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KING’S KNIGHT announced for Mobile & Fishing game for PSVR
XV manga incoming
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Regalia being added to Forza Horizon 3:
Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer Expansion Comrades:

>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
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>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
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Should I do the starter job pull on mobius? My current jobs are judge, knight, rogue, and assassin. Should I get all three?

Come to think of it I remember reading about Tasia Valenza getting in on a FF project pretty recently too. Unless she's credited for Melusine or something, that's another English Dissidia VO.

>Still no Mobius anniversary info

Yes and yes.
They come with the skill cards maxed out, which alone is enough of an appeal if you ask me.
At worst it's 9 tickets to remove three jobs from the pool.

After 9S on the Nier banner, what are the other good upcoming 4* bases? Looking at the upcoming banners it seems like the only real must have is Mistair way off in the distance, the rest seems like TMR fodder for the most part.

What info do you want, it's all up on the news section

Crowe from the Kingsglaive banner for being a top tier magic unit with both support and damage options, William with his first true mage chaining, and Yew from the BD event for his absolute god tier TMR are the biggest 4*'s to look forward to.

I mean info in the OP.
I'm about to just watch and make the next thread myself to make sure it gets in this time.

The FFXV multiplayer beta begins in 4 hours and 30 minutes.

When did the Gilg cheese strategy become a thing?

Since the Safety Bit came out, which was like 3 months ago. Honestly if you still have problems with him now that Rikku's out and wol has his 6*, you're doing something wrong.

Because gltchshitters couldn't do that anymore

Are we gonna play together senpai


Anyone here on PS4? I have no friends to play with and dunno if there's gonna be matchmaking.

Why is Lightning so shit? I haven't even played XIII and I know she's shit.



I like how this keeps zooming in on the full plate armor guy looking for a reaction from him

t. Bhunivelze

I know what we need to save this thread.

Snow pls.

esper terra will save this thread

>Sky Fortress Bahamut
>Expect a huge, complex dungeon
>It's just two rooms and a lift that goes straight to the top
Did they run out of budget or something?

Didn't have enough dungeoning in the Great Crystal?

Yes. FFXII's development was insanely strained. 6 years.

i'm going to FUCK iris

Good luck.

I want to HUG Prompto, he's such a good friend.


Mine sucked, although I got the one desireable card from the first anniversary batch

New Mobius player here, is there any point in holding off on the free Greater Summon or should I just do it now?

For the first time in months I didn't get 1/11'd, what do you know.
Glad I finally I have something for Ramza and another villain BSB.

Do the free one now, no point in waiting

Complete husbando (Gladio) or FF30 Fest?


fuck off faggot. no gays allowed here.

After seeing its massive size in the cutscenes, I actually was kind of excited for another Great Crystal/Pharos-tier dungeon. It's a real shame you never see more than one floor.

Is the 300 lapis deal over?

>we never got the men/women of the hour lucky draws
>we never got the guaranteed 5* single pull
>we havent had any of the element lucky draws
why goddess

then why are you here?

You mean guaranteed OSB? Yeah.
Because GL always gets the shaft in any mobage, and DeNa doesn't give a flying fuck in particular.

Because GL FFRK is fucking garbage and keeps cucking players out of content like collabs or bard motes

>collabs or bard motes

I got my first supreme, not the best but still quite good. Time to start working on Berserker.

>half energy in realms
good stuff

I see free does not mean good

Anything decent here?

Leviathan is decent


Are these pupu cards worth farming and maxing?

Oh fug, i've got supreme from greater summon! Which account should i play? Soldier first class+ neo exdeath supreme or judge magister + thornberry job?

S1C + Neo is a pretty good combo

>Emprah BSB
>Maria BSB
>Guy SSB
>Leon HotE
>Minwu with no fucking relics

I'm still not sure. I think I have enough to win the D200 CM but without a medica other than a shared one, I might not even get the chance to use them.

>Bard motes are needed to hone Curada to a usable rank
Heh, newfag

I CM'D with only one relic (Leon BSB)
Git gud, newfag


In Mobius why are there random icons of players on the map? The new anniversary event has mr_dead for instance, if it's a ranking thing then why not on every node?

It's just a "players near you" kind of thing.

>doing the usual 3 runs for daily quest
>kill ultima like always
>one ultima demon just nanoflares gaffs, other casts Ultima
>Ultima visibly only deals 3000 damage to all my units
>suddenly they're all dead
nani the fuck

Happening Monday night Japan time.

fuck off, autist cancer shit

Why was the materia system so perfect and how did they go from that to the magic system in VIII?

Junction was a neat system though, fuck you haters. Every criticism is always "hurr I don't want to draw 100 spells" when it takes like 2 minutes to draw a full 100 stock of most spells unless it's Ultima or something.

