What is the best car color in your opinion?

What is the best car color in your opinion?
[spoiler]Team brown[/spoiler]

depends on car

Light pastel pink desu

Brown all the way


I pretend to have taste but in reality I don't and like gold the most.

Here's a V70R exclusive color called saffron which is a bit orangey but still a very nice rich gold. I also liked anthracite metallic for a long time.

I'm also starting to dig copper a lot. Basically all colors that are reminiscent of metals.

Come think of it, when has a car ever not been improved by being copper colored?

Black. Makes even the shittiest of sedans look nice

idk but the worst color is maroon/burgundy



Delet this!

Until approximately 5 seconds after you've just finished washing it and it gets covered in dust again.

red best color

red fast

want car go fast

red car make go faster car


who /beige/

the grosser also looks really good in this color

Bayside Blue


matte white followed by british racing green/canary yellow