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Pulse edition

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Operation Health - Patch 2.21 is live.
Hong Kong season has been delayed. Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.

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Pretty sure the HK operator's gadget is a pork bun.


so what kind of jacket is this?
some kind of 1950s fighter pilot jacket?


I got this commissioned at SDCC, it's Frost. Please say something nice to the artist, she's a good girl

what is this?
a picture that is pretty nice i like the coloring?

worst girl

It looks cute.

looks like a ww2 tanker jacket

i kinda hoped ubi wasnt just going to do ww2 shit for everyones elites
hopefully they do some more nam stuff like blackbeard

IQ legendary set with a victory foot job animation fucking when ubishit??

Kapkan isn't WW2.

yeah hes afghan war right?
i shouldnt have said ww2 ubi is branching out with some of the operators
i just think doing ww2 shit is easy mode, try some other time periods you know?

yeah its soviet-afghan war, 1979 to 1989

i love krapkans the most, i hope we get more 60-80s stuff

They couldn't put out Ops because they wanted to push two patches that fixed nothing and added alpha packs, so since the Y2S3 patch is texture fixes for everything I'm going to guess no.

>both teams have two sub-20 players
>oh well at least it's even with both team having them for once
>enemy sub-20's are obvious Ash/Jager smurfs complete with obnoxious taunts while sub-20 teammates are sweet innocents who try out Tachanka and try to shoot randomly shoot through the ceiling

>some autist keeps reposting this

>Enemy team is diamond, platinum, unranked lvl 150 and two smurfs
>my team is me-gold, and 4 sub 30's
>no smurfs at all
>mfw enemy taunts the entire time
please stop i just want to have fun

It's a little card with pen and watercolours
Not a picture of Ash, sorry

Go watch Taxi Driver, you plebs.
Love, /tv/.

Is the p90 any good? If so, what barrel attachment is best?

dog ive seen that shit a ton of times
i was talking about the jacket, travis has an m65 not the jacket and clothes pulse has

laser sight

>/tv/fag thinking he's revelatory pointing out something obvious
We're talking about the jacket, you shut-in. It's clearly not the same.

I run it with silencer. You'd think Rook's fat ass wouldn't be able to sneak up on a group but it happens more often than you'd think.

But then I run silencer on all my defenders.

but then you are also in bronze



What would a Valkyrie elite set look like? i play her alot and would like one but i have zero clue what a "realistic" elite set would be for her desu

The drawbacks of a silencer is one: less damage, which won't matter with a headshot. If you're magdumping someone in the chest you deserve to die.
two: a bit worse recoil, which you can easily learn to compensate for if you have any skill.
Meanwhile it'll make it harder to pinpoint where you're shooting from, which is always useful for a defender. Attackers on the other hand aren't going to be taking a whole group of defenders by surprise at any point and there's a decent chance of seeing some prone fucker's foot peeking out from behind a shield or something for a short time, at which point you actually do want that extra damage. You're not going to be going after feet as a defender with any regularity because attackers don't stay still like that.

>thinks i will read some bronze opinions

A diving suit

Yes please

How does a mixed rank party get matched in ranked?

Does it default to highest there or what?

>running around skyscraper in a diving suit


napping canines

Better that than the foot guy.

you called?

I would agree with you if the game had perfect hitreg, and 3speeds didn't exist.

Headshots just aren't reliable enough in practice, even if your aim is good.


Only just completed Situations after several months of playing siege, had no idea article 5 even existed. Bretty cool

Ash removed when?


It gon b used by that faggot fb page about frost and hibana when it gets to Reddit

are they ever going to nerf 3 speeds?

only when you stop being gay, so probably not

just shoot them in the head

>not a flat top


>down and interrogate sledge
>twitch is literally right behind him
>finish animation, stand up, shotgun her, interrogate her
>doesn't count as a kill
What the fuck?

>hiding in the little office with the window as Cav
>hear someone come in the room that surrounds the office
>they throw out a drone and just go on by
>walk up to the Fuze on his phone and shotgun him

>go to that office again since it has the hatch above obj
>blow the hatch
>look down and see Mira looking off at nothing
>shoot her in the head
>same fucking guy
How does someone get this mad in casual, especially when he's clearly a fucking idiot? He's like level 100 something too.

-crouchspam is your friend
switch between standing upright and crouched constantly
while moving forward in crouchspam you are
1) moving quicker than if you were fully crouched
2) constantly changing the hitbox location of your hand
3) still covering your legs about 75% of the time if timed correctly
if enemies start focusing your legs you adjust your timing towards longer periods of crouching

the most significant advantage is while moving sideways though
if you're sidestrafing fully crouched your character will move the legs past the shield on every step
crouchspam keeps them centered while still providing enough cover
the rhythm of your shield rattle is a good frequency for pressing crouch

-walking up stairs
aim atleast a full crosshair size above the heads of defenders holding a top-down angle
if you simply keep them within your bulletproof window they probably have an angle on your head

-you're not monty
you're not the guy hanging around the garage peek battle trying to cover a plant
you're also not the guy pushing long empty hallways filled with acog defenders holding a hard angle

>Be Echo
>mfw somebody destroys yokai
>Proceed to stomp across the map and shoot them in the face before telling them to never touch my fucking drone again
I have yet to fail to avenge my drone. Yokai's destruction empowers the Echo.

