Have you ever drinked and drived? What was it like?
Have you ever drinked and drived? What was it like?
Can be fun I guess. It gets old, though, and it's not as fun when you realize you're being sloppy and taking dumb chances and not enjoying the experience as much.
Can't really blame guys who just like to unwind sipping a beer once in a while I guess. But are they going to stop at one? Are they always going to be sipping a beer?
yes i drank alcohol then drove my dick into ur moms pussay
i find that drinking one or two regular sized 5% or so cans of beer and driving is the ideal mental state
it's fun, i don't get irritated or stressed by other drivers, i'm a bit more aggressive but in a good way and still alert and focused
it's nice
This to be honest. I've just never openly admitted it, but it's true. The worst drivers are usually the most anxious and tense ones. A little bit of alcohol definitely makes you less anxious.
yes, and I popped my tire on a curb. Decided not to anymore.
Man you haven't lived until you park on a 90 degree angle in the fast lane to offer your friend a sip of your beer
The one time I did it I drove for about 2 minutes and felt really unsure of my driving abilities and went back home.
Yes, on a biking trip.
Popping wheelies and speeding through some old town.
Few days later we were blasting over unfamiliar small country roads in the dark, after drinking a pint or 3-4.
How none of us crashed during those rides, I still don't know.
Drove home across town once while still buzzed, scared the shit out of me since I knew the risk I was taking. Got home alright but would never do it again
Its stupidly dengerous for yourself and more importantly everyone else on the road. 2 or 3 beers is ok and can make you drive better by calming you down but any more than that is retarded
Don't drink and drive. Its not worth it nor is it as fun. Sober up and get fucking home. Smoke weed and drive if you need your fix. Alcohol will cause your reaction times to skyrocket. Trust me I'm experienced.
I have a lot of land and I wanted to see what it felt like. Around the perimeter is a dirt track of sorts, which I can tear around in the Land Rover.
The big night came and I decided to really go for it.
I had a friend over to watch the rugby and after about 8 cans I told him what I was planning on doing. He seemed reluctant at first, but eventually he came round to the idea. I eventually had 15 cans of Stella and got behind the wheel.
Stuck it at the first bend, down a small hill, through a fence my grandfather built and into a stream. I then threw up all over the dashboard. My mate ended up with a load of glass cuts. Not a good result.
This is true, and driving the right kind of stoned really is fun. But I found out the wrong way being all dopey stoned is a good way to forget that the cars in front of you have stopped at a light or some really dumb thing like that.
I used to drink and drive every time I needed to get home after a party
It wasnt fun it was just like normal driving and I am even more cautious when driving drunk especially because I usually get home very late and a lot of people cross red lights
I have driven a few times and I dont even remember how I got home desu senpai its not that difficult if you know how to drink and how to drive
I drove home drunk once, but it was in a tiny town with no cops and I did like 15mph to the other side of town. Took me about 7 minutes.
Yeah, depends on how long I'm out, but I think a 6 pack is usually about when I draw the line, give or take a couple depending how I'm feeling.
One night I killed a 12 pack and still drove, but I really shouldn't have to be honest. Not that it's a long, hard or fast drive, usually just trying to get home from the drinking location.
This except I grazed some construction cones and got a nice scratch from the front to back wheel, felt like a fucking idiot and went cold turkey
Yep, was completely trashed.
It was after a concert, girlfriend and roommate were vomitting out the windows and they needed to get home. Gave myself 5 minutes for composure, fired it up, and took side streets all the way back. EZ.
Also I once drove for an hour on the highway to get back home after snorting Xanax. I don’t remember driving at all. I think that’s scarier honestly.
Would never do either again though.
Its pretty fun, but too dangerous. I bought a nice racing sim setup with ffb wheel, pedals, and h shifter, its great to get drunk and sim drive long tracks on Assetto Corsa.
yeah i've gotten into 3 accidents while being really drunk.
I regret every single time I've driven under then influence of alcohol.
t. alcoholic 21 year old
Not worth the risk IMO.
If you're legitimately drunk you could kill someone. If you're not drunk but you've had a couple you can still blow over the limit and then you either take the DUI or spend a couple months on court fighting it.
