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>Voting Gauntlet score tracker
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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My water wife.
>Gaius might actually win
What the fuck guys?
Easy trip to 19, wish I could reach tier 20 but I keep choking
Nino is the shittiest character in the serie
I just don't get the Gaius love. Even for a hubby he's pretty plain
>people who use -atk or -spd heroes
Can you report ids to nintendo inapp?
I feel like ruining a polturds day.
So you enjoy playing in easy mode?
Leo is outputting more hourly points by far, it's just that the Gaius may get an extra bonus hour before Leo can compensate like he did with Xander.
It disappoints me that Freddy lost to le epik candy man xD. I never liked any of the characters this gauntlet, but I had to support Leo this time because him and Freddy are the least offensively bad characters of them all.
Japan love Henry too
>not dumping speed on low speed characters
Ya should'a thunk deeper.
Thanks for the help in the last thread. Any recommendations for a S. Frederick build?
Damn she is beautiful!
It's disappointing because he just barely lost. Leofags can at least rest in that it wasn't a popularity deal, just the multiplier finally being useful.
>offended over a word
>le /pol/ bogeyman
I have a team built around each starter, anna is pretty bad without fury so I had to make up for it, Sharena for example I just go with Eirika/Sharena/Nino/Lucina
What skills should I put on my +atk/-spd Bufflady?
Nigger detected
>tfw you dream of a nice date with your waifu and wake up with terrible disappointment
We were walking arm in arm and laughing, life was so nice...
Find yourselves another wife.
Fury and Renewal.
>low speed characters
So armor units. Which there are what, 6 off? On most other characters it ruins them, pic related
Hope to play against infantry
Tiamo means:
Neat we won
Lets go team !
Flat as a pancake and loves Chrom even while married
>blue beats green
Should I join Team Corrin or Robin?
fury swordbreaker if you use in arena
+3 speed to avoid doubles if fine enough for long drawn out content without any heals to make use of fury
Why does everyone keep asking this is it because waifu fags need other people to help with their decisions?
But she only wants a big manakete cock!
+3 speed is very underrated.
Cause I wanna win and get more stuff, duh.
I love you in italian!
you don't? isn't the point of fire emblem to struggle and persevere until you have powerful, unbeatable characters?
the whole point of eirika/eph is that you can get 3 buffs for bladetome without having to waste your support slot on a rally
anyone can do their job with new double rallies if you don't make use of their unique ability to have buffs + reposition
>joined Robin team thinking they'd be losing
>actually winning
Can't wait for the SFM of her getting blacked
Summer with Severa! Tsummer with tsun!
Add me
Team S!Corrin
Leading with strong girl!
Corrin. It doesn't look like Robin is going to pull through.
rustlin' jimmies all alone
They are gonna need to hack the switch and dump the models before they do that. And when they do, it will finally be the right time to buy a Switch.
Neat !
>4% pity rate runied by ANOTHER cordelia
at least now i can build an est r-right?
Cecilia [Gimme that book]
Nino [...]
* Later that night Nino died of a mysterious death.
>don't have a summer Femui because the game keeps giving me no blue orbs
>joined Robin's team to whore for feathers
>Robin's projected to win the whole thing
I feel like I just betrayed a good friend and all of Nohr.
>even rolling before the 7th
I don’t even understand the thought process of some of you guys
Daily reminder that Rudolf did nothing wrong
You picked the wrong side nigger.
Last thread ended up giving me hope for this guy that cucked me out of Hector last Hero Fest.
What skills can I give him to make use of him in TT/CC.
You need Corrin for the gauntlet and the arena NOW.
Haha time for feathers !
My nino is special!!
>have 50 orbs to burn, start sniping blues for femui
>first session, no blues
>second session, no blues
>third session, one blue (Jagen)
>fourth session, no blues
This continued until I ran out of orbs. In the end, I got a fucking Seliph.
Can't wait for the footfagottry
You don’t need either of them, there are free heroes on the bonus hero rotation and joining team Corrin means you’ll just get less chance to spend flags
she's special alright.
I'd roll for her anyway why would I waste my bonus for some shitty 4*?
I wonder how it feels to rub your dick against rock hard abs
Hope for Basilio
my flier team doesn't usually get defenses when there's some random infantry shitter walking around
a bladetome mage would get me some defenses
>offended over a skin colour
Stay in /pol/
Also I don't have those heroes at 5*, it may not matter for a low tier scrub but it does for staying on tier 20.
When I use MEMU, my FE folder doesn't have the xml file I'm supposed to delete. Infact, the folder is empty. Anyone know what's up with that?
good luck getting her on the next banner and not getting cucked by Roy
A Lilina with that IV was one of the first 5* I rolled, I haven't gotten a single one since but I love her
>5k down the drain
Why not -spd?
Do you guys think 4812 is enough rating to get into tier 20? That'd be my first time as f2p and those extra 1.2k feathers would be very nice.
why do i give a brave lance+ to that isn't effie?
is est the only decent unit to use it on with a flier team?
Lukas is good with it
>Robinfags jumped from nearly 2BILLION points behind to 600mil in an hour
No shit, they had a bonus.
yes, just don't expect to stay there next week.
Great. 5*ing Anna and Sharena was worth the 40k feathers.
But I'm still on the fence whether 5* Alphonse would be a worthwhile investment or not.
has corrin gotten a bonus yet?
i just woke up and i keep hearing that robin is expected to win but corrin is ahead of her even after the bonus
I really like nino as a character
I mean she is an orphan who cant read
Yet she is a "magical child sent from the heavens"
I bet she is probably the most powerful mage out there
And she cant even read
Her adoptive mother didnt even bother teaching her magic, she learnt magic just by seeing her
What about 4798?
Quadelia memes
>14 points less
Nigga get outta here you're fucked
Here's your reply .
I am fine with bouncing between tier 19/20. That's probably the best thing you can reach without having insane draw luck or whaling.
she comes with a brave lance, i'm asking who to give one to
I've thought of nearly every possible built for alphonse, but I think the only useful and budget friendly one is the following:
Reciprocal Aid + Escape Route 3
Nino is for pump and dump