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I want to caress Fernando's cheek!



New update coming in four days-what are you looking forward to, /palg/?

Threads not dying, for one.

posting my master border here

Ranked and self forced sobriety. It'll be a fun experience. Game seems pretty hyped right now, been running into top guys all day. Only slight worry is that I've only really played Jenos since last patch hit so I'm out of practice on everything else outside FL

OW babbies jumping ship

Hijab skin for Skye.

Already here


already training him in onslaught
i gotta work on not panicking when a flank swoops right in my face though

Wow Jenos barely got touched at all......

And anyone else disappointed with that Ruckus change? It felt pretty unique to have to ramp up your weapon damage.

Anyone else waiting for that sweet release of death?

can't relate to that feel

Well, they may increase it again, hard to say.

Who should I focus on banning right now? Sha Lin and Drogoz?

because shitters can play her and do well
if you take lian away from shitters they are forced to play something either op but with higher skill floor or something easy but sucks

Lian is the prime ban. Next up is Cassie and Willo. Maybe Nando too.

get good supports and tanks lmao

Nando should be first ban/first pick, he's stupidly strong right now.

Give it time. The devs don't always make sweeping changes right away-remember how long it took for Fernando to become what he is currently?

sure lemme just surgically alter the cerebellum of my pugs through the fucking nether

you dont?

Cassie and Lian in any map. they are op damage dealers.
If you ban Lian you can play Drogoz and Willo. Be careful of Androxus mains. They will fuck you up if you don't know how to deal with him.
Don't sleep on Sha Lin. His movement speed backdraw decrease means he can hold his ground against pesky flanks and cassie and lian.
Bomb King is another top pick to carry. Espicially with accelerant you can zone their frontline. BK is probably the best tank buster too.
For frontlines
Nando is fucking broken. Abuse him while you can.
Tinkerin' barik deals SO MUCH DAMAGE you can literally carry with him just by dealing damage.
Makoa and Ash are both good picks if you want to or have to play frontline. I think they are harder to carry with.
If you want to carry with flanks you have to work harder now.
Androxus is the main carry flank. Evie and Buck are the other prominent flank carries if you can play them.
Don't play supports. Like even with grover you cannot carry hard.

did you feel that tingle on the back of your neck just now?
you're a godlike Androxus player now,
you're welcome

I'm really not feeling Lian right now. Sure she has 2 aimbot abilities but combined they're 800 damage, and you waste your escape / movement + a leggo basically. And another 800 damage ability, assuming you hit it. That's 1600. And her shots seem really hard to hit with a slow fire rate and do only 400 per hit.

I really don't get why is she considered OP. BK is way WAY more reliable and brings more utility as well.

Post some Bomb King images, I don't have any.

>And her shots seem really hard to hit with a slow fire rate and do only 400 per hit.
>hard to hit
>slow fire rate
>440 damage with leggo
Are you sure you were playing Lian?

Here you go user

Bomb King looks really weird in your picture.

It's his design concept.

Bomb King confirmed for transgender and transspecies.

Still need a dark elf waifu desu


And I thought they managed to make her retard proof.

She's the one champion I can't play for shit. Her shots feel, somehow, really fucking hard to hit, it's really odd.

>lose 7 games in a row
>hi rez gives me a meme stack against 1500 shitters
>+5 elo
t-thanks hi rez

You're welcome

Maybe try to change your reticle into a dot one, it helps quite a lot.

Dot is a meme
Only acceptable reticle is the short crosshairs

What's a good champ for a consolefag to play?

but the circle is the easiest

you are a meme
dot is pretty good

No, it's a meme
It feels good to use until you figure out how essential it is for the few pixels on the center of your screen to not be blocked

what do you mean? what is blocked?

those 16 pixels on the center of your screen

>not only does he use a shitty reticle, he uses a non-green color too
come on

Try Cassie, should be fun.

man i have literally 0 problem with dot i never felt like it blocked my vision also it changes color when pointed at enemies so
i wish i could use my csgo crosshair here tho i havent messed around with crosshairs at all in this game

shit forgot my image
can i get something similar to this in paladins?

red crosshair reticle, tho it's kinda big

>not using a swastika aim reticle

i wish man
you mean precise/default one? that shit is fucking big i want something small like the one i posted or i will keep using dot

You think we're getting a new champion next week? Owl seems to be done.

