That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
Jose Martin
Elijah Roberts
Easton Fisher
I don't particularly like the name, but I must post >XL Awesome >Civil war Pick one, rageagainstthedyingofthelight™, you fucking jew.
Ian Bell
Matthew Sanders
already did ;^)
Julian Myers
>tfw you facetank some lrm boat mad dog with backup small lasers with a locust just because you can.
Liam Rivera
>/btgerg/ You couldn't think of a better name?
Camden Richardson
I did, I like it.
Levi Ramirez
It's a nice compromise for that /btg/ sperg.
Owen Long
but he looks so happy!
Jordan Ross
Sebastian Cox
Hudson Stewart
I think people are joining the clan invasion que just to bail and push up their sides overall score
Jordan Cox
>not voting for tourmaline
Jackson Gonzalez
>rageagainstthedyingofthelight™ you have no soul
Lincoln Wood
That was the XL Awesome's username Letter to letter + trademark by me for emphasis
Xavier Gonzalez
Hi Greg
Blake Ross
>assaults with peel it off with my snubby and some ersl >crit them with lbx10 and they fall instantly life of a medium
Oliver Diaz
>32+32+21+13 >98 See?
Justin Lopez
>tfw you make some mauler's own heavy gauss' explode his sides with LMGs and medicine
Jason Hill
>drop some red smoke >peel off 30% armor from every mech it hits lmao life is so easy
Jayden Evans
red smoke is the sign of a shitter
Thomas Torres
bet you complained about grenade launchers in call of duty too
Henry Williams
not complaining, just know you're a shitter for using crutches
Cameron Butler
you're the shitter for complaining about people taking advantage of every tool given to them, are you a feminist?
Zachary Watson
if you use any consumables you are a certified shitter 2bh
Kayden Nguyen
>1 Player left in both teams >Ours is a streak boat griffin >Theirs is a stealth armor Commando >In frozen city He ended with 21 damage Streak boats need to go and stay go
William Anderson
>you're the shitter for complaining about people taking advantage of every tool given to them, are you a feminist?
are you ESL? >not complaining,
Michael Robinson
complain to the developers for enabling people to use such blatantly broken mechanics
Luke Lewis
>just finished decking out my LCT-1E >6x SPL, XL 190 >3 matches in Holy shit.
Aiden Smith
might as well use regular small lasers instead these days desu
Hudson Thompson
Especially now that IS have ERSL
Cameron Gomez
What mech can I use to carry 11 braindead retards every single game?
Dylan Ross
The best assault in the game, supernova. Easy wins 80% of the time.
What a baby bitch. Crying because he got banned due to excessive TK and shit talking? What the fuck was he expecting?
>I'm a nice guy in real life
2 minutes later (yes I watched the entire thing, why? I dont know)
>I cussed out a community manager
Honestly what a total faggot. Piggy sucks, but this dipshit thought crawling into the pigsty with them was a good idea.
Alexander Baker
He has some points about people in this game being actually brain dead and PGI not doing anything to make the matchmaking a more pleasant experience. That's why the best option for you is to just disable all comms and accept the fact that half of your team might as well not exist.
Robert Baker
He is pretty much on point having dumb players and shitters blocking your reverse space.
Not to mention the shear number of AFK ASSAULTS.
Matthew Nelson
where are my kills?
Owen Bennett
It doesn't matter if he is right or not. Do you think shit talking or TKing a potato shitter will have any positive effect? They are so goddamn stupid and ignorant that they don't actually process that its a cause-effect sort of reaction, they think they are simply being picked on or trolled. It's like slapping a retard for drooling all over himself. There is no point except for cathartic release. Starting a tk war almost always ends in a loss also, so if you are a statfag its directly harmful to your epeen, unless you are doing it on an alt account.
Ayden Rodriguez
>Do you think shit talking or TKing a potato shitter will have any positive effect? No of course not.
Jeremiah Turner
I will also add after watching some of his gameplay videos, that he appears to be an extremely mediocre player in general. You don't get to bitch about potatoes when you are potato tier yourself.
His content sucks, his voice quality sucks, his narration is stupid and directly contradicts what he is actually doing in game quite often.
>going to watch my heat here, don't want to shutdown >as he shuts down repeatedly, outside of cover
Just shit like that.
Overall nothing of value is lost. He's an aggressive dumbfuck that should have learned to keep his mouth shut, and could have learned a lot more by watching other actually-good players, than trying to create terrible 'content' himself and providing flawed analysis.
Levi Miller
>Kristian Radoulov
based pgi banning autistic dindu turboniggers
Thomas Lewis
And the next thread will be called /btsperg/.
