Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/


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>In Development: Garrosh, Skins, Mounts, and more!

>Garrosh - Warcraft Warrior; Now on PTR!
>PTR July 31st - Aug 7th

>Heroes of the Storm 2.0

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>Where can I find fellow players to group up with and discuss the game?
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Blizzard really fucked up with Garrosh's representation in Heroes of the Storm. His abilities and role do not fit his character fantasy in any way. His kit should have been for another character.

Yes, he is fun to play. But he should have been a bruiser, like Artanis, but with burst and less focus on defense and with an ability to force 1v1.

>what Blizzard devs did
Hey guys we plan to release Garrosh somewhere in summer 2017
Fast forward summer 2017
Alright guys just attach some existing kit to Garrosh and release him. And dont forget to make a legendary skin + bike with a bunch of tints

no im ok in irl interactions
u cant go around calling ppl subhuman fags irl

Finally /ourguy/ is casting a serie.

>raging garroshfag also an intense screamer autist across multiple games

Grubby such a nice dude

>where is ur xmas spirit haha :-)

what a fuckin retard
who tries to appeal a silence by typing "OY VEY FUCKING BLIZZDRONES" to the person in charge of deciding whether he stays muted or not


He is using a new account to shitpost about it is really obvious.

Yeh u know better

>dota has build diversity
o im laffin

>varian autistically mashing W
protected was a mistake

You could have just called the video, He didn't take taunt.

i just saw a drow in a progame go for the meme agh mjollnir build

>implying that's not the meta build outside of throwing blnk dagger or hurricane pike on top of it
>implying that doing a weird build in one game means you don't build the same shit on the same character archetype every time in 90% of scenarios a la Smite and League, thanks to nuValve added busted overpowered items left and right for the last 15 patches

right back at ya

Leveling without stims is legitimately a pain, but maybe I just need to stop autistically leveling the top row of "closest to level up".

I don't even need the lootboxes and if I do end up wanting them after a big content push for the endorphin rush, I'll just buy them with money.

Still learning how to suck less with Gul'dan, and I was panicking.

To be honest though, I knew about the Horrify->Corruption thing but I wasn't sure I could land all three hits since I'm not pro.

Just invite your friends user. Haha, you DO have friends right?

my friends dont play hots
and i'm wondering why i play this shit 90% of the time i play it

Just join the in-game Veeky Forums channel and ask for QM or something. Everyone there is bad so don't worry about being a burden or anything.

>Player leaves from the start
>Can't surrender
Nice game

>invited friends to hots
>mixed feels but mostly positive
>usually pick Support and just follow them around
>they all have pretty low mmr so games weren't fun if I picked Valla or Alarak
>some time goes by and they stop inviting me
>queue up as 2, 4 or even 5
>occasionally whisper if they're queuing
>no response

why isn't ETC good anymore

I just want to be a big ball of CC and protect my backline

They nerfed his HP into the trashcan because they wanted to rework him to use the new armor meme.
So now he's about as durable as he was pre-trait-change for a grand total of 2 seconds every time he casts an ability. And then when the armor buff wears off he has 15% less hp for no benefit.

i dont have friends

Is Stukov picked in the tournies?
Is Kaelthas picked in 2017? Do they pick the Q quest ever? Have there been situations where KT lost all stacks?

>leave an engage on low health while we're outnumbered
>"wtf report user runs from every fight" because I don't wipe with the rest of them

this isn't fucking overwatch you're not supposed to suicide the point to stall people

Unless it's I Shrines and you need 2-3 last minions to win objective and it's past 15min in-game. In that case you go Allahu Snackbar and that's it.

>rexxar is really fun
>I can't play him well

It hurts my soul.


>Booty Coffers brawl
>Enemy rolls Tracer AND D.va
>Instantly kills all chests
This brawl was a mistake.

I don't understand Malthael.
>Soul Rip has a talent that deals more damage you only hit 1 hero instead of a talent that deals more damage per target affected
>First tier is mobility only
>Duration increasing talent isn't on the first tier
>Wraith Strike deals almost no damage, but you can only use it when a target is marked
>Death Shroud is slow as balls
>The entirety of Tormented Souls
And on and on.
Feels like he should've been a warrior

Die Alone is actually really good.

Marry Fuck Kill

they intended him to have a good 1v1 build too with die alone + mortality + rites
problem is tormented souls is too good and malth is too squishy in fights without a way to mark multiple enemy heroes for the heals

That's the thing. It's really good, but it's counter intuitive and basically means you have to ignore Tormented Souls.

m t
f k
k l

Kill Kerrigan because dumb edgy shit bitch, kill Li Ming because chink who thinks too highly of herself, kill Tyrande because FUCKING DUMB STUPID PIECE OF SHIT 10k+ years old and still without brain. Why the fuck is she the ruler of the night elves again? PLz tell me.

