Everyone edition!
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>Honey Parade Games stream 01/08/17
>Bashou added to PBS as a playable character
>SK:Refle is a VN for Switch with revolutionary handholding, thigh slapping, butt rolling gameplay
>Peach Ball, Senran Kagura Pinball game for Switch
>New Link is a new mobage RPG, introduces Fubuki, Gekko, and Senko
>SK Burst Re:newal, Burst Remake for PS4 featuring Yumi
>Senran Kagura 7even announced for autumn 2018
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Senran Kagura General - /skg/ - #1116
hello skg
goodbye skg
Luvin' Hikage!
Alternate OP
>trendy school uniforms
>hobos in tracksuits
>evil nazis
>...weaboo archers?
Gessen's outfit makes zero sense, since none of them use ranged attacks. What's more is that the breastplate would get in the way if you weren't using a bow.
Raping Murasaki! Every thread!
one more whore rejected
>none of them use ranged attacks
They all do.
Yozakura has her Kamehameha
Minori throws candy
Shiki has her bats
Murakumo's wolves can attack at range
Yumi has ice projectiles
user, that's stretching it. I'm actually surprised their uniform wasn't a kimono.
Only thing that's stretching is my penis in my pants!
>Hibari already friends
Everyone loves Hibari, apparently.
Well when you've got the Kagan...
The only stretching here is that it takes a hell of a stretch of the imagination to think anything that small can stretch anything!
>nice Miyabi love
She's a good girl.
Hibari using her Kagan so she can peg you!
They're all wearing some form of school club uniform. Hebi is the one that doesn't make sense because high school Nazi club is not an actual thing.
And fuck you. An archer that shoots fists is pretty cool.
>haruka stop wrong
Haruka cant stop wrong if she was always right in the first place!
Please, continue!
>Senrans hate fight Takaki
Senran rebellion when?
Military school, user.
I agree with that other user about the archer outfits being a weird choice.
I'm pretty sure there are several Anons here who'd let that happen without the use of the Kagan
thank goodness Miyabi still wears her spats underneath her new uniform
user! Why did you give them ideas?!?! Crimson started raising and army!!!
>penis oh nice
Sieg Crimson!
Oh I know! But you are so dead set against it, that it is fun to tease you about it.
N-no bully
>Nice Miyabi
Leo is my knight in shining armor!
>wife murakumo probably
It knows.
>fat user burst Imu
>ps4 daidouji gessen
What did it mean by that?
>babu game sv best
>yozakura popular
>shower gameplay cool
>great looking hibari
>homura fat user
>orochi strong man
>haruka stop
>dumb looking pinball
>tfw old
>super Rin
>please content
>must kill Kat
>best cum series
>Murakumo probably adopted
>Haruka french around using sleep
>wanna Murasaki vegetable
>gonna pop mother
Remember to get fit or Daidouji will punch you in the dick
Still waiting on that dick punch.
It will happen when you less expect it
Come to think of it, some kids accidentally hit my dick with one of those bouncy super balls while I was at my friend's sister birthday party. Was that Daidouji reaching into this dimension and dick punching me via bouncy ball proxy?
Play my game.
If I feel like it.
Maybe, be grateful that wasn't fully trained Dai.
Show me your tits and I might consider it.
Ass to the Mirai.
she looks older
You have been given the scripts to Wizard of Oz, Charlie And the Chocolate Factory, Nevending Story and Disney's Peter Pan
You must give one script to each school, and Crimson Squad, for them to act out in school plays
Which school do you give which script?
A new age of beep beep
Hanzo - Wizard of Oz
Crimson - Peter Pan
Gessen - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Hebijo - Neverending Story
Who's the artist?
I wish I knew
I can't decide between Hikage and Miyabi.
What should I do Skeegee?
Follow your heartdick.
Kill yourself.
If you are the one picking your waifu then you're already doing it wrong.
Guess it's too late for me then.
It's never to late to follow the path of Wai-Fu.
Hello ma'am. I am with the FBI (Female Body Inspectors). I need you to cooperate with me today for the inspection. Please stand still and keep you arms raised.
I already told you to choose Hikage, Imu! Sorry! Sorry! "NotImu"!
Listen I get that I have man boobs but that doesn't give you a reason to call me ma'am!
Wait a moment!
I recognize those shoes!
Dorothy = Yo
Scarecrow = Minori
Tin Man = Yumi
Lion = Murakumo
Wicked Witch = Shiki
Egyptian event when? I want a Leopatra card.
>page 9
A little early for a nap
Play the greatest Senran Kagura song in the world or I'll eat your soul!
Are senrans necromancer because they have huge titties?
Nah, you can eat my soul for I don't care.
I want to sleep between Leo and Seimei.
What? Is that a thing? Do all necromancers have big boobs?
Good night skeegee.
I hope Imu doesn't mess with my dreams again.
It's a common trend for girls with huge life to raise the dead. Just look at Vanillaware games.
One of these days I'm gonna pick up Dragon's Crown again. Got the Vita-version for 10€ few years back, but only bothered to finish it as Dwarf.
>Yoma are never coming back
>Shin will never do anything besides be offscreen
>We'll never get a team of Yoma Cultists who act as an evil squad (and you get to play their story after finishing the main game)
Why must you hurt me? All I wanted was a bunch of cute boob ninjas hunting SMT demons.
Anyone has that image of Hanzo girls reacting to this pic?
Don't worry, Burst is being remade so you can hear youtube.com
>mobile game has more interesting story elements than main games
That's how you know shit has gotten off-track.
>that whiny synth noise
Now that you mention it, what's the deal with all of EV having that noise? Burst/SK2 didn't have it.
What your favorite kind of zuri, /skg/?
I fucking hate how the song missed its potential.
It gets WAY too melodic to still be as menacing as the beginning is, which it should've been.
I mean, you fight a fucking giant snake whose composed of buildings and you are a cute girl having to fight it.
what whiny synth noise are you talking about?
Notice right around 25 seconds an onwards. That "whiny synth" noise is used in basically every EV song.
To be fair, Burst Orochi was kind of a joke and I ended up putting the poor thing down in about 15 seconds by going frantic
It's a final boss theme though, so I bet they wanted it to sound both menacing and a bit heroic as you gain the upper hand
hmm I wouldn't really call it whiny the EV soundtrack is mostly upbeat except the parts of the soundtrack dealing with dead people.
Let's be honest. SV is the only game with a decent soundtrack and it's thorougly mediocre. SK2 is the worst simply because half the tracks are ruined with random demonic chanting like shitting the whole thing up.