/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

GREATEST ship ever made and soon t8 freexp ship with a 32mm bow and radar EDITION

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>Dunkirk Event

>Gallant Premium

>0.6.8 LIVE

>Smoke changes NOT HAPPENING

>Ranked Live!


>Captain Skill calculator

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germans killed this game like the rest tbqhwy

Here lies /wowsg/. Yet another victim of discord.

>ship lags every 6 seconds
>lose fight because have to click 3 times to fire and it shoots behind them

This thread is about to die like the last one.

hi greg

Reminder Graf is ruined forever and not worth a penny now. Thanks for fucking it up, WG. You do what you do best.

The madmen, I hope they change it for live. I want my soft girl.

Try safe mode or a different ISP. Even installing a older windows OS fixes some errors, albeit not the lag one.

I'm just going to bump this once but if I see the thread at page 10 again, I'm letting it die.

Does anyone even care for the RN BBs?

I playd last time a year ago.
What's new?

Too much CA at high tier.

tons of new lines, mechanics changes like removal of stealthfire.

Anons that play Iowa. Do you have any problems being in T10 battle?

Nope. She can easily thrive in T10. And being thinner when bow-on helps in not getting deleted by Lolpen guns and fit through torpedo spreads. She's pretty damn fast and stealthy that you can do hit-and-run tactics, which is very effective against the very passive T10 meta.

I wanted Nelson, so you can guess.

Pay some shekels, dearest customer

You can also kite enemy cruisers and battleships, or run from a dangerous situation.


>tfw starting to panic thinking I haven't put on a camo because it didn't want to render it untill 1 min into the game
fucking slav coding

Is something like this would be a good captain skill combination for RN BB?
FP and BoS because I feel like they will be favored targets for fire spam, and CE because cruiser tier concealment is too good of proposition to pass up.

>try soviet DDs
>250 hits
>160 shatters
>30k dmg
>3 fires
>literally did nothing but shoot superstructure
gunbotes my ass

just have to git lucky

>With BoS, anti fire flag and BoS module Conqueror can heal full damage of 4 fires using 1 heal
Rule Britannia

>Lost radar
>Lost AA
>B-but we have heal
Grasp those straws.

>Lost AA
It still has AA of Montana (okay, a bit worse). Good enough.
>Lost radar
thank fuck. Because radar on a BB is stupid.
>B-but we have heal
And one that allows you to completely heal 4 fires or 1 complete flooding. (if you take BoS and -flooding/fire duration module)
Anyway the point is, RN CL heal is extremely powerful tool in hands of a BB, since unlike CL they are much more often in situations where they can fully utilize its power

>next battle
>only DD in team
>try contesting cap
>have Moskva's support so this is fine
>enemy udaloi spotted
>well whatever, I'll just heal after the knifefight
>one salvo away from first blood
>freedomed for 20k by enemy Missouri from 17km while speeding 47kts
p-praise rng

>Just spam HE in Ibuki, goy
>21 HE pens
>0 fires

myogi is a bad why did i even grind up to this

Use DE.

Don't give up, user. Kongo is well worth it.

Kurfurst best turnfighter!

>tfw want to club in zuihoe but don't want to go through nip low tier battleships

I already do.

>Lower RPM than Myoko at tier 7
I feel like I'm missing the joke.

>I feel like I'm missing the joke.
reload module?

But the shiny and chrome many balans Zao aaits you at the end.

>wanting an even slower turret traverse

You're going to witness me before I ever reach that thing. I especially like how the max range meme people advocate means even BBs can easily dodge Ibuki's HE rain. Then you get close because you actually want to do damage and git citadel'd from every angle.

Sure, if you want BB tier turret traverse.

Use range module and sit at the back of the map being useless. It's all that ship is good for, aside from the occasional stealth torp run.

It's only 30 seconds of turret traverse. Nothing too major.

30 seconds is fucking major when you're forced to constantly WASD and want to keep at least some of your guns on target.

Okay. I just used reload on BMore and had 0 problems with traverse.

>mission to kill 3 ships in one battle


>He doesn't get kraken every game
What a shitter. laughing_dragons.jpg

>he doesn't get solo warrior every game

Fuck yeah! And no more shitty modules
>100 garbage flags
T-thanks wargaming

>And no more shitty modules
Who the hell said so?

Nobody, but you're not effectively guaranteed to get them every drop any more.

Balti has much faster base traverse. She also has 2/3 of her armament up front and can bow-on meme like Des Moines, meaning she has to traverse her guns over less. Ibuki has neither of those things.

>Ibuki has neither of those things
Ibuki has nothing.

i have a impression that after battle of jutland BB's become just useless fuel chugging steel coffins for their crews useful only for shore bombardments, why ww2 obsolete by aviation battleships are so popular when the early ones were actually relevant in their time

Skirine 2000 GT-r?

>get a 2000xp game in Nagato
>2/3 kills


Because they're more aesthetic. Also nobody prior to ww2 expected BBs to be this useless and carrier groups to dominate this hard.

>Balti has much faster base traverse.
They have identical base traverse of 30s/180 degrees.
I agree with the rest 5x2 is kinda stupid

Oh yeah, forgot she got that buffed at some point.