From HotS females I would

Rape the shit out of Tracer and torture her to death, kill her very fucking brutally. Like you know that type shit 40 days of torture, that 44 days of hell murder of junko furuta thing? Google it up. I would do worse to Tracer simply because she is LGBT scum.

I would also sex D.Va even though she is a chink, but 19 year old so why not.

There are no HotS females worth marrying though. I guess Sgt. Hammer and Morales are the only ones, but they are no names.

In an American vs Europe Veeky Forums throw down who would win and who would the most stand out players be?

Kill Kerri
Marry Goddess
Fuck the annoying bitch

Yes to all three.

Eh, I usually take Reaper's scythe when I do a die alone build. It's great for fucking one person up at a time. It's strangely my most successful build.

>Select Spatulas
>One is a sword
>Is the correct answer
You wot captcha?

Do Abathur's locusts soak XP for him or does he himself have to be within XP range?

Only if they last hit, which makes them unreliable.

Last hits only. But hat soaks for full and so does body, so just put that shit on the third Archer minion and AFK

Hi. PLease report Chromie (Kampfmops). We won unfortunately, but shoudn't have with our team comp. This player is past redemption. A troll and a griefer. Report for Abusive Chat so they get removed from ranked play please

whats a better waste of my 10k, stukov or malth

Abathur gets xp from his body being in xp range and also from his HAT being in xp range.

when an objective is going on you sit your body in the farthest lane away from it and soak while hatting the fight
when an objective isn't on you can soak two lanes at once with body+hat

Groundbreaker (Q) fails at representing Garrosh because it deals pathetic damage and the animation+visual design of the ability fits a shaman much more than a warrior, especially one like Garrosh who is all about physical strength. HITS THE GROUND WITH AXE - PULLS ENEMIES OVER Why?

Bloodthirst (W) fails at representing Garrosh for the same reasons as Groundbreaker. Why the hell would Garrosh heal from an attack? Also it is a generic heal attack. We already have a bunch of generic heal attacks in HotS - Thrall D, Stitches E, Alarak E, Ragnaros Q...

Wrecking Ball (E) fits Garrosh. However, this ability would be out of place if Garrosh wasn't made a team dependent warrior.

Warlord's Challenge (R1) fits Garrosh's "I'll do it myself", "one versus the world" attitude well. But why the hell is this heroic called Warlord's Challenge? Why not Warchief's Challenge? Garrosh is a Warlord only in WoD. Other than that it is strange that Blizzard decided to give him an AoE Varian ult.

A mak'gora heroic that lets him duel an opponent would be a much better thing to see in the game (and now we probably will never see it - what other character in Blizzard's franchises is known for dueling?) And before anyone claims it would be OP or a "free support kill" ability, it could be designed in various ways.

Decimate (R2) is some pathetic parody of Bladestorm that deals very low damage for what the ugly and unfitting for Garrosh animation would imply. This would be better off as a basic ability desu.

Armor UP (D) is an ok trait and would fit any warrior.

Oppressor (Lvl 7 Talent) is just dumb. This should be a talent for a spellbreaker type character, but not for Garrosh.

There are redditors browsing this thread at the very moment. Beware.
Look top reply

stukov imo, malth isn't very enjoyable to play in my experience

What the fuck is wrong with this matchmaking?

game 1. playing garden of terror, had 3 ruiners in team but still won because dunno i guess i just play this map good, cos i have 65+% winrate over hundreds of games in preseason

game 2. solo tank varian. autoloss on draft. why did we have to waste time on a game that was obvious lose? valla was fucking utter shit

game 3. should have been loss. faggot picks chromie after i pick azmodan. but enemy team played xtremely bad.

game 4. tomb. currenty in draft. "hi guys u ok if i go medivh?" ok. OK. medivh player, k. but second faggot picks TLV. why do i get both of these clowns on same team?

>What the fuck is wrong with this matchmaking?
>think varian is bad

I'll said the matchmaking works for shitters like you lmao.

