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Absolute ded thread.
I like the look of the lenz
now if only they'd go back on older weapons and change up a couple of things here and there so that 90% of the games weapons isn't "here's a rifle with shit damage and a slightly larger mag than that other one"
How do I get more platinum without spending my neetbuxs?
adopt zionism
Then you run the risk of having too many gimmick weapons
Am I the only one who thinks that whatever was in Rell's Warframe at the end of the quest wasn't the man in the wall? It doesn't call you Kiddo to start with. It seems to be linked to the idea that Warframe are sentient to a degree to start with.
not when the entire game is a gimmick
How is the Gas damage on the Lenz?
Selling things in the trade chat, but god it used to be so easy back then now it's all fuck.
It was Rell having a fucking spaz attack because he thought you were the Man in the Wall.
It wasn't. Palladino said it wasn't Rell. And it says something like
>I won't let you take me from me
So it seems to be the Warframe saying it doesn't want the 10o to kill Rell.
>primes arnt ALWAYS better but i agree with this aswell, check when you can.
name some primes that aren't better than their normal counterparts
When does she say that? I thought in the last fight of the quest she tells you to destroy the chains in order to free Rell.
Even "I won't let you take me from me" makes sense in that he thinks you're going to do the same thing to him that happened to all the adults on the Zariman.
Cernos, and probably the Spira
Not good, no sleek.
She says it right after you break the chains. It can't be Rell since Palladino said it wasn't him and "what have you done with Rell" during the fight.
It shouldn't be the man in the wall since it calls you Little Piggy and it doesn't make sense Rell can trap Mister Wall inside his Warframe either.
literally better in all stats you fucking dyslexic shitters
just kill yourself tq
cernos like the others said but im the guy who typed it and my intent was due to syndicate weapons like boltor prime vs boltor telos and tigris prime vs tigris syndicate etc etc.
primes arnt ALWAYS the best. maybe in sandbag dps, but thats not how the game works.
forgot pic
Divide the damage on 3 now
damage is divided between all three arrows
Instead of trying to figure it out, first ask yourself "did the writers think it through?"
which warframe is interesting to build as a second warframe wfg ?
Detron or Mara Detron
where is this relevant unless you're purpusefully trying to miss?
where is this relevant when you still one shot something with even a single arrow in most cases?
where is this relevant when 3 arrows add to the bow's ability to kill grouped up enemies?
The Rell quest made no sense to me. Their lore is getting weaker and weaker. The floating eyes of doom were not creepy pixels.
Also, I don't think super soldier kids would have given a fuck about autismo, because they were all spectrum to begin with.
>where is this relevant unless you're purpusefully trying to miss?
You will always miss dumbass
>where is this relevant when you still one shot something with even a single arrow in most cases?
You dont retard
>where is this relevant when 3 arrows add to the bow's ability to kill grouped up enemies?
Literally never ever
Just use the fucking Rakta Cernos
0/10 bait made me reply
The bows in this game are for high damage against single targets. Trying to use one as a crowd killer is stupid because it doesn't do it well, there are much better weapons for doing it and it completely ruins the main use of the weapon.
Everyone in here is probably on the spectrum and people still get laughed at for being fully autistic though.
>enemy standing alone
>one arrow hits
>360/3 damage instead of 200
Harrow is OP
nice bait you absolute retard
H-here I go!
>posts i don't like are bait
not OP but fun when alone.
the reload and firerate buff can make some guns incredibly silly
>Being retarded isnt bait
now Chroma on the other hand..
>C E N S O R E D
Hey hey keep it on the DL.
Please stop posting my husband, thank you.
/long exhale
Zenistar's disc doesn't consume energy while channeling
They havent fixed Equinox skirts yet
Hotfix inbound! Thanks 10o!
Nice ASH
What did you just say bitch
>when you're so autistic that people think that you're baiting
i'm sorry for you user, i really am
I have no clue
>The Braton Prime has a high chance of cutting corpses into pieces, similar to Slash b Slash-focused melee weapons. This makes the Braton Prime an ideal candidate for a Desecrating Nekros to bring along, as the game considers the cut corpses as separate entities, essentially giving multiple corpses to desecrate from a single enemy and thus yielding more chances to create more drops.
I mean any gun with high slash will do that, what's wrong with it?
Is Chroma being OP a meme
Like is it a noobtrap that this general spreads to entice people to put a bunch of forma into their Chroma only to realize he's shit
Cus I NEVER see any fucking Chromas. EVER.
I'm very excited now
What are the best weapons for Mirage? I'm loving her playstyle and I want to get good with her.
He IS good, but requires way too much effort (like FOUR FORMAS at least) and it's ungodly reliant on the AI going for his ass or wait the whoooooole time till fucking Naramon is ready so you can use him properly.
It's kinda like Octavia in a way, if there's a lot of CC he actually gets crippled a lot.
Good solo frame tho.
i find his playstyle boring.
>Cus I NEVER see any fucking Chromas. EVER.
You dont because you need years worth of farming or thousands of plat to make him really strong. And after you do that he is boring as fuck to play because is just buffs.
I just don't know anymore
>Harrow with Sobek
>Harrow with Tigris
Most fun you can have in Warframe.
>Ivara butt on anyframe
Please continue, I beg you
what's the part giving you troubles
>Chroma ''rework'' happens
>They just turn him into an official girl after years of shitposting about it
How are you doing that? I know the Equinox shit but doing the same with Ivara and the others don't accomplish the same shit,.
>tfw water theme is done and they went with a fucking pirate
Hydroid is coming first because hes getting a prime.
Game would be better if all the frames were female
>The following article/section is conjecture
>Please do not use this article for critical in-game information.
>Nef Anyo / The Sergeant rework (possibly including Derf Anyo)
>Shown in dev stream 30
looking at my arsenal i see all my good weapons are shotguns and now i'm looking for a good rifle
had tonkor and that shit is useless now
have soma p but that's not what i'm lookin for, something a bit more bursty
sybaris prime looks neat and can go crit or status
>Volt deluxe
That'll come out after zephyr's.
Please tell me I can disable this gay ass glow the EOS Prime pieces have.
Energy colour as the darkest black you have available.
>excalibur umbra
yeah, in 2 years maybe lmao
set the energy or whatever channel the glow is to black
or get the regular eos set you autist
>he doesnt know
It was already announced dingus. Its coming this year for sure.
Coming after POE with no set date.
Latron Prime, Tenora, Prisma Grakata, Ferrox, Attica, Amprex, Boltor Prime
Christmas I bet so they can steal all the kids money.
you sound like you steal from charities
top tier guns only
I do it for Steve.
tfw no pug companion
daro plz
Steve Sinclair Warframe Battlegrounds when?
>crit or status
The best weapons are ones that do both. At the same time. Use your brain.
Like Sybaris Prime
>muh lel minecraft hungergame babys grew up
fuck off. that type of game is just cancer.
>Use your brain.
i am, that's why the gun was one that I was looking at since the Dex version was already regarded as a high tier weapon with more crit chance but I missed my chance to get it and the prime also has status and is very bursty (like a shotgun)
>cant kuva fort rescue because fuck that tileset
don't care
You are just bad at it or poor or both.