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Rasputin uses frames, but he might not have any in the bunker proper. Or Bungie just couldn't be arsed to come up with appropriate debris to put in the appropriate missions/strike. Or Rasputin didn't bother to actually defend the bunker because Rasputin hasn't been simply a Warmind in a long time.
Im building a pc, and im wondering if i should buy the 1070 or the rx 56. /g/ fags, when do benchmarks usually come out for new cards
Is the OP getting bigger every thread?
Well, if you notice I used the word "presumably", which meant that what followed was inference, not fact straight from Bungie. Though, I have to ask, why would you assume that an organization would stay the same before and after the collapse, and after centuries?
We know Seven Seraphs was a group of higher ups in the Cosmodrome who set planned Rasputin's bunker before the collapse:
We know Seven Seraphs were a mercenary organization centuries after the collapse, as evidenced by my pic.
Is there any actual problem with Seven Seraphs being higher ups of a military spaceport before the collapse, and mercenary group centuries after the collapse?
Post your source, you headcanoning faggot.
Stop shilling your shitty videos, bdobbins is better
Also, barvo team is legend.
Saladin said he had "frames, constructs, things I've never seen before or since"
we don't know what "construct" even means in the context of Destiny
That was specifically the SIVA facility, however, which may not carry over to other installations. Outside of frames, which are a standard simple robot used all over the place. Though it could.
Well, that's better than headcanon, but there's still nothing in the game or grimoire so I still say Rasputin's symbol indicates Rasputin.
1st for titans and warlocks are not rivals
>That was specifically the SIVA facility
You mean supposedly, Not specifically. Because we don't know if he had it in other facilities since the iron lords have never been to other facilities.
Yes specificically. Saladin didn't suppose frames were killing guardians en masse; it happened and he saw it.
S-So do I, user? What lead you to believe otherwise? I'm arguing AGAINST the person claiming that the symbol belongs to a "Seraphim" organization that's separate from the Seven Seraphs.
>Yes specificically.
No, supposedly, because we're not discussing what we saw, we're discussing if they're just there or if they're in every faciliy you fucking nigger.
That's why I said "MAY not carry over to other installations" and "Though it COULD". Jeebus, people, this is why you should stay in school.
see even the guy that made the post understand what's being talked about, stop being such a fucking retard.
Fuck off.
>No, I always meant Seraphim. I said seven seraph originally because I slipped up. I can't believe how autistic you are to sperg over a typo.
No, you idiot, the correct word is "specifically". To say it is "supposedly" about the SIVA facility means it MAY NOT BE about the SIVA facility. But it is about the SIVA facility. Specifically. There is no evidence of constructs or others things at any other Rasputin facilities. In fact, we haven't seen ANY weapons of Rasputin's, not even in the SIVA facility.
Which does not rule out the possibility of some facility we haven't see having them. But the evidence we do have is SPECIFICALLY about the SIVA facility.
You think I could get from late rank 3 to rank 5 gunsmith? off of next week's prototypes
I'm trying to finish everything I want to finish in Destiny by the weekend after next but I'm not sure if I can do the first curse by then.
Have you ever considered the possibility that he's not pretending to be you, but in fact honestly believes that "Seraphim" are a separate organization? Because he is, in fact, that retarded?
>No, you idiot, the correct word is "specifically". To say it is "supposedly" about the SIVA facility means it MAY NOT BE about the SIVA facility.
No, its supposedly, because we're talking about whether or not they're in other facilities as well. Why don't you tone down the caps lock autismo?
maybe 2 weeks
then again you should wait for the aftermarket benches
but I'm sure at least 1 aftermarket will be out before PC beta (Aug 28) so everyone will be 100% sure
I have hopes it'll be well optimized
Did you play the beta? Armor literally only has a choice between which stat is higher. The mods are the bigger stat changers which I doubt will be from Eververse, now stop advertising your shit channel.
The statement SPECIFICALLY refers to the SIVA vault you triple faggot.
I'm being trolled aren't I?
>Those are specifically the SIVA facility.
They're supposedly SIVA facility because they could be elsewhere as well you moronic fuck.
What is the difference between the aftermarket benches? Also thanks answering anime friend
>which I doubt
>Have you ever considered the possibility that he's not pretending to be you
Considering he corrected "himself" over my post. No, he's pretending to be me.
At this point, just report this faggot, he's literally doing nothing but spamming youtube links. Advertismenet spam is against the rules.