Yea that's pretty much the only time, especially if you're Tyrael

Varian IS a bad solotank. Well, maybe not necessarily bad but he's pretty weak, depending on the map you can fall so far behind being essentially tankless until 10 that it's super hard to recover

If Varian doesn't take the lion's maw talent at 1 and is good at hitting it he's going to have a very hard time providing peel for his team. Taunt is great engage but if you need to disengage the cooldown will make it hard to use again if you've got multiple people being chased down, where as Johanna or Muradin can slow whole groups down

>game 4. tomb. currenty in draft. "hi guys u ok if i go medivh?" ok. OK. medivh player, k. but second faggot picks TLV. why do i get both of these clowns on same team?

and we won this shit without losing a single tower, with solo tank artanis + the clowns. clear proof how bad this matchmaking. the worst part is that the tlv and medivh tards will think they can continue picking their shit

Are you below plat or what? What kind of a fucking moron are you to think that Varian is a capable solo tank? Dumb r edditor, get cancer.

hahah learn to play shitter

>pick hanzo
>continuously killing enemy valla and malf from 2 screens away
>second immortal is ours
>u know that talent on lvl 7 that gives u temp invis after wall climb? i take it
>run behind enemy team preparing to def behind their fort
>kill retreating arthas with scatter

nigga just because you had shit varians doesnt mean hes bad. sure hes not the best before 10 but what the fuck. stop

That's funny, you sound like the Muradin I played with a few games ago as Alarak in Gold 4. If you people focused on trying to win as much you did sperging out about draft you'd win more and stop making me have to play Team Therapist for your asses.

What the fuck are you doing here and how? Are you 40? Or casual beer pleb who simply doesn't give a shit about the game?

somewhat tilting

>play QM every single time I come to HotS
>when I stay after 2.0, calibrate into gold 5
>have about 35 games in ranked total

Not that hard to see my dude.

>silver cuck newbie proud that they placed into gold 5 instead of diamond 1-3

who's a good tank to pick if we have a high-damage backline and I want to protect them

I mean, if I really cared about making you happy I'd go and make a new account, tryhard the shit out of QM, grind out 14 heroes I can play well, and calibrate higher. I'm not "proud" of anything here, you're the one getting mad about me not being diamond 1.

>tfw too shit to place d1

helo wen is garraos?

I said maybe not necessarily bad but obviously weak. He can't provide nearly as much peel for his team as the other tanks


>too new to know about placements

>Butcher Centric Enemy Team
>Rehgar, Butcher, Varain, Anub, Ming
>I last pick Cassia and take blind on stun talent
>Just take anything that makes blinds better
>Bouncy ball because this team is like all Melee
>Enemy team can't do shit about it

Is she good outside of "oh shit we need so blinds and Cassia is literally the only assassin with a blind"?

because that's all I use her for. I almost forgot she existed until this match. In this very specific enemy comp she was like elder god tier.

>That Artanis Triangle


>slow enemy with Q
>charge and enemy and slow them with E
>literally push yourself between the enemy and the team and PROTECTED
>taunt to give to retreat
he can peel with every single one of his abilities

>oh cool leoric guess I don't have to be a warrior rofl 3 damage here we go

I blame myself

Artanis is a bad solo tank

>shitty short duration slow
>strong short duration slow
>actual hard CC, but single target and on a 16 second cooldown
varian can peel with all his abilities and uther can do damage with all of HIS abilities
doesn't mean either's any good at it

I don't wanna be alone forever
But I love playing Chromie~

Do you like soccer?
What is your favorite Chromie build?

Fealty unto death includes both friendly and enemy minions, right?

Playing it more than watching it.
Full D Breath.

but uther cant deal damage with all of his abilities
and also leoric can peel better than varian, so would you argue that he's a better solo tank? you're missing something here user

What does split-push mean?
What does peel mean?


To clear minions and/or take structures, usually while your team is contesting an objective.

To protect an ally, often via CC. Imagine Greymane hops on Valla only to have Johanna blind him, pull him in with W then stun with her R.

I'd stun her with my R

being able to peel is one of several requirements for being a good solotank
leo is missing other things

which is why varian is a good solo tank unlike leoric

>doesn't know when busty pirate MILF of electricity is good
protip: it's always

teach me

Are you from the future, user?

>losing game hard because our team decided to build for a gazlowe main (who im playing with for third game) that never lands his ult on more than 1 person, and even that is not a kill guarantee
>do -3 enemy at our core
>bot is completely naked
>teammates: hmm better go do boss on top. sure as hell it will hep us push through full keep vs 5 enemies

whoever made mute ping option at blizzard should be hung drawn and quartered

why do people keep making fun of my builds
am winning arent i

no you're not

its just quick play i cant lose with brighty

Has anything happened the past few days? I've been getting people with really shitty attitudes and grammar in all the games that I've been playing when I've never had people shit talking each other ever before

must be all the twitch advertising



If you play Tracer/Lucio , in my team or in the enemy team, I report you for Abusive chat. If you have Overwatch related mount, spray or portrait - I report you for abusive chat. Understood?

When I play a badass lore char like Leoric (basically Vlad the Impaler the amazing epic turkslayer of diablo world, very nice tyrant who rules with iron fist) or Garrosh, Arthas, Diablo and so on.. And u are Tracer or Lucio in my team, then screw you faggot. Im losing this game intentionally. Fuck your LGBT shit, bitch