/tesg/ ~ The Elder Scrolls General

>Is Skyrim Special Edition worth it?
No. SKSE and ENB will never be updated to work with it.

>Should I play Skyrim Special Edition or Legendary Edition?
Legendary Edition. You got your answer. Don't ask this question again in the thread.

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Ignore and report; Wait for a correct thread to be made.

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might be the most autistic image on Veeky Forums


Lorefags get a clue
You fucking what? No one set of people has exclusive rights to the thread at a time. If you're having a lore discussion and someone says "post butts," just fucking scroll past it. They aren't stopping or interrupting you. I mean honestly this kind of thing should be self-explanatory, how autistic do you have to be to not understand this already? Maybe Reddit is more your speed.
Only because lorefags started whining, and are making no attempt to start lore discussion. It's more than justified here, as they're being a major nuisance.

>tfw no special needs mod that marks you as a thief if you leave a farm with harvested crops
>or just marks them as "steal"

reminder that lore and waifus are living in perfect harmony

first for chinese milk

Just post your question here and I'll help you if I can


are you shay?


8th for automated chinese dildos

Take your meds

>eat the crops
>suddenly not a thief

its that easy

are they?

>just fucking scroll past it.
>how autistic do you have to be to not understand this already?
is this supposed to be ironic?
take your own advice

It is by a significant margin. /tesg/ is literally a breeding ground for autistic spergs.


What the fuck, for some reason Wrye Bash isn't running for me.
Shows the splash for half a second and nothing happens.

It worked perfectly five minutes ago.

99% T H I C C

No apparently you're just retarded and the point flew ten feet over your head.

Waiting for waifu-user.

but there's a 1% chance that you're wrong



thats just a statistical error
just like these naturally bending knees

>is this supposed to be ironic?
He has autism, so no.

It's shit. I don't want recommendations, I want a proper guide.

those eye ridges look nice at least

Best Seranaholic version


>look through TKRE files
>notice the prepass ini is over 100kb
>over 3200 lines of junk repeated lines

I'm afraid I need this follower.
Reverse search brings me nothing.

>Using TKRE and not NLVA

====== AUTO FOCUS =======false
===== MANUAL FOCUS ======false
====== TILT-SHIFT =======false
====== BOKEH BLUR =======false
=== OPTICAL VIGNETTE ====false
========= NOISE =========false

probably just leftover spaghetti from kyo shit

>no Thorad and Ava

Then you'd look through the guides because it links every guide that I know of, aside from random forum post guides.

There's no good proper guide for modding Oblivion and there never will be. This goes for all TES games because they have too much variety in mods.

Install mods yourself like a normal person, by looking at recommended mods.

>not using TKRE and NLA's esp

yeah i guess it something, altho i made them a lot less visible again now.

Got a link for Ava?

I believe Ava "quit TESG" when it got updated last.

Honestly don't know how chartfag puts up with some of you people.


Try to keep it short and dont post a complete novel

>dont post a complete novel
Well that's no fun.

>Try to keep it short and dont post a complete novel
lol are you the user who asked about Hali's story earlier? I was just thinking myself that was quite long.

nobody asked you retard

I don't think Brave released her.

Does anyone know of any good lore podcasts besides the elder lore cast? I need more but i can't be bothered to read when i go to sleep.

>Child of Oblivion

>tfw no fun staff mods

Try reinstalling. Make sure you have the correct version. Try running loot and see if that crashes too if so might be corrupt plugin.

I'm uploading it now, I got a bit side tracked with other things

There's the Elianora staff, It has fancy visuals and magic effects

You da mvp

Sadly, it's a bit too lolrandom for my tastes. If they had made a version for each element, with only the element appropriate spells attached, I'd be using it.

Cool magic vampire with big boobies. She eats pretty girls. Aww yeah.

A dunmer noble who became obsessed with a treasure. He spent years upon years of his life pouring over ancient texts to find it. Eventually he did. He traveled across solthseim to find it, and bring it back to his family. When he came back, triumphant, he found his family gone. Now he wanders skyrim, searching for them. his obsession blinded him to the fact that his family abandoned him long ago.

Yeah I wasn't a big fan of it when I used it either, but it's the only staff mod of its kind I know about. Really sucks how shitty staves are in Skyrim, they could have had unique magic effects but instead the vast majority of them are just wooden sticks that shoot existing spells.

It looks pretty cool desu

There are quite a few staff altering mods.
Elemental Staffs makes the standard ones glow with different colors.
There's another one where if you use a staff repeatedly you can learn it's spell.
I think Apocalypse and other spell mods add staffs to the level list with new spells as well.

