointing the wrong way

to sell her upcoming skin dummy

So we're still in the whole no one knows if Yordels are real despite the fact that there one in Ionia with kinkou order, Noxus general one and other which is a professor in Piltover

Screencap this

Shen is the victorious skin

pretty sure kayle is backing vocals and stage effects

>He doesn't know chicks dig elo

lmaoing @ you fanpai

egirl sluts want elo kid

shut the fuck up northernlion

Browse /co/ they blow dudes all the time.

give me literally one reason not to lie to girls and say i have a good rank if it's so important

vg vs vg
+1 na

The board full of art students are mostly fag, what a chocker

>Riot's """metal"""
They will never release anything as good as this

>decide to play some bot games
>people keep dodging

the fuck?

ITT: Post top 5 fav champs