League of Legends General - /lolg/



Other urls found in this thread:


gay lolg!




Why would you make a "CUTE&ADORABLE" edition and include a picture of Lulu?

Xth for Poppy!

xth for deletion

Does anyone know why using the "Record" feature in the Replay Client causes this terrible noise?

Pretty funny clip though


how can one poster be so based?

no u

xth for Syndra

Xth for the league spy movie where Ez watches his chaste gf Lux get kidnapped and turned into a cumslut by Mad Scientist Ekko.

Exactly they should've posted Poppy!

>friendly team starts flaming eachother 45 seconds into the game because no one wants to go support or jg after locking three mids

no lolg, it's not me, it's my team

it works just fine for me

>Possible Janna's also out of line as well, planning to look into her, both from a balance perspective and to determine whether there's some quick work we can do to add some more moments of skill expression to her kit as well.
No more free rides to D5, shitters


Why did you upload that with sound you double nigger cuck. Jesus Christ why haven't you castrated yourself with a rusty spoon yet?

>t.same guy

Come on Lulufag

Useful Links


>Pentakill 2 - Grasp of the Undying Album

>7.15 Patch Notes


>Champion and Skin Sales


Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyosongive.us

implying you wouldn't fuck karmas huge ionian ass


comfy bfs~

one day left!

>its some shit slap on wrist like -5shield hp ala borianna

I mean did she just walk up and say hey here's some lube go to town on my anus. why not? But I don't really find her skin tone to be attractive so I certainly wouldn't work for it.

get outta my thread with those shitty links!


>calls himself based
>the ONLY avatarfag so disgustingly pathetic he actually samefags like this

I mean still better than lulufags but holy shit how beta

I agree that CDR is piss easy now, they seriously need to look at which items really need CDR, but Ardent Censers and Coin are seriously overtuned right now. Hell, a lot of poke and melee supports don't even take spellthiefs (Sona/Karma/Lulu/Zyra/Taric/Thresh/Blitz), that's how much stronger coin is in comparison to Targons and Spellthiefs. I don't have as much a problem with coin's gold income (though maybe it could use a slight nerf), but how easy it makes your laning phase with it's infinite mana. All of that is what makes Janna seem like a monster. But if you were to nerf her, and then like Riot always does, nerf what made her better on top of buffing her counters, she'd be go back to her extreme niche days during pre-season 4 worlds. Her kit has simply always been good against assassins and 'divers', nerfing her even more would only make her even more polarizing in terms of what she can be used against.

That's objective, not an argument.

I main Rakan, bud.

>doesn't read post warning about audio
>complains about audio

Your fault desu

My Poppy one trick account is almost diamond. So excited!

since (You) posted it twice I guess I'll entertain you, dumbass

threadly reminder to CLIMB!
you can DO IT user!
NEVER give up!

Congrats user! Any tips for being as good as you are?

Haha i lost the game!

how the fuck do people die THAT much?

even on my hardest of hard INT games I only die maximum like 11 times

Oh man ardent soooo broken guess that's why Karma and Lulu and others are also sporting numbers like these
Reminder that Singed got hotfixed for much less

Looks like the enemy team was the stronger team then.

I love it when I'm the only one on my team with less than 10 deaths
It happens every game past 40 minutes

> That build

You certainly didn't help any

lolg please make a discord server

its not even this, a few threads ago in your own post you called yourself the "best poster in this general" fucking embarrasing

>that build

>galio cs
what the fuck

couldn't get below 8 cs/m on him even when losing

i want him back

about time

That's because I am

show us the enemy team, I want to know why Galio built 0 MR besides Mercs


Build her damage until you get to plat. Only way you can carry shitty teams.

In plat-diamond build tanky don't die and do nothing in team fights except peel your carries. Rito made her so ridiculously awful at initiating so unless you can Flash+Ult four people and your team is super close by to follow up, don't initiate.

Unless you get really far ahead and you have a ton of armor, at which point tower dive often because it's almost a guaranteed stun and turrets do virtually no damage once your armor is >200

where are the links

No shit rumble is based he delivers, he always delivers.

Fumble is cute tbqhywf

I get a boner everytime I think about the upcoming rune changes
who else is /hyped/ here

Was that a fucking GLP?

it was also archangels and lich bane

>m-muh freelo champion


I genuinely feel sorry for you man

I love Riven!!! She's so cute and perfect! My wife!


