How excited are you guys for the future of automotive interiors?
How excited are you guys for the future of automotive interiors?
Disgusting garbage.
You're becoming a busrider inside your own vehicle.
Oversimplified interiors that have 90% of their options inside shitty little laggy screens that bring a plethora of issues when it comes to long term usage.
Replacing ICE cars with EV's because "muh pollution" even though cars make up a very small % of pollution in the world and we need power plants to produce electricity in the first place, which have an even greater effect on the planet.
is that a profile picture on the top left
why in the holy fuck would i need a picture of me in my car count me the fuck out
Not happy. You're driving a death machine that's secretly being controled by the Gov.
I wish I was born 60 years ago so I'll be too old to drive, or just dead when this shit hit's the streets.
Fuck this Faraday shit.
>We have detected that you used a forbidden phrase "goddam niggerchinks get off the road", you will be charged a fine of $120 dollars and points directly added on your license causing a rise in your monthly insurance rate. Social media has been alerted of your infraction to inform those around you that you are indeed a criminal capable of serious mental harm. Top speed of your vehicle lowered by 23% for a period of no shorter than 24 weeks. Radio restricted to Christian country music for kids to ensure a relaxed state of mind. Please remain calm as you are transported directly to your local reconditioning facility. Thank you
At what point does a joke become reality?
where does the airbag go?
or are they implementing safety foam?
>steering wheel
You have to use your hands? Thats like a baby's toy.
carb your enthusiasm
This really salts my pretzels
>Radio restricted to Christian country music for kids
>Christian music
That music is a little too problematic for today's (((diverse))) society, instead you have the choice of Latinx Top 40 (Spanish only, don't want to be racist) and Qur'anic verses so you can experience other cultures :).
fucking star ships. cant wait.
>Qur'anic verses so you can experience other cultures :).
But what if I want to experience my own culture?
This is nightmare fuel
Not at all. It's as if automobile makers decided most drivers are infallible and otherwise perfect, so they can afford to throw in as many gimmicks and distracting buzzwords as humanly possible.
People can't even keep their phone in the pocket for a drive, let alone a fucking tablet on their steering wheel, where a more appropriate feature would be an airbag.
Can't you just make your own interior?
... You know this isn't to far from being spot on in the future.
I have a feeling that this will be reality.
I was freaked out once I saw them measuring your blood pressure and blood oxygenation. Why would my car need to know this ever?
it might not even be measuring right, so you're better off assuming it's incorrect anyways
There is no white culture silly user, we are all refugees
>Level 6/7 walls
>touch screens in cars
>computers in cars
Oh boy, all the fun, reliability, and surveillance of Windows 10 deciding if I get to work on time every day.