/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Riyo edition

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fgosimulator.webcrow.jp/ - Mats, EXP & AP sims for game-planning
- Chaldea Gate: Daily Quests - fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
- Drop rates (click on the NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
- Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

>[Miscellaneous stuff]
- Emulation got blocked with the most recent update (1.2.0)
- Master Mission - Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
- Event shops usually stay up for another week after the main show ends. Remember to spend all your Event currency before it closes down
- Rate ups on JP FGO: img.fireden.net/vg/image/1499/27/1499273270406.jpg
- Friendlist: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
- Add yourself to the list: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

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Pls give gears


Fluffy Servant

Okita is cute!

4 months

Who the fuck needs hearts again besides Heracles and Carmilla?

You've made me hate Medb

Who /NeedTonsOfZerkerMonuments/ here

After halloween, GudaGuda

Fuck off intern-kun and give me the fucking Dangos RIGHT NOW

>had to spend 3 Apples for the last Octuplet Crystal during the event
>one drops now casually in Caligula's interlude


Right here. I need to ascend both my Herkek and Jet

I need 10 more for Kiyo.

Then even more once Raiko comes around.


Every cute pic i see of her is going to amplify the pain of not getting her

I need 30+. Grinding 2 out for Lancelot before already pissed me off, so I'm just waiting on Halloween.

I need 10 but I also need 3 Claws and 4 Hearts so it'll be a long time before I actually need them.

After a month of farming 30AP dailies I still have 0/14 golden monuments for my Tamamo Cat.
Kill me.

Why do we have to wait so long for gears sob

I love Jalter.

>Wah why aren't they letting me max all my servants one month into the game

user, it's too early for me to have a boner

I need 6 more for Herc and then 12 more after that for Vlad. I grinded for 3 full ~120 AP bars (pocketed an overcharge earlier in the day and then another full AP charge afterwards) and got 1. I got fucking 2 goddamn Rider monuments in a single mission. I hate that this game has the most advanced desire sensor of all goddamn time.

artist name?


>wanting to be last to ascend your waifu
I want normalfags with shitty 3Ds to leave.


FUCK I was wrong. I need 40-50+. Just fucking end me.

Dont worry Okitafag, she'll be here soon enough

It's never too early

Raita draws the best servants

Tamamo is my wife!

Saber is my wife!

9 to final ascend my cat. Still need 14 caster monuments for waver and 4 archer pieces and 14 monuments for gil.

She'd be better if she had his personality.

why does great success give more xp than super

You need to think positively, user. We're all going to get her, you'll see.



how does this start dash campaign even work?

It's an error, and even if it wasn't, it'd only be for new players

Would you rather have a super succ or a great succ?


It started on the 26th of June, and has been going on since

>that noise
fk who ever made him a jew

55 monuments even if i did halloween i'll still need 35 more.

I'm not sure if I want this to happen or not

alright then


Tuberculosis dai shori!

Remember to roll for Mama Rai until she's at NP5.

Or else.


Need 9 more for my Tamacat along with Claws and Hearts, and maybe whatever I'll need for Kiyohime. Don't have Herc or JETS.

So, I still have 203 Silver medals left over from Nerofest. I could either
a) buy 20 exp cards, or
b) buy a fifth Nightless Rose

The way I see it, Nightless Rose is bad enough that I'll probably never even use one on my Servants, never mind multiples. So having all these extras doesn't really do much for me. So I figure if I get that one in the shop and use it to Limit Break the ones I got from drops, I can say I got the most out of the event. Sure, I'm hurting for exp cards after all the ascending, but I can always get those later, sooo...might as well buy the CE so I can say I have a limit-broken event CE?

Hey dude can you delete that please

/NOBU/ When???

All I need are six more Monuments.. just six more..

Buy and burn cards

after halloween

Already saving for next Christmas when she is released


Buy the EXP cards and let them sit in your mailbox until you need some EXP cards badly. They give bonuses to every class, so it's better not to burn them like is suggesting.

She's #1 dikpic

Not good enough.

Dikpic and heartpic


>mfw we will go nearly two months without a new event

Don't worry momma, my credit cards are ready just in case.

where do you farm berseker monuments?

>mfw the game will stop being a fucking chore for two months

Wednesday and Sunday green dailys.

Well, I kinda need EXP cards now. I got Waver and Nero at the end of the event last night, so I need to level them up. Also got Cu ready to ascend once I get 5 more Lancer Pieces, Medusa to ascend once she gains 5 more levels, and then there's ascending the aforementioned Nero and Waver, too...

So I kinda could use the exp now. That said, there's no real rush for them either, so I kinda like the thought of being able to say I limit broke the event CE, useless though it may be.

I donated bone marrow for easy but painful $30k.

My wallet is ready for both Scath, Okita, Jack, Jalter, and Raik.

Why does anyone like Sanson? He is fucking crazy.

But limit breaking the CE is actually disadvantageous for it, since it's limited use includes reviving at low HP. And nobody will give a shit about it being limit broken, so you can't even use it as bragging rights. The EXP cards are more useful to you in the short and long term, even if you just burn them.

Why is the extra 500HP a disadvantage?

Because you'll still drop dead in 1-3 attacks when the enemy gets magical 100% crit rates.

Stop making me want to strangle Medb

30k for bone marrow? Where did you sell it?

500 or 1000hp doesn't make a difference for survivability since you'll probably get hit for >1000 hp. But some servant's np scale with how little hp they have so being at 500hp is actually better.

One of the only uses that guts CE cards have is that you revive at low HP, which benefits certain servant passive skills and NPs. For example:


And their Summer form's NP.

Wait what, 30k?
Where the fuck do I sign up

Anne Bonny & Mary Read's NP does bonus damage based on your missing hp

>like a servant
>it's a basaka
>this one has a nice design
>oh gameplay on this one is good

I love Berserkers any other servant doesn't feel right

>start googling info about this
>start feeling queasy before I finish writing "marrow"
perhaps not

He's not being serious

That reminds me, I've been using a Nero at 50 but yesterday I pulled an autist. Should I focus on levelling only one Saber or will I ever need both?

>cant grail Altera early because the game won't give me that last monument
>probably won't grail her before the majority
Maybe I should just give up on her and get a different waifu again. This is bullshit.

You don't get too much for marrow anywhere.
Kidneys are the cash cows at 50k, but sadly trading and sale of organs is illegal, even if you only NEED one and are born with two.

Wait, it does? That makes no sense. Super is clearly a better adjective than great.

Does Lancer Artoria come out in like a year?

>different waifu

This, holy shit Nero wore me out. Having to plan your day around grinding in a stupid mobage for over a week was bullshit.

Nothing wrong with Basakas.

Never give up you dumb E luck poster

I guess that's neat. But what are the odds I'm even gonna roll her?

Well how can I say she is my wife if I can't fucking grail her before others?
Might as well give up.

Should I ascend her? She did a really good job putting that whore in her place last event and kinda want her to lose that mask.

>People willing to spend kidneys for jpegs with a dollar sign attached to them

>We're all going to get her
One can only hope

>like kiyo
>can't use her because she is shitty 3* bers and dies in 1 hit