/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General


>Riyo Berserker welfare
>August 2-16

>[Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2017 ~2nd Anniversary~]
>There will be a quest named "Memorial Quest" in Chaldea Gate, clearing it will reward the players with their choice of "Heroic Spirit Formal Dress" Craft Essence from the 47 choices.
>Choices of the CEs also depend on the "Clear" status for each Singularity.

30 Jul-9 Aug: Sherlock Holmes (in all rate up)
2 Aug: Fuyuki, Orleans
3 Aug: Septem, Okeanos
4 Aug: London, America
5 Aug: Camelot, Babylonia
6 Aug: Shinjuku , Agartha
7 Aug: Da Vinci + 2016 Anniversary CE

>Strengthening Quest for 14 Servants.

>Guaranteed SSR Limited gacha

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog
>There are now costume options, Mashu is the only one available now
>Skill interludes for Astolfo and Arjuna, NP interlude for Geronimo, quartz interludes for Cu Alter, Jeanne Alter, David, Billy the Kid and Li Shuwen.
>Swimsuit versions for Nitocris, Nobunaga and Saber Alter have been revealed for the next Summer event


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:



Welcome to the club, I am in the exact same situation and around the same quartz

Is Tesla strong now?

He's always been pretty decent

Roll for a Helena-mama now!

10.0 thread.

Fuck you Holmes, Why did you come to me?

>No buffs
If the RNG is on your side yes


>lowkey hoping he gets a skill upgrade
>Serenity and Hundred skill or NP upgrade are ok too

Ilya btfo yet again

>Provisionally 8.0~8.5

>happy Edison got a strengthening quest even though I never rolled him
>remembered that today is America day
>roll the gacha and get him
I'm feeling good right now




get in here

Good luck user, I lost everything trying to get her once again.

hi anons

That's even worse. I never looked closely a this before, but damn does Battle Retreat look like it sucks.

No one gives a fuck about some chink rolling shit


Where were you when pedos went on suicide watch?

>Putting the belt on before pulling up your pants
Dumb mom

Nobu a CUTE.

I don't need to, I have her at NP4 already. She'll surely come to spook me because I'm her favorite! Hahaha ;_;

Is this, objectively, the only correct way to play these quests?

Tesla has always been a watered down Gil.
>NP gain is slightly better
>Star gen is Gil's half
>500 less ATK
>no charisma
With the new buff it should be able to fulfill Charisma's role.

Well it's 80% chance to get the skills, you'd need to be unlucky to not get them.
Alternatively you bring Ozzy.

It's doing a very good job at teaching me never to spend money on this game

80% chance of the buff almost guarantees it, he has been my go-to archer since he released and it is very rare the buffs don't trigger.

So with a 30% increase to ATK and NP for 3 turns plus guts on a 5 turn CD and 2 other skills that can super charge your NP so you can spam it, he is easily at least 8.5 now.

Well at least he's even better for farming hands and doors now. Glad he was the one who got the buff over any of the other 5* archers honestly.

What happened

>yfw the nobuposter is actually the lizthread user

how good is le secret after the buff

Lucky user.

Well yeah,its literally Disengage except it done the opposite by remove your fucking buff instead of cleansing your debuff.
The only edge it have is higher HP heal.

I am sure they're just saving Illya's buff for some cool event or something

Why do lolis trigger reddit so much?

>Buffalo Bill
Why does she have multiple personalities disorder

>Not Paul/Jack/NR
Loli Squad or Riot



>Going for any Caster skill gem in the daily
>all enemies drop mats
>waver and 2 shadows drop gold Monuments as to mock me further on


NP3 Cu Alter, NP2 Medb, NP1 Holmes, NP1 Seiba so far
And a fuckton of Helenas

What the fuck rank is this guy on the memelist? Wanted Cuzilla or Medb and got this memer instead.

A lot better, fixed a lot of his problems.

this guy is getting nothing but helenas

It's not a squad it's a hive

Why is your taste so awful?

>And a fuckton of Helenas
All of which he's burned, the bastard.

it's a platoon

Rolled all the quartz we got from the anniversay for Cu Alter.

Got my 4th Li Shuwho, that's all. I didn't even got enough copies to limit break the Olga CE. I want to fucking kill myself.

All of my QP, gone in a second after leveling a few people's skills. Maybe I should spend my silver apples

> Wanting Medb

What is that faggot even going for? Don't tell me it's actually Medb.

>being a gameplayfag
>gameplayfag rolling for Medb

>Wanted Cuzilla or Medb
Are you me, user?

I always thought it was a murder.

Why does Gudako have such tan hands?

it's a fucking school I've told you guys time and again

>Alternatively you bring Ozzy.
I feel like I'm seeing a lot of that. "Need a tank? Bring Ozzy?" "Need damage dealer? Bring Ozzy." "Need to deal with enemy NPs? Bring Ozzy." "Need a support for your RNG supports? Bring Ozzy." "Need to charge the NP gauge quicker? Bring Ozzy."

Welcome to the club of not getting what you want, at least we're getting like 10 tickets soon.

Nightingale, I think.

Do you have Caster Gilgamesh and want to run an arts crit meme team? Great. Otherwise, don't.

It's a senate you fags

>8 Tickets and 30 quartz
>NP2 Helena and Rama
Kill me

All he wants is a pretty Nurse, too

I have Quetz already, so Medb is just there to be cute.

I got him too and my all slot is free, is he even worth using.

They're called lots. A lot of lolis.

Sounds like he needs professional help alright.

>NP3 Cu Alter
Isn't that kinda like winning the game?

Fuck off Sheev, you're not the senate.

He probably have her at NP5 already

That's why he's 9.5. He does everything.

a man of fine taste

Lolis are the senate and thus they are Sheev

Perhaps that's why he wants Nightingale.

>this time Altera is Buffalo Bill

I don't doubt it, but it still smarts.

He already had him at NP4 or 5, those are all saint graphs now

Are you saying you got that in so few rolls? Because I'm going to find you and hurt you if you're complaining.

How is his rolling animations so fast? Is there an option for this?

user if you're here thank you for wishing me luck.
Couldn't resist and rolled like 50 tickets before I rolled her. Also for some weird reason cutest book went from NP1 to NP4. And I still have 600+ quartz left for summer.

I only rolled 3 quartz since that's all I had and didn't rolk her again. God damn it why does she always avoid me

>tfw got all the rider cookies I needed to level up Ozzy's charisma

10/10/10 soon

He's not 9.5 for no reason. He works well in a lot of teams and he works well on his own.

I got enough blues and reds but damn those golds.

I know this pain


Fuck off /feg/ shitter

>tfw one of the lewd Nobu doujins I ordered has shipped

>still one blank entry left in his background profile
>practically guaranteed to get an interlude buff in the future
10.0 is not just a dream.

Statistically how much quartz would I need to get an specific 4* on rate up?

>Connection with server failed xn

>lolishitters posting their shitty memes in the OP


Is it true that you're more likely to get dupes of cards you own than new cards?

Depends on your luck, you can get it with one roll or be like me and use everything and don't get it.

Nip datamine reveals that the last quest of Bunyan event also has a costume for her