It's theoretically possible that beta armor was some placeholder bullshit and launch armor will be different, but I find it unlikely.
the regular ones ("reference") have the stock blowers from the GPU maker and aftermarkets ("non-reference") have custom heatsinks and fans from some other brand
aftermarkets from other brands always have beefier heatsinks and better / more fans meaning less heat so stable performance can be pushed further
Entitled: "believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment."
In case you forgot the definition.
So you originally thought Rasputin's symbol was the Seven Seraph's symbol? But now admit that was incorrect?
Ahh okay. I'll just wait for the aftermarket ones. I'm just hoping to get one before miners buy them all out.
>this argument again
I think we'll get at least one more perk or perk choice.
I think it's some kind of destiny meme
like it got popular to go full defense force and shout ENTITLED whenever somebody had a criticism within the community, or something
stuff like that happens sometimes where everyone just collectively goes full retard because of mob mentality
any else excited to see what this thing has for perks ?
>So you originally thought Rasputin's symbol was the Seven Seraph's symbol? But now admit that was incorrect?
I still think it might represent seven seraphs. Because they got cut from the game as a playable faction so we never saw their symbol in-game. And if I have to be an Occam's Razor guy, a facility made by them has this, and only this logo plastered all over the place. Its more likely that a military operating system wouldn't have a logo than it is that an entire faction wouldn't have one.
That's what I'd like (specifically 2 mod slots for customization), but the beta was worrying. Destiny 1 beta gave you a perk on the green gear, and some Str/Dis/Int. Whereas our Destiny 2 beta /legendaries/ had what looked like a single mod slot. It's not a good sign, but hopefully I'm just being overly cynical.
looks like what those "high-class" stippers wear
iPhone has an apple logo on it. Not Siri logo.
Windows has a windows logo. Not Cortana logo.
New Monarcy hall has a new monarchy logo, Not hideo's name. Same for dead orbit and Future War cult.
They said the d2 beta investment game was totally not representative of the full game. Also the gear we had was 200LL, there's screws of 260.
this looks like it might be early concept art for the EDZ traveler shard
They did say any numeric value isn't indicative of the final version and we've seen that before. TTK screenshots pre-release had some 400 LL stuff and that wasn't a thing until RoI. And Y1 had some LL 40 screenshots before HoW release and that was never a thing, it capped off at LL 34 during HoW.
why not ?
In the game that we're getting, I prefer the one we got.
That one seems like it would need a way bigger world. Like that one looks like it would need at least Witcher 3 main map size.
Oh and btw how long does it usually take for the non reference card to come out?
>so we never saw their symbol in-game
You know what else you see there? Dead Orbit, Future War Cult, New Monarchy, and Cult of Osiris symbols, as the appear in the game. So it is incredibly unlikely that the Seven Seraphs symbol there isn't the Seven Seraphs symbol Bungie was going to use before the faction got cut. Not being in-game is an inadequate excuse.
You know what else isn't in-game? The Seven Seraphs. Which would mean that Rasputin's symbol couldn't be the Seven Seraph's symbol. Because there are no Seven Seraphs. If you're allowed to cite out-of-game Bungie info for the existence and relation of the Seven Seraphs to Rasputin, I'm allowed to cite out-of-game Bungie info on what the Seven Seraph's symbol is.
>a military operating system wouldn't have a logo
That's not a persuasive argument. I mean, we're talking about an AI in a Bungie game here. Bungie likes visual representations for their AIs. Halo AIs pick their form. It's not outlandish that Rasputin would have an identifying symbol.
And it's not like Rasputin's symbol is used on the Rasputin grimoire category or anything. The simplest explanation is that it belongs to Rasputin, instead of being an alternate symbol for Seven Seraphs despite only being associated with Seven Seraphs through Rasputin. It's possible you're right, but unlikely.
The evidence you have is wholly inadequate to confidently declare the symbol not-Rasputin's.
Oh I've been around for Entitled posters shit, usually he posts against things that can at least be a little entitling which is why I reminded him of the definition because nothing in my original post was entitling.
maybe someone here can do the "friendship ended with mudasir" pic but with titans and warlocks
Infusion is in Destiny 2, which means the legendaries being low LL is not indicative of anything in particular (maybe it's possible for them to drop in low LL Crucible/Strikes). And maybe gear that has multiple empty mod slots only shows one available slot. Or maybe they were still iterating on gear. There are possibilities. But Bungie's clearly moving to lower power, simplified systems from Destiny 2. And one way to do that is cut down on the number of armor benefits you get. It worries me specifically because Bungie didn't show it to us, and hasn't been talking to us about it. There's no reason to be cagey about the investment system unless you're worried about player backlash. Or it's still in development (this close to release, also a bad sign).
