Ace Combat General #328 - /aceg/

Ace Combat General #328

Z.O.E. Edition

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Gameplay vid:

Release moved to 2018:

Port confirmed:

E3 '17 Trailer:

PSX '16 trailer:

Here's everything we know about AC7:








First for best camouflage

2nd for Phoenix VS Z.O.E

Slavshit best shit

Close, but no cigar.

Best and biggest

>tfw you write a bunch of text and the thread enters an unrecoverable stall and crashes into the terrain bellow
One of my settings is a fantasy world with a timeline spanning from their classical era to their 2010s equivalent, so they obviously have aircraft. In spite of magic fading away, vehicles are still powered by crystalized magic (a ragnite ripoff, tbqh).
I wanted to design some prop planes for their world war, but I know next to nothing about props or why pull props were favoured over push props, the advantages and disadvantages of each configuration, etc.

>why tractor props got favoured
Pushers are probably a bit more difficult to get working properly, nevertheless WW1 saw quite a number of them before they went out of fashion.

WWII saw almost no canards or pushers, the Shinden and Ascender being the most famous ones. The Ascender got canned because it performed badly.

I'll assume complexity and the fact that it almost limits you to canard configurations due to CG position has something to do with it. That and the fact that at that point tractor configurations were much better understood, with most engines being built for tractors too.

Tractors are also inherently more stable because the thrust comes from the nose of the aircraft. The propeller also sits freely and doesn't have an airframe in the way of sucking in air, albeit how much of an effect that has I don't know.

*honhonhon intensifies*

It's plausible then to have a setting where more time was invested in researching pushers than tractors, then?
It's just the first idea that came up to avoid my designs from ressembling an existing design.

Seriously though, those three colours work really well together

Pushers tend to have overheating problems.

Sure, Crimson Skies did that. I doubt that the aerodynamic differences of canards to regular wings would really matter for a VC tier fantasy world.

It's even plausible to have jet engines before pistons, albeit really shitty ones because they need really good materials and precise manufacturing.
Because jets are really simple engines.

Albeit it looks a lot better to just have props/pistons because we associate those with older plane designs and airships.

Also this, I guess I filed that away under complexity issues. It's harder to get air to a pusher than to a tractor.


I'll definitely design some original aircraft (for both this setting and the Mars one) soon... Once I've finished the F-33 schematics, drawn the Silent Flanker and finished the WW2 Kottos.
I might need prompts to get kickstarted, though. I always have trouble getting started with this sort of things.

Remember to stay fly, strong, and ace ready, all day long.

>prompts to get kickstartered
Like a config suggestion?

Yeah, configuration, unusual features, that sort of brainstorming aids. For both WW2-esque aircraft and Cold War to modern age ones.

Pushpull, so we can have opponents for eachother.

Possibly canard configuration



WWII USN camo is pretty cute




Aww it's cute
Trying to fly with big planes

Post cool things.




>not posting the magnum opus

i think its safe to say Dorn is one of the best things ever to happen to /aceg/ with all the high quality OC he pumps out at no cost


Best timeline tied with the Freedom Flanker one.
I can't into rendering, sadly. I might need to do some master studies to get the hang of it.
Anyone got artist recomendations to do those studies? Also sauce for pic related. Preferably not picture-perfect photorealism, I'm just getting started.

I already posted my personal favorite of his. .

By sauce I mean a link to some gallery, btw. I can't seem to decypher the signature.



Never been a fan of "woodland" camo
Plus our WW2 prop fleet is inexistant or so
Man i can imagine a plane like this flying for HOURS like a damn bird of prey. it looks so fucking great

Hey guys what games can you make your plane look like it's part of Phoenix Squad?

Joint Assault, Infinity

litfag here, I've been on government time to the woods for the last 3 weeks and I've missed you all.

I've read four books in the meantime and am inspired. Tell me of the fanfic you wish to here. I'm already abandoning the last one. Series aren't my gig. One offs are.