Oliver James
Julian Walker
Lucas James
someone give me a quick rundown on how the heavy goose range works
Carter Ramirez
pgi so minimally viable, they couldn't even bother to get a screenshot where convergence doesn't make the lasers look retarded
I picked up Pakhet. Kinda mediocre at first, but it's doing well now that it has some skill points into it.
Christopher Bell
>be ecm light >bring 2 airstrikes >flank and spot >call team airstrikes when enemy is clustered >wait for the brawl/cluster >drop my two airstrikes to get kills and components hits friendlies too but who cares desu >400 avg airstrike damage a match
ez game
Ryan Long
Nice, been hearing good things for that one. Just wanted to try a missile build, usually not my style but MRM looks fun. Named it katyusha
Bentley Cook
Pakheet my son
Connor Collins
Super tempted to make a MRM40x2 Mauler to relive the MW:LL glory days
I think it can be done with a Light Engine decently but MRMs are terrible so I don't know if want
Ian Harris
He sounds like one of the types of people who would yell and scream at people because they don't have a meta build. I'm betting there's a lot more to the story about his ban and there's a lot of shit he isn't telling us that would show what an asshat he really is.
Liam Gutierrez
It took a bit of fiddling at first, but I'm enjoying this build with it so far. 4x SRM6s, three ERML, and the remaining space towards an LAMS, ammo, and DHS. It rarely survives for long because of how close I need to get to splat, but 48 damage punches are enough that even assaults feel it.
Thinkin' about swapping out the arms for trying other builds, not sure what I'd want to do with it though.
Jose Cruz
How you even get banned in this shit? I've been teamkilling and talking shit since the beginnning and yet to recive a letter about my behaviour.
Oliver Parker
Is the hero mech sale still on?
Colton Gonzalez
Benjamin Ramirez
nope, ended.
Justin Clark
You don't need an assault to do MRM80
Tyler Russell
>explains how he sperged out all the time, how it was 100% bannable and how he got banned for it >but it's the other peoples fault for making him sperg out >spergs out for being banned again for sperging out again The cherry on top is how his voice is faltering at about 8 mins. Also, I think you really need to ask to be banned for that happen.I have never been banned and I have been red smoking my team, legging lurmies and calling their grid on chat, being Hitler reincarnate on chat and VoIP and blocking fuckboys from backing up. I made one guy cry for fuck sake. Just what kind of monster has this guy been?
Hunter King
Forgot to mention that I have been the de facto Hitler of MWO since the open beta. Never even beep from moderation.
Jayden Gray
He's a stereotypical hyper-awkward introvert that thinks everyone else is at fault for his autistic ragefits
They can't properly differentiate between crying and anger so when they get mad they tear up and their voice gets wavery.
Not sure if autism or just extreme social anxiety but he is pretty stereotypical.
Isaac Young
Same, you have to be retarded to get banned.
Justin Cox
>mfw I report every faggot that suicides on frozen city because they got bored and threw a bitchfit over their team not immediedly pushing I don't know if it does anything, but I hold out hope I'm helping to fuck someone over.
I've reported people so often that I've gotten emails from PGI asking me not to submit frivolous reports.
Angel Morales
>ECM laser vomit/dakka vomit 75 tonner with JJs
Luke Nelson
>Thanatos hero >RL boat oh boy, dis gun b gud
Michael Bell
Argus when? Chimera when?
Angel Rodriguez
Carson Nguyen
Carter Smith
>MRM fist laser vomit 75 tonner with jump jets YES
Asher Sanchez
>btfo >by a fat IS heavy with deliciously large side torsos Poor thing is gonna need its quirks to avoid getting turned into a zombie every match
Ayden Ross
>MechWarrior Felix Grimstead is still not sure he remembers exactly how he came to pilot the Hangover. Then again, he doesn’t often remember all the wrong places he’s been or all of the wrong people he’s met. He even thinks his BattleMech once had a different name. But after several years of work on the planet of Swartklip, where he continues to boast he’ll be leaving but somehow never does, the new moniker seemed appropriate.
>During an extended engagement with raiders, a combination of damage and low supplies forced him to refit the ’Mech with a bevy of rocket launchers. In fact, several such abysmal maintenance cycles forced him to revamp the weapon configuration several times, which ultimately gave him the most sophisticated rocket-launcher-armed BattleMech in the Inner Sphere—a joke he loves delivering in a bar or on a victorious battlefield.
75 ton splatbomb confirmed
Nathaniel Morris
>implying it's not going to be superquirked IS assault-heavy
Oh clammy!
James Harris
But this isn't a Black Lanner or a Chimera, PGI, what do you want from me?