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>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)
>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 8/2/2017*
>New to DR
>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:
>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:
>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls Steam Page:
>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)
>DR 1-2 Reload On PS4
>Kazutaka Kodaka Interviews and more
>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*
>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*
/drg/ - Danganronpa General
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Good shit, OP.
Ishi&his papa!
>you couldn't protect this smile
You did it!
I want to fuck Kaito.
Angie and her beloved Kaito!
>Aldnoah Zero picture in the captcha
Koko! Should work on that fanfic, and finish the bonus events later!
Mitarai flagged her youtube video
It's their "hello," but unlike japan it's not pleasant or recorded for profit. There are no survivors.
saihooru and oomu!
Mitty killed her out of saltiness!
What would Kiri even post in Youtube?
She posted the autopsy reports of DR3 so people could check it becauseshe is a famous person and to call for help, Mitarai reported because ded people
Tiny is cute! CUTE!
> French press
Sounds lewd
EXPERIMENT glowing 1000 degree KNIFE vs NDRV3 cast
Posting best girl!
Is there a v3 version of this?
>the noife goes at Himiko first
What is this even ranking, the cases?
Probably, swap teru's with mikan's though.
I want to hug Himiko
>I shouldn't like this
>but I do
Nope, but there's a killer ranking for the whole series (some dude used to post it frequently too).
Great tier:
>Sakura, obvious
>Gundam, admitted to his crime long before the trial ended and only resisted because he didn't want to be a hypocrite
>Chiaki, as much as I dislike her, she did nothing wrong
>Kaito, can hardly be seen as a murderer
Good tier:
>Mondo, gave up once he got caught, wouldn't kill in his right mind, knowing that he would kill all the others
>Kaede, while she fucked up, she at least went to the trial and didn't take up the offer to get out
>Gonta, got manipulated and was in zetsubou, regrets his actions
Decent tier:
>Leon, didn't know he would get everyone else killed, was targeted and panicked
>Teruteru, used killing Hopeman as an excuse to see his mother again
>Peko, had no reason to kill, but did it because she misunderstood Kuzu's wishes
>Kirumi, while she tried to lie her way out of her sentence, she at least murdered for selfless reasons
>Tsumugi, did everything wrong, but she managed to create an interesting case and deserves credit for managing to blame it all on Kaede
Shit tier:
>Celestia, literally did it just for the money and selfish reasons
>Mikan, shitty motive, shitty case
Meme tier:
Dude Despair Lmao tier:
>Everyone's eating lunch one day when Ouma bursts in.
>He claims that Saihara gave him a confession.
>Kaito calls bullshit. Ouma shows him the note.
>It's clearly Ouma's handwriting, too lewd for Saihara, and it's signed 'Saihara-chan'.
>Despite this, people like Gonta and Angie say they're happy for the new couple.
>Saihara points out that this is clearly a lie.
>Ouma gets teary, asking why Saihara's lying about this and that he's hurting his feelings, so Saihara is scolded by Shirogane, who is then scolded by Harukawa
>No one can agree.
>Monokuma arranges a Scrum Debate over whether the note is real or not.
>Ouma's side is himself, Angie, Yumeno, Gonta, Amami, Shirogane, Tenko, and Iruma
>Saihara's is himself, Kaede, Kaito, Harukawa, Kiibo, Hoshi, Shinguji, and Kirumi
Mid-shift best giri.
>tfw thought you were talking about Kirigiri being in the middle of her shifting into a trans boy
what thefuck?
Of course Hoshi would be on Saihara's side, ain't no way he's letting that uso twink get in on this ass
Lord Junko!
>imagine being this lonely and desperate
Ouma sometimes makes me sad
*Kaito voice* WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON?!
I'm into this
Reminder that I want Maki and Kaito to have a fight.
I want Maki to screw up and have me follow her in an alleyway.
I want her to end up talking to Ouma until Ouma walks off chuckling.
I want Maki to wonder what those muffling noises are to turn Ouma's direction and see me and some other men holding Ouma in the air by his arms and chest covering his mouth
I want Maki to get attacked in the head from behind and knocked unconscious.
I want to record them tied up back to back with gags on and send the video message to Kaito claiming they're hostages.
I want to untie them and forcefeed them poison despite their resistance.
I want Kaito to arrive with his sidekick Saihara to see them heavily breathing and laying on the floor, me with antidote in hand.
I want to use them and the antidote to trick Kaito into dick suckiing, then throw the antidote out the window once it's done.
I want to use Maki's left from her pocket to stab Maki and Ouma individually listening to their choking and crying until their eyes close, their breath fades and their chests stain with blood before I pull the knife out and check for a pulse to no luck.
I want Saihara and Kaito to watch the whole thing, Saihara holding Kaito back from doing anything.
I want to let Kaito and Saihara go unharmed.
I want Saihara to comfort Kaito by petting his back and leaning against him.
and then they fuck
Why do you decide to start posting when I have work? You suck.
>implying Saihara wouldn't fall in despair like Kaito
>Maki's left
Damn phoneposting
Should be like me and adjust to post while working~
Distract yourself long enough to be fired yaaaay
>must stay ontopic
So can you honestly sit there and say kirigiri living thru DR3 was totally fine objectively?
Sleepy thread!
I love him very much!
What job did you even have? Being a punching bag for emus? :^)
>Sleepy thread!
Wake up!
WTH is these is Edgeworth on drugs
I think Edgeworth is a projector and his temple is the button that activates it
I do adjust! I sneak away to post every now and then, although there's lots of dead time during my shifts.
I think her miraculous revival was a bit far-fetched, I'll admit. Do I mind it though? No.~
someone should make her and ouma drooling at each other's mouths
I find it cute how similar some of their sprites are.
What did he mean by this?
well yeah he is foil to chiaki
>past 5am
Bed time~ Ya'll be good for Monaca and I'll be back to bless this general with my presence... and that's about it, but it's all you need~
Delete this!
Kaede is pure!
why nips use her for their lewd thoughts?
Chiaki chewed his head and spat it out.
It's just what god intended
I want Meaty to bully me sexually.
Do not
post them
imgur it
I want to fuck Korekiyo while Angie pegs me.
thread is asleep post hoshi
I love Hoshi!
Interesting Hoshi you have there. is he a shiny?
I love this artist
I wanna play with Saihara's doodle.
I want to doodle with Saihara on each others' bodies!
I wanna rest my weary head on Miu's soft and squishy body.
Slow day today, huh?
It is. Let's read another comic.
This time: Kirumi bakes Tulpaman some delicious biscuits
The comic probably isn't helping desu
too bad I've started now
I want Saihara to rescue me from my job.
Instead of getting up at ass o clock to work we'll lay in bed and hold each other
oh well. have a great day at work drg. maybe next life
do you think sometimes Saihara wishes Kaede was his mom