How do we use claymores

>1k away from echo

Place them tight on the window so they dont see the lasers

ADSing while strafing in and out of cover is the most optimal way of camouflaging your ADS animation to the enemy
jiggle peeking around cover is your primary intel tool and can line you up some pretty nasty headshots
even as 1 speed you're still getting some peekers advantage out of it

choose corner rooms over mid-section rooms
choose corner windows over mid-section ones
work your way through rooms in a pattern that leaves the least amount of flanking options open

don't overextend, but don't get complacent either
if you know you're getting flanked it's sometimes best to flee straight forward into battle rather than waiting for cav to put you down while you're fiddling your thumbs

-learn to play with pump shotguns
their playstyle is very similar to blitz in terms of movement, positioning and decision making
if you're willing to lose some sanity for it, lock yourself to casual and start instapicking blitz on ATK and shotgun jäger/bandit on DEF
every single round
people will hate you for it, but a lot of skills from playing aggressive 3speed shotgun transfer right over

when i kill the person who killed my yokai i tell them never to touch another mans yokai :^)

>actually buying trash
i want weebs to fucking die

>CoD adderall junkie on a 3 speed btfo

>4k in a day
well i guess thats better than before

Good Luck user! youre gonna have a great time

in my current game theres a level 20 who's going around constantly aiming down the scope. please send help


Been maining Sledge lately. it's convenient with no team communication where I can just try and fuck shit up on my own and carve a path through the map

Hibana rules, echo drools

>Friday night siege

Absolute fucking CANCER

Thanks matey

>not playing siege at 4am on mondays only

What kind of mongoloid plays this game in ranked only to quit after just a round or two?

You're going to get the loss either way for quitting or losing, why not just play it out and see if you can maybe win?

I've been on both sides, having leavers who go right away, or fighting against a team who had a leaver. Like, I just don't get it. Yeah I rage at the dumb fucks that play this game too in ranked, but it's better to just stick it out..

>tfw get voted out of a match after 2 rounds for no reason whatsoever

Ledge is so fun, but the hammer is just so fucking loud. Always gets me killed.

Always good when you fight against someone who is braindead, or can't hear for shit.

>Pick sledge, moving slowly around the map (forget which one, the desserty house map)
>Bash open some floors and walls to get my way in
>Trying to be as sneaky as possible, as much as you can as Sledge
>Bash open a hole 2 rooms away from the objective, there's just some dumb ass sitting 1ft away from the hole with his back turned to me
>Just fucking unload on him

I had a good laugh on that one.

whats why buck and ash are also good for solo queing, you can just meme through the map and not give a fuck

what would "Ledge"'s gadget be anons?

I do this but only because I have work at 5 and get up at like 3 so there's usually 40 mins or so for me to kill

sledges hammer is surprisingly quiet in the next room
the main problem is the decade long weapon switch animation that gets you killed should you happen to find an enemy on the other side that isn't braindead

3 drones that can climb up walls and ceilings

>last attacker drops down start shooting him
>fucking idiot put down a shield right under a hatch

Climbs ladders really fkn fst
Can deploy 1 ladder on any wall up to any ledge/2nd floor from outside/inside; which is unmovable
Can shoot a pistol while climbing with one hand
Has armor on his legs and back so he takes a little less damage from behind (say, 5-10%; but can't put on Rook armor)
Only has 1 SMG weapon, not sure what, but can choose 3 pistols

Idk man

I feel like this game and CSGO have about the same community these days

>people with pepe avatars

havent had fun with this game for months now
thanks for the "fixed" matchmaking ubisoft

>me and two others rubberbanding out of main entrance on plane

thx ubi :)

>ask people if they wantt o stay as a team
>they say yes
>they dont click stay as a team

he also used that meme where he tAlKs LiKE tHIs

this guy got killed by a castle while blitz and got triggered so hard
didnt stop talking about it for all 4 rounds

I was just in a game with a guy who started talking about Undertale and teamkilled me when I insulted him for it
people are so rude

Undertale is great

What time EST do I play Siege to avoid high ping hues

>85 away from echo

hes fucking trash don't waste your renown

dont listen to this dweeb

do you guys think echo is autistic?

>'''people''' with shadshit avatars

Dude I am warning you not to buy echo you will not play him

Is there anything more embarrasing than watching someone die because they didn't mind their ammo count?

Echo is great if you know how to play him right.

Echo is great if played well my man, he's even getting picked more in the pro leagues recently.