Go go go go go go

Signature says peter6409. Google that and you can find their twitter profile pretty easily.

>it was a 4
Fug. All this time wasted searching peterbx09 and peter6x09.

No clue, I just like it

Caudron, Bloch and Moranes for fighters no clue for bombers. Then the Luftwaffe arrived and tried to use a load of old Gnome or Le Rhône engines to power their Henschels in another attempt to replace the Stuka.

Also fairly sure that Caudron just took their racing plane, slapped some guns on it and called it an interceptor/light fighter

Fapfic user is hit by a truck and is reborn in strangereal world.

Go go go.

Aw really? What about Legacy?

Pixy adjusting to life onboard the XB-0 before it's shot down.

>they test his stuff in KSP
It harkens to my Spore days and seems less time consuming than X-Plane's OCD simulator plane maker, but I have my doubts when it comes to how realistic it it for aircraft.

Blaze going to Nagase's room so he canhug her to comfort her because of Chopper's death, cuddling with her on her bed as they go to sleep together.

kek. This

Strangereal's Forrest Gump telling stories about how he was on every war since 1995

>So I went to Oured AGAIN. And I met the president of the Osean Federation AGAIN.

>4 books in 3 weeks.

Those are rookie numbers. You should be knocking out 1 book every 2 nights if you're taking your time.


>step by step painting of two Su-27s by peter6409
I'm so doing a master study of this piece when I clear my backlog.
Has anyone got artist suggestions for that purpose?

I didn't know how much I needed this until now
>thought i could get away from all this war by moving to Usea
>well at least sand island is peaceful, who would think of attacking here
>are you kidding me

A lot of cool stuff there.
Reminds me of uglies from SW

>hurr durr ahm a plaen

Pull up!

sexy bird

=> NO










So, we got the stealthdimension, 4th dimensional maneuvers, and the AWACS-dimension
any others you guys can think of?

>leddit memes

leddit can only steal memes from ebaumsworld and SA.

chopper maneuver

Hope the Tornado shows up in AC7.

PA need to bring back the F.3

The Tornado is the best attacker in AC5, prove me wrong. You can't.

That is the saddest looking sharkmouth I've ever seen.

Are you that dude that was trying to get good at modelling that did that spaceship thing?
What program are you using?

it looks like Sketchup

How the fuck do I fix my ps2? It keeps freezing with games such as AC 4 and 0, especially during cutscenes. I literally can't progress because of the interview one, and I press start to skip it goes directly to random points with fucked up audio.
So far this only happened with those two games, I tested Budokai Tenkaichi 3,Tekken 5 and Knights of the temple 2 and those work just fine
Any ideas?

Probably the disk's fault if it's only those two games.

Try cleaning the laser

We're losing altitude

Quick, post planefus! Keep the thread in the air.

swing wing planefu

Gripen is the cutest looking single engine plane ever.

[muffled Watashi no kare wa piloto plays in the distance]

Tigershark is pretty too

>Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

Mickey would be proud

Shin is a pretty underrated Macross pilot considering he almost got some hits on a VF while piloting some shitbox from the 70's (even if it was upgraded to hell and back).

Mickey was a dumb fuck

did we ever figure out if the prisoners are Erusian or Osean?

I'm pretty sure they're Erusian, considering they're being held in an Osean camp.

It's an Osean prison at the very least.

>Spelling Erusean as Erusian
Cease this.

Mead's South-Belkan.

But that's how it's spelled in-game.

ok then, I had an idea that if they were in an Erusian prison then the reason we lead them might be because we get captured
I was thinking that since it seems the Arsenal bird knocks our most of your allies in the demo you might get shot down yourself.
but there goes that idea

oops did it again

Japs obviously can't speak English then.

Does anyone else find it ridiculously difficult to beat Pixy's last phase in third person mode, but easy to beat him in cockpit view?

For some reason I fuck up the turns in third person. I think it's the added UI from the cockpit.