FF is a series that reinvents itself every time. The materia system was an advanced remix of the magicite system from FFVI, deciding to take the "slot and mix" system further. The Junction system of VIII is taking the same general concept even further, in fact too far. Instead of slotting in a single esper to a character, or 4~14 materia depending on a character's gear, you have to slot in 16 GFs and 20+ magics to every single character and their stats and their elemental offense and defense and status defenses. By turning magic into an item-like resource pool it became ridiculous, and a headache, and trivial to abuse.

btw, if you steal mana from the wing lady, she can't do shit besides attack. Gaff has a mp steal attack.

Take out the side demons first next time and just steal mp from the wing lady.

It was one of their better mechanics for sure, but it's a bit fiddly. Magic and junctioning is a lot easier to understand.

What I want to know is how both their MMOs have had a materia system and neither have any bearing on your active abilities. They could have a make your own character, ability system with materia at the center and it would be super fun.

What party do you guys main in VII? The 3 member partys were one of the few things I wasn't a fan of.

Materia would be cool if the game wasn't hilariously easy. I think you can get through most of the game with basic attacks and healing spells, it's like Mystic Quest or some shit.

Materia is far from perfect. Early game, selling your ethers for grenades is much more efficient than magic damage or basic attacks. Later on, enemy skills do everything green materia can do except cheaper and better (compare big guard to barrier+haste, beta to fire3, trine to bolt3, frog song to transform, and so on). And in the late game, you don't need to worry about green or red materia at all except for KotR. Mime and other commands+support dominate.

basically magic sucks in ff7, and the best materia are the supporting colors.


All girls, because girls are cute.

Aerith Tifa and Yuffie

they are coming next, right my dudes? i can't take it anymore

5 party system was the best

Depends on the progress in the game. I use Aerith and Barret in Midgar to Kalm. From Kalm to Cosmo Canyon, I use Red XIII (only source of Haste). From Nibelheim, I use Tifa (she's overpowered in this game). And Cid later on.

My favorite team is Cloud/Tifa/Cid or Cloud/Barret/Cid depending on how long I think the fight will take. I don't really care about Red XIII after big guard is learned. Yuffie is super useful for clear tranquil against some bosses (lost number for example). Cait Sith is only used by cheaters. Vincent is useful against Carry Armor if you learn Death Gigas and maybe one or two other difficult bosses.

>never ever


Then you'll be happy to know that once you get cait sith you can get big guard and ditch red even faster

>i can't take it anymore
Just blow your load on Victoria, user

It'd be fitting for the week after next but gumi cannot be predicted at this point.
Basically, it's every week until we get a raid that is or is not NieR. Once we do get a raid, it will be a month after that.

We usually get an announcement video the second week of each month, and Shaly posted this tweet talking about recording the video and collaborations. I strongly believe the video will be posted next week talking about the Nier collab to released at the end of the week. Either that or it's Ariana and fountains of salt will rain from the heavens.

This Mobius event got pretty good all of a sudden, you guys should check it out.

I'm 99% sure they are coming in the next patch.

Oh, please god. Make it happen. I want to see everyone go into nuclear meltdown.

>Pretty good

He's right, user. Today would be a great time to start, you can have fun with us and we'll help you learn the ins and outs.

Don't listen to this user, they call it Cuckbius for a reason.

That's nice two guys who play Mobius.

Oh, while the more players the better, I was addressing people who are already playing Mobius. I was referencing the actual in-game anniversary event, it has a nice story attached to it.

I quit during the pupu rerun
The game was absolute shit, the only interesting parts were the cutscenes

i got bored of brave exvius a couple months ago but im craving again

you guys think i should try record keeper?

RK is way worse for the first few weeks. You'll just be autoattacking enemies for a loong time.

I tried to get into it after BE, but the gacha system makes no sense to me, it's just terrible. The game itself is fun once you have actual abilities for your characters, but there's no chance you're making a team out of your favourites. It has more frequent multiplayer content though, which is nice. Consider Mobius as well, while this amazing event is up, you don't even have to play but just make an account and roll in case you want to later.

3 minutes to FFXV Comrades beta. Who playing?

I don't really care about the combat, I'm fine with setting shit to auto

I might just get into BE again but I feel like shit for missing all the events, I heard the BExRK one was cool

not me

I've played all three and I find BE to be the best, and gives you the most freedom with builds and character selection as a F2P. You have less wiggle room with Mobius and even less with RK. It depends what you look for in videogames

>I don't really care about the combat, I'm fine with setting shit to auto

It's not really even about the combat, it's about what you do. You're going to be grinding mythril and stam shards for weeks by hitting auto and watching your guys kill stuff, then maybe using an roaming warrior to finish the boss off. It might as well be an idle game for the first few weeks.