Neither of those are exciting prospects to me.
If I want to go out but know I'll have to drive, I'll just nurse one beer and then wait about 30-45 minutes before heading out.
It's pretty fucking stupid doing it in the city though a safe drunk driver is still safer than a Asian on the phone. If you're grazing shit you sure as fuck shouldn't be doing it, If you can drive safely then go ahead but realize you're fucked if you fuck up. Pic related were all sober...
Now a bunch of buddies, A fuck load of liquor, A few $200 cars and a couple acres of land is a good time.
>nurse one warm beer for four hours.
>still waits an hour after finishing before driving
slow down there party animal, we don't want this coaster leaving the rails.
Decent buzz on some ATVs on your own land is also pretty quality.
I don't even like driving with a hangover if I can avoid it but at least the more road time you put in the more automatic it is and routes you know by the back of your hand are pretty smooth sailing as long as you remember to play extra safe.
is this all the same rock?
why does everyone get hung up on this rock?
Yeah lol, best feeling in the world
2 years of getting fucked every night untill I got caught
Then It doesnt feel so good, when insurance costs you £3000 after your 2 year ban from driving is up and realising you could have killed someone when you ge a bit older, also rim changes get expensive
If I wanna throw down, I throw down. I just don't drive myself home.
No point in risking my license or my safety if I have to drive. Even if you're not noticably intoxicated, you blow over and it's a DUI.
oh man what a riot
TJ! :D
It's a total thrill ride, let me tell ya.
>not being within stumbling distance of your neighborhood watering hole
Man, I feel bad for you guys.
I'll have a drink for all of you later.
Some people are super careful. Others know if they're going to be somewhere for long enough they can fit in a few drinks, stop early, and still be below the local limit by the time they leave.
>not driving home because you're too drunk to walk
>Being such a lightweight your legs stop functioning after three beers.
Yes I was doing it regularly on my late teens (18-21) til I got a DUI , 600$ fine and license suspension for 3 months.
I should mention I am from Europe
I left my work's Christmas party with 4 drinks in me and felt uncomfortable driving the 2 miles home. Some of my coworkers were drinking 2 drinks per hour for 4+ hours and had 30 minute drives home, no fucking idea how they pulled that off.
>tfw your other friends don't have cars
>if i want friends to drink with i have to drive
>then i want to drink too much
>but still have to drive
life sucks man, fuck work, i just wanna drink until 3 in the morning, sleep until noon, and play video games
Yes. They had to remove it. It's what happens when you're an immigrant and can basically buy a licence.
It gets easier with practice. Same like alcoholics learn to get through daily life like you wouldn't notice they aren't sober and neither would they.
It's crazy how many people drive home pretty messed up after parties all the time like it's nothing and normal. Ideally by the time you get to that point you recognize that's a bit alarming and decide you'd rather stop.
don't you have any pussy ass friend that doesn't drink?
Clearly from the speed blurs you can tell he's drifting with the flow of traffic while his car is perpendicular to the lane.
If you drink and drive, the only thing you should be drinking is bleach.
The amount of bullshit in this thread is appalling.
Yet the cops still harass me every time I get patrolled.
I drove for years, having 1 or 2 after work. Stopping by convenience stores and picking up one for the road. I was fine and not a danger to anyone.
Then I grabbed one on the way to do some work on my 2nd house, had another couple while working on the house, another on the way back to my 1st house, another when I got back to the house. Then I grab 2 to go visit a friend an hour and a half away. My friend wasn't home, so I picked up a 12 pack so I could have 1 or 2 on my way home. After I missed a turn I've made hundreds of times before, I ended up 20 minutes past home. When I got the car out of impound, there were 6 full beers. I blew .20
$1000 fine, 2 days in jail, $2400 lawyer bill and 6mo. suspension. Haven't picked one up for the road since.
Nope, but I have driven high before. It's a good way to kill time (and waste gas). Just get in and drive around town for an hour or so.
That picture is actually physically painful to look at. Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK?
I drink and drive almost every time I go to a party. But I drive a truck, and in canada I have never seen the police pull a truck over late at night.