Bungie was more than happy to tell us about static rolls on gear. And more than happy to show us weapons. But they're hiding armor. It could be nothing. It could be something.
At this point you're just trying to be confrontational and needlessly aggresive, right? Because if you read the beginning and the end of that sentence you took out of context, you'd notice I said Because they got cut from the game as a playable faction so we never saw their symbol in-game.
We never saw their symbol in the game.
we didn't see their sym....
Oh I get it, you're the guy that said seraphim. you're shitposting from both sides. Okay.
Read the rest of the post, faggot. I specifically address that, in two different ways. You know what also isn't in-game? THE SEVEN FUCKING SERAPHS.
Checkmate, dumbass.
That's half of the "non-reference" part. Those manufacturers will almost always tweak the specs, clock and some physical parts of the chip in an effort to improve its performance further.
Now I know for a fact you're seraphim guy. I'm tired of your shitposting man. I'm out of this thread, enjoy your autism.
It could be you are entitled.
>I can cite out-of-game sources
>You can't cite out-of-game sources
Fucking pottery, man.
Yeah, I feel pretty entitled to you sucking my dick.
Just being a military IT asset doesn't mean that it will have its own logo but being a super-AI that is designed to control huge portions of society is practically guaranteed to have one designed for it. The logo is also art-student-tier anyway, so that's probably who they got to design it in-universe, that or some random intern.
>Implying some poor, overworked code-monkey wasn't forced to do it.
>Which is why its all simple, straight lines
Bet he used gIMP, too.
Can someone post destiny memes? I need to start a collection
here you go user
Which version of Windows do people recommend for playing Destiny 2? I need to get ready for the PC beta.
we wuz lawdz n shiiieeet
A bunch were made before release but most of them are shit, I'll post a few decent ones maybe
Even a lot of these are outdated, Minotaurs aren't scary anymore
>Minotaurs aren't scary anymore
That's because we have swords. Swords make everything better.
Arc Burn is also not as scary anymore, but these were fun images
>Blasting a Minotaur the fuck away with a void shotgun
oh, those were the days
man vex are fucking great antagonists
fallen are neat too but they're used too much as lore-less cannon fodder throughout the entire damn game when they're supposed to be a desperate dying race
Burns got nerfed from 3x damage to 2x damage, and there's the burn reduction armor perks. Though if you stack Small Arms with a Burn, it can be almost as bad.
>Arc Burn Small Arms Epic Wretched Eye
So are you saying I should use Windows 98 SE, or Windows 95?
best meme desu
Post your D1 waifus /dg/
Im going to use winds 10
I'm gonna try to make Vault Meat in D2
Why did most customization options look like black features?
Human characters were based on Olympic athletes, and a number of Olympic sports are dominated by WE WUZs.
some actually might release at the same time
it shouldn't be too long after that for the rest to release their ones
Post Gardeeuns
Except none of the weapons had mod slots, so we didn't see those in full either.
That's not even close to true, there's a single black guy in the top ten most gold medals and that's Carl Lewis at number 8. Michael Phelps is number one and he's the whitest person alive. Most are white except one Jap and a Latino.
Yes, but that implies that the armor we saw was final except for mods, just like the weapons. Which is not really a good thing, because I don't think they'll let us put two mods on weapons, which hints (but does not confirm) that armor gets one mod too.
"We haven't seen the final investment system" isn't exactly reassuring. It's a good reason not to give up hope, but it's not a good reason to assume everything will be fine. I'm not demanding everyone be as pessimistic as me, but I would like less ridiculous arrogance when making predictions. Though I guess it's entitled to expect people not to be raging assholes on Veeky Forums.
>top ten most gold medals
>most gold medals
user, what the fuck are you doing? That is an incredibly asinine way to translate "a number of Olympic sports". Consider, for example, the 100 meter dash. Or basketball. Though I made a mistake, it's sports stars in general.
The point was that Bungie was drawing from a pool with a lot of black people in it. And you know, with Ikora Rey and Saladin being black, and both Zvala and Shaxx being voiced by black people, it's not absurd to suggest that Bungie might have picked an above average number of black people as inspiration for character features.
>Unironically playing as anything but an Exo
good taste
To be fair, we haven't seen Shaxx's face
for all we know he's a white dude or a robot under that helmet, stranger things have happened before