How do I git gud at Warspite? The guns are nice but she's soft as a cruiser and everyone knows she's an XP pinata.

lmao you bought warspite

I got her ages ago. I couldn't resist dat superstructure.

nr1 rule - don't show your broadside, try to have a good position so you are angled at most of the enemies, avoid getting focused by sticking together with your teammates bb and cruisers

Her main advantage is overmatch memes, so try to avoid exposing yourself to too much enemy fire and slam big salvoes through peoples' faces when they try to bow tank.

What is happening to Nelson? Why is he a prem?

Bully everything with guns below 380mm, fear everything above that.

Wargaming decided that WoWS wouldn't be able to survive another techtree Izumo.

Wasnt it just a better Izumo at T7

Why are teebs so spoiled?

I'd prefer Nelson over non-existent shit.

Did WG really cancel the smoke change? BaDDies win again

I'm more concerned that it's the bong CLits that win again.
Soviet gunbotes hardly ever used smoke anyway, IJN used it mostly to break vision and gtfo, even with the smoke nerf KM would have enough time to smokehydro rape everyone in the cap and USN used it mostly to cover teammates so they wouldn't be directly affected as much and also would have enough time to spam stuff left and right anyway due to low caliber guns not having that big of an impact ion smoke fading.
Also it'd fix smoked up Yamatos devastriking shit with impunity, so actually the baBBies that would suffer from the smoke nerf too.

>Brits will have less actually built ships than Krauts
Rule indeed.
Can frogs collect enough material for 6 different tiers?

>tfw USN is the least napkin of all trees


>Now, let's have a quick overview of "nerfing" smoke thing.
>The most important thing you need to know is that main driver for the change is competitive meta. By competitive I mean not only locally hosted tournaments, but also Ranked and division play (partly, yes, I know it is not pure competitive) and, what has huge value, upcoming Clan versus Clan combat. What is the problem there? The smoke meta, and even smoke + IFHE meta. It is efficient, not fun, it leaves too little space for other tactics and..hell, we don't want it to be "hide your North Carolina and IFHE Chapayev in smoke and scout for them" every battle. Actually, the whole idea is NOT to nerf smokes - it is to nerf BB in smokes and shooting crowds in smokes.
>On the other hand, we don't want to harm Random battles, which are still majority. We are 100% fine with Akizuki, Fletcher or Neptune setting smoke and firing from it. We're also fine with these guys setting smoke for friendly battleship for protection/repair, but not for stealth bastion thing!
The nerf is still coming, but it's supposed to target battleships.

I like that they're trying to target battleships but random pubshitters in their Yamato blowing away my Minotaur smoke in one salvo is going to be really fucking annoying

It feels like smokes in randoms are the biggest retard magnets.
>friendly fiji smokes up
>all your baBBies make a hard turn and expose their entire broadsides so that they get into that smoke
>by the time they get there they're shitadelled to oblivion, but it doesn't matter cause they get to use smoke for 20 seconds or so
>they push the fiji out of it
>fiji gets rightfully pissed but they shit all over him because 'durr you should smoke teammates'
>they shoot themselves because they're so close to each other
>enemy poi gets the easiest high caliber in her life


I want to be smothered between Takao's big tiddies



They just lost a player: I just won't grind RN BB

>everyone thinking musashi will be next free xp
>we get a cargo ship instead

>Tirpitz is the second most played ship on T8 on EU.
>Bisco is the most played ship on T8 on EU having 19% share of all ships in battle last 2 weeks.
I think WG should buff Germans some more, they are clearly unattractive option for players.

Why would they make Nelson, the name ship, a premium? Why can't they make Nelson a tech tree ship and Rodney the fxp equivalent? They could even give it radar or something to entice the P2W crowd, ffs





Yeah no regrets uninstalling this game a week ago. Goodbye /wowsg/.

So what's the deal with high tier German BB anyway, why is the Bismarck impossible to cit anywhere but you can cit FdG and GK at long range?

Goodbye user, from whatever server you were

Because one was (over) designed by ze German engineers while others were glued together by drunk Vladimir.

So it should cost around 250k free exp, right?

I still don't get why they chose that out of the 24 prototype designs when it makes the less sense.
What's the point of having all front turrets if you can't fire the third one without angling like 50° anyway?

We did it reddit

They justified Missouri's free XP cost by claiming unlocking a tier 9 with all upgrades on a regular line would cost around 750k XP. So, just check how much it would cost to elite the tier 7 on the most expensive BB and you'll likely get a good estimate.

Because WG wanted to troll all weebs by making them go through the biggest turd they could find to get to Yamato.
That is the only logical explanation.
Or they simply rolled RNG and picked design that came up

My reasoning was that Scharn costs 9500 gold. So if you use 25exp per 1 gold converter you will get around 250k free exp (237k to be exact)

WG is not exactly known for consistency when it comes to farming goyim, so your prediction sounds as plausible as any.

>either Nelson will be cheap and I can get it easily
>or Nelson will be expensive and Mako will have to spend hundreds of pounds

Why do they keep collaborating with all those weeb franchises then?

They're just lazy and cheap.
>Slavek, should I be of payings for 10 or 11 prints of blue ships from yellow cykas?
>More payings means less vodka
And that's why they had to use Izumo.

Mako is a wealthy Australian business owner, buying Nelson would be no problem at all.

See you by the end of the month