It's not precise, especially to hit headshots. With a champ such as Lian or Jenos, the circle is bigger than the projectile size

Raynday got platinum after going 5-10 in his qualis. Basically means that ranked will be a meme where everyone is diamond and master

There is none yet. I wish we could customize reticles more and also set one for each champ

Protip, shoot when the target is inside the circle.

Is there a 64 bit version of the game?


Not yet but there is no need for it anyway.

Not in OB56, but a week or two down the line for them to add some more stuff? Sure. Wonder if they'll be a bird.

That sounds like a lot of work so no.

I'm not saying dot is unusable, just that actually being able to see that tiny spot where your bullet will actually go does indeed help in some situations where you need to make small adjustments

Green is objectively the best color though, it's the most uncommon color in environments. I wish it was possible to have it not change color when you aim at enemies, but oh well

Seriously? If I go 15-0 then I'm grandmaster?

He was playing solo for most of it and partied up with some guy who were placed lower than him in the last 6 or so games.

Grandmasters are top 100 masters, you can't be placed there, you need to grind TP in master and maintain top 100.

i just handwashed my mouse pad for the first time in 2 years
i think i might be poisoned
getting ready for that ranked 2.0 baby

Next patch. This is the no champ patch.

I meant next week's patch preview. It would be better if they spent next week fixing ranked 2.0 though because shit's bound to be broken.

>All matches are just boring stomp
Time to uninstall
once again

Well, when the competitive update comes, perhaps you'll find matches more suited to your abilities.

What is even the point of this ELO system

i wonder man

I played a match with Raynday and he's placed Platinum as a Mid-tier Skye. Considering how hard it is to move down a rank compared to moving up,I bet you platinum will have a shit ton of shitters until you climb out into masters.

You do realise you're using some third party's ELO calculation in a placeholder system? Ranked 2.0 is going to fix it provided that their preplacement isn't going to lump everyone into Platinum.



So, Fernandoposter got nuked again.
I guess no one has noticed.

It's okay-we all know Fernando is wonderful.

I didn't even get to see him this time. Why do they hate fun?

real question
how can i improve my tracking? i suck balls at tracking. i've got decent flicks. especially small flicks that adjust so little. but i cannot track for shit for some reason.
I can spray semi-decent in csgo but like whenever someone is running and i am behind them, I can never hit that 1 tap. like never

>queue in team with other player at my level
>get matched with pubstomping stacks of literal pros
>queue with same guy and literally new kinessa
>get decent matches that seem pretty balanced

Well, decreasing your sensitivity a bit can often help smooth out your aim, and make tracking a bit easier.

but doesn't that make it harder to turn and shot at close distance

i am at 6 in game no mouse acceleration 800 dpi
like what is the equivalent of this in csgo?

>Ranked 2.0 is going to fix it provided that their preplacement isn't going to lump everyone into Platinum.
Fortunately, it's not possible for them to screw up in that way.

How can you be so sure?

Easier to track at distance, though. Though it seems already has it pretty low, so kind of a moot point.

What did HiRezMamacita mean by this?

Why do games feel so one-sided. It's either you and your team completely shitstomps the enemy team or they decimate you and your team? Only in 1 and 10 games do I feel like both teams have an equal chance of winning.

Not gonna lie, I laughed.

Because the matchmaking sucks

They defined plat as being the top 16% IIRC so I'm confident that people will get into ranks lower than that.

It doesn't help that there's a slight snowball effect with the credits you win.

Hopefully, that's being addressed this next update.

I've been playing this game since like OB 30. I've been though tons of nerfs and buffs, but so far no champ has made me want to quit this fucking game til now. I'm talking about FERNANDO.

What is he supposed to be? A tank, a damage, or a flank? Hi-Rez's answer is ALL OF THEM. They might as well give him his own fucking class type called "Raid boss", because he's a fucking terminator mutant who will fuck anyone up if you happen to be on ground level. Then they have the gall to give us a balance patch where they dont even fucking touch him.

The fact that there's players (including pros) who exclusively played damage/flank champs that are now insta locking Fernando is a tell-sign that he is broken. Im fucking done until they fix him--this game isnt fun until then.

He's honestly not too bad. His ult is horribly underutilized.

How would you nerf him? And be fair, making him useless again out of spite would honestly be petty.

But user, it's COMPLETELY fair that a champion with over 10000 effective health can deal as much damage as your average dps with 10x more survivability.
If you disagree, you're probably a tryhard flank main :^)

my names ruckus and im here to fuckus