This may come off incredibly stupid but I don't get it.

I installed CBBE but I don't see it in Wrye Bash and the girls ingame don't show any changes.

Dumb breton girl takes an offer with a deadric prince to be his messeger. She gets screwed up


That ENB is SHIIIIIIIT and you need to fix your LOD tree billboards.


Thanks man.
Short bobcuts rule.

it's more realitic than whatever oil smear you use

Are there any staff mods in the chinese mega that was uploaded a bit?

Or anime staffs from japan?

>fix your LOD tree billboards.
What do you recommend?

Kwanon is alright desu

Big Nord noblewoman who thinks fairy tales are real.

I see your a man that shares excellent taste as well

And she ate all the fairies, huh?

what enb is this?

What's the performance hit?

She would have to believe fairy tales are real, because a love potion brainwash or fairy godmother magical liposuction is the only way she'll ever find love.

can I try au stuff now?

>what enb is this?
Kwanon ENB
>What's the performance hit?
Dunno lol


>getting this defensive over your choice of ENB
>implying realistic means better in a fantasy game

>implying I use DoF garbage at all
I'm a NLVAryan through and through. The true ENB master race.

No, she's actually able to come and go among them as she pleases.

She's got her eyes set on someone right now actually.

yes, now post more

nlva has dof


Those wings have a hard time keeping her up

all enbs have dof

i'm laughing maxeen, but I'm laughing at you.

Just stop, loser. Your original spergfit implied I use a blurry DoF when as you can see I don't have any DoF active at all. Begone.

There's the Angeli Broom, which is pretty fun. But yeah, good staff mods are thin on the ground.


i said nlva has dof and it does

what is everyone doing today?

did you meat anyone special?

Gorm, scion of a wealthy Solitude family, Red-Shield. Ancestor Hjalvard Red-Shield was in the Jarl's court and an important figure in the city's finances. His family home of Proudspire manor stands in the shadow of the Blue Palace and since Hjalvard the Red-Shields have always been within the orbit of power.
Fast forward a few hundred years and the family is a shadow of its former self. Although initially successful in establishing itself as a prime financier of the Thalmor's operations in Skyrim, most of its senior members were involved in a massive financial swindle and were locked up for life, stripped of their family fortunes, the main fraudsters executed. Gorm's involvement could never be directly proven and he remained the only member of the family's old guard to remain untarnished.
The civil war took care of most of the younger generation, dying for the Imperial Legion with a few assorted low-ranking members of the family becoming thieves and killers. Generations of privilege and ruthless guile had led to the presence of "bad blood" in the Red-Shields, and their social standing was disintegrating. With the family quickly losing what remained of its fortune and with age knocking on his door, Gorm, as the last prestigious member, sought to uphold the family name, before his age would catch up to him and before the swelling rebellion would kill any and all Thalmor sympathizers in the city.
As a result, Gorm took a carriage to the college of Winterhold under a false identity in order to, in his late age, invest all of his time and effort into mastering the arts of magic, in a desperate search for ways to prolong his life. Gorm is vain, conceited, imperious, pompous and foul-mouthed, as one would expect from a Nord nobleman. Most of his actions are guided by his vanity and desire to see his family name restored as one final "fuck you" after the forces of chance and justice took his lineage down a peg. It also leads him down some dark paths.

How can I fix my distant trees?

This is really annoying me.

i met a new friend

Try this

looks chewy

He said without a novel, but nice shit regardless

oh, ok.

>Laughing at the waifu you obviously have a crush on
Sorry user, but Anne can't be with your husbando if you don't post him.

It was all magic regardless, so no effort at all.

Ya they're installed.

Along with Realistic Aspen Trees Billboards and Skyrim Flora overhaul billboards.

I'm using SDO and SkyFalls

Her power to weight ratio and wing loading can't possibly be compatible with any form of flight, so how can she do it? Is she actually made of super light gas instead of pure lard?

that is frightening.

Could /tesg/ link me some of their favorite gear/armor for archers? I'm having a hard time finding non-slutty ones.

I like the Regal Huntsman Armor but its stats are a bit OP for leather craftable armor.

How did he become a vampire?


>no one will ever make a shadowrun loli mod for skyrim
7 years... 7 years and all we've got to show for it are BDSM mods.

where'd you get those robes?

Wood elf raised Nord adventurer, went to Skyrim to reconnect with her race and culture, ended up chilling with a pack of werewolves and becoming one herself.
Did she read a fairy tale about eating all the magic pumpkins in the land to gain superpowers?
Good background, and I like the progression shown there. Except for that 70's floral print wallpaper phase he went through.


Don't ask me, ask