>people are actually proud of plat

>second worst poster in this general backs up another garbage poster

I wonder if lissfag, lulufags, vladfag, and rumblefag all gather together to figure out how shit they can make this general together

for losing him or playing as it?
freelo my fucking ass you have any idea how hard it was to get to that point? i have to get two tears stacked and 4 items

Now you know how I felt about Yorick

Ok, I assumed as much

For losing your main

Reminder I'm not in that poll because I am the best poster in this general

you need to specify what kind of damage, dumb dumb

> Enemy team has zero (0) tanks
> You build a god damn botrk on Sivir
> With no cdr for your Q or W

Explain yourself

no you all know my gangplank pain
SOON jaxfags and mordefags, your time is NEAR!

enjoy your champion while he still acts and plays how you know and love him, in due time he will be nothing but a bastardized character and playstyle with one similar ability and the same name!

it will never be the same having this stupid fucking face at the center

considering gold is above the average you'd be a total to mock someone for being happy they broke free of mediocrity

Jax isn't on the rework list

no youre not on that poll because its before your time, you would be under namefags/tripfags

youre too new to be of any relivance to this general

i was an old poppy main before urgot. you have no idea what true pain is

I get this too and have looked it up and it seems it happens to a lot of people

Yet there's no fix and they haven't said they'll fix it yet either

Give me one (1) good reason not to build pure tank on Morde top

is there anyone that even likes him?
the entire champion is a walking bug

xth for Im suck of seeing Kayn in every fucking game please fucking kill me

I can't even ban him either because the niggers that play him will just dodge and I'll be stuck in queue for 45 minutes

because that would mean playing Morde top

>Before my time

I voted in that poll m8, don't give me that shit

>flex 3v3
you deserve it

>zero mobility in his kit
>zero cc in his kit
literally why nigga

Karma and Lulu are poke supports, what should be their 'optimal' item (spellthiefs) isn't as good as coin. There's also the issue that they don't synergize as well with the overtuned items like Janna does, along with the fact that Blitz and Thresh are being played a lot right now. Sona's winrate has been climbing steadily and she's definitely a better ardent censer abuser than Lulu/Karma. I'm not saying Janna ISN'T strong, but that people who want Janna to be Olaf'd really aren't taking into consideration the reasons she's like this right now. I think what she could use is a slight CD and mana nerf to her E. That gives the enemy a bigger window to poke her and the adc out of lane, and also deals with the bad Janna players that just spam E (which they can do a lot easier now that Coin is overtuned).

>walk into enemy team as full tank morde
>nothing happens
>walk into enemy team as full damage morde
>one shot someone and then die
you can complain about kayn once orianna gets nerfed

Absolutely no damage
No cc
Remind me again what you're bringing to the team?

S O O N tm

gangplank was the first of the wave of "replace a champion without any compensation for the old mains" reworks so I think I know this more than you do, I also played fiora, darius, and garen before they we ruined

thats what they said about every other reworked champion and now they know my pain

dont ever main a champion that isnt at least 2 years old, if theyre older than that you will lose your main and the fun you had with them

tfw they're gonna kill kayle
why are they gonna kill kayle

i was diamond 5 in soloq last season but this season i'm hardstuck plat 5 in both flex and solo and them removing urgot didnt help
i dont think darius or garen count because darius is mostly the same just stronger and garen is exactly the same but stronger

>That feel when you will never be of any relevance to this general
>That feel when nobody in this general will ever know who you are


Wtf do you miss from old darius and garen?

Just the instant Q?

Because she's not fun to play against if she gets her items

then you were such a small presence back then you were irrelivant to the poll

the best posters in this gen are the ones that dont post stupid pointless images are retard posts every single thread so they can have an identity, you are no better than the lulufags you dislike its just that there are more of them so they get more hate since its more people spamming bullshit

and the reason sonafags dont get that hate is because most everyone likes fat tits so they wont bitch about spam if its spam they like

Like leathality damage or like a bruiser danage?

>There are people in this thread who are so autistically eternally beta that they want to be dominated by fairy midgetlets


Where is the League of Legends general Discord server? pls

I'm fine with all of that tbqh

right in the nearest trashcan where it belongs

Will Rito nerf shit out of Kayne?

I hope so. Not even because he's super OP (though, Rhaast needs tuning) but mostly because I fucking hate slippery assassins.

It exists but we are scared of spammer invasions. Join us in game and buddy up to ppl and eventually you may be allowed to join

>nerfing a balanced champion