Dota 2 General - /d2g/

Go to sleep edition





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1st for fuck universe
Here are this year's banners

nth for Bulldog is a retard

LGD cheating.

trove carafe when????
lockless luckvase when????

wasnt the shooting on the left fake though? I mean wheres the blood?


Reminder that the script is NA and EU tie



Was it?

>Liquid will throw against LGD tomorrow
Just end me now.

what is up with this washed up ogre

why would Liquid throw? Is Ruru paying them?

Because they're arabs.

Reminder that Fata is the only good player on C9.

Need a dotard version desu

>C9 0-4.
Get fucked idiots.


Can someone explain to me how exactly is EE a pro player and some people even consider him good? I never paid much attention to him but last night i watched 2 of his games one of which his team had a pretty solid lead in the early game and he still had literally zero fucking farm as 1.

Is he financing these teams or why are people willing to put up with someone playing so bad?

For anyone wanting some game recommendations, I only came in near the end of the day but DC vs OG game two was entertaining and a great example of why Bulba should not be a competitive player.

Who the FUCK do I pick for my fantasy team in day two? I literally suck huge cocks at doing this.

because memes, leddit, and weebs
he's basically becoming a numale version of dendi but without the past success to somewhat back him up

Reminder Valve has scripted this TI to be LGD's win. Wonder why they haven't said anything about the API key? They know most of the money is coming from China and gaben will do anything to suck their tiny chink dick

thanks user.

>Notail hates EE/his fans
broken clocks, etc

I've never heard of it being fake desu

The West gets the win this year. What they do is modify the RNG.

>Wonder why they haven't said anything about the API key?

What does that mean?

Looks like a 007 film.

Post yfw C9 get eliminated in group stage.

this literally looks like it came out of a movie

>killer wears a suit
Damn, I guess you are an American, right?

I thought you'll get 3 pts if you win 2-0. What the fuck is this mechanics?

Heh yeah

do chinese have souls?

Chinks do not qualify as human beings due to their lack of empathy and morals

How bad my shit gonna get fucked up tomorrow?

Can Chappie still play?

Some do, but there's definitely some malignant thoughtform feeding on the souls of mainlanders.

this burning is a good carry meme needs to end

There are people who fell for the C9 meme and put C9 players on their fantasy roster.

I seriously hope none of you spicy lads here on /d2g/ used a single C9 card.

im sorry user. i used pie and mss
im so very sorry
all i can feel is remorse and regret

I had aui desu


Wait this was a real assassination? What the fuck. I've seen that dude so many times I thought it was just a part of some movie, especially with how much /tv/ posted with it.

do I recycle all my duplicate commons and use the 103 dust for two premium packs?

Virgin is Pieliedie chad is puppey

>not EE

>the virgin retirement vs the chad kicking from the team

Xxs seems like a terrible pick. B-god usually doesn't show up big time till playoffs. Good if you have to put a carry but choosing 2 mids is probably better.

LGD owner ruru possessed or still possesses an API key that allows them to see the matches of every team even private scrims history thats not made public. so they basically have a cheat sheet on every team, what strats they tried in scrims, if they have any cheese strats etc.
Valve never said they disabled the key even though its so important to the competitive integrity of the tournament. They could easily say in a one sentence post on twitter or anywhere else that the key is disabled but they didnt and so we can't assume the key is disabled

Is this a good idea? I think they all play 3 sets tomorrow.

>that feel when most my gold cards are for shit players on shit teams

Pie looks like him visually though. Small frame, pale skin, glasses

these are so fucking bad. only the original was somewhat funny

personally i dont think blue card is worth it even if the player is good unless its someone like miracle or sumail thats guaranteed to always have a good game even if the team is playing shit. the bonus is just too good to pass up

>using gold cards this early
once you use cards, theyre un-recyclable and dead in place forever, why not save the golds for the playoffs so the bad ones can get recylced into more

lgd play only 2 sets, lfy play 3. id rather have xxs than eleven and boboka over lil

reminder that bulldog has his dick inside sinned's anus right now while you troll a chinese forum in your mom's basement.

Is this TI going to fare any better than previous TIs in terms of quality of games? It feels like we'll never go back to TI1-5 quality of games again.

jokes on you live on the 2nd floor

Ew anal is gross. Why would you want to get poop on your dick?
Also fucking whores is nonaccomplishment to be proud of. It's a lot easier than staying a virigin desu

I don't troll desu

Offlaners don't usually do good compared to other roles and he was only a blue. Unless you would have put Old Eleven, you'd basically be where you were.
Implying it's a throw and not simply not being able to stand up to tricore of Maybe 11 Ame and Yao shotcalling+API key.
He looked the worse of everyone today. DESU Aui is the only good one but he's playing like shit for some reason.
We have more than blacks and muslims

sea deserves only one spot
na deserves only one spot
cis deserve one more spot

>bet on both infamous and execration getting eliminated immediately
>it might actually be fnatic and c9


someone dump me some dota related reaction pics

this is the only one i got

>nigga just got shot
>gunman still alert
>this guy still takes a kino shot



I don't know about Group B but I won't count out Fnatic yet. It just happened that they fought 3 teams that's better than them. However, whether they tilt because of the 3 loss is another thing.

I'm impressed she found an actual branch

You forgot mentinoning that LGD can also see the porn we have on our browsers tabs. So careful, Ruru knows what you have been fapping to over the last 4 months!!

Fear and woe elusive (literally) ''''''API'''''. It will (and is already) spoiling TI.

Someone link that Invoker ???? Pic

guys please help

you say that as if putting your dick in sinned's asshole is somehow desirable in any way

Any games happen today that're worth watching?

she only has the API key for Perfect World, she can only see Chinese matches you know unless Valve did something really stupid


Fuck off

Animefags are literally just like furries. They can't keep their shit separate and have to spread it everywhere like some living cancer.

Watch the drafting stage of g2 tnc vs eg to see sh1t final ban a fucking PL

EG vs TNC game 2.

>how to motivate your team

It's real, it's some Turkish guy assassinating a Russian ambassador.

Thanks m8

what a good way to waste your golden tokens

No joke. Just invite all pro players as talents.

I don't give a fuck about who's trying to be entertaining or who says the best jokes or who wants to be a meme, I just want to hear people who actually know shit talk about dota instead. For all its worth, CCnC said some really interesting shit and iceiceice's entire stream earlier was actual gold.

This whole game is a waste who cares


To be fair though, Raven also plays PL and sh1t can't expect that PA will be picked.

hory faku

Well, the panel earlier of CCnC, Blitz, and Pajkatt is a all-pro one

But then all the useless scene orbiters will cry on reddit and redditors will come to their defense and valve will cave as usual



is ruru cute

Reminder that mute button is THE best caster for 5 years running

Guess what hot stuff.
Today and today only you can buy my used Underwear.
Yours for the low low price of $90.
I've had them on for a week straight.
That's quite the bargain if I do say so myself.

Who were the most impressive and disappointing players this group stage?
Impressive- Reso (expected Empire to crumble with no practice but they did aight)
Disappointing- either the return of secret.universe or og.sh1t

did she show up at TI7?