/meg/ - Mass Effect General

ANGARA'ED edition

>MEG's updated Pastebin:

>Femtur Pastebin:

>MegSev adventures:
MegSev dot blogspot dot com

>All previous Collages that we know of:

>Patch 1.10 has dropped:

Old thread :

Other urls found in this thread:



I dedicate first post to Peebee

Playing through ME1

Will saving the council net me lower war assets in 3? I can't find a clear answer online.

My goto right now is save council, save salarian councilor again and you have destiny ascension

Otherwise the choice is really kill council, lose destiny ascension, save salarian councilor, get captain mikhailikov or whatever, and you get full alliance warship bonus

Still can't find a direct answer on which is highest either.

Glad someone decided to make one, faster than I was at making a bread. Have weapons.

Saving the council gets you more war assets.

You'll get Destiny's Ascension as an war asset if you save them. That's it.

Honestly all I did was copy and paste the OP, change the edition and old thread link and put a cute image.
Y'all just lazy fucks.
But I still like you.

That's all you're supposed to do


Reminder that Vetra is cute.

>tfw no femtur cabal gf thar can use her biotic talents "creatively"

No reminder is needed.

So other than making Jaal bi for some reason, did anything significant get added to MEA since launch? Haven't been up to date since the day 1 patch.

Other than new multiplayer characters and items? I don't think so.

Vetra is worst femtur and ugly

They've fixed some bugs/quests and adjusted certain scenes so that the animation doesn't look as ridiculous.



>ywn cuddle Vetra and kiss her scarred face while telling her how much you love her

>ywn imprison Vetra for corruption and bribery charges

Earth-clan, I...


They can keep their suits on. Forever.

volus businessman x femtur secretary when?

Depends, how would you make it work? Like a cute fic or a lewd fic? Possibilities for lewd could include:
>Omnitech-made dildo-belt
>Volus Nerve-stim
>Femtur is a freak and gets off being yelled at.

>Cora's a dickchopping lesbian who wants to speak with your manager
>Vetra is spaceroach with emotional baggage and a sister to babysit attached
>Peebee acts like an autistic furry in public and got that dreamworks smirk going
>Suvi's like a college student, licking rocks and "spriritual" like a stoner, also that scot accent
Hardly any waifu material in this game desu senpai

Or a volus hopeless romantic constantly doing small cute gestures to his assistant as she is the closest person in his life. If you want to go the cute way

Interesting, that sounds pretty Good.
You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet. So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death. -KL

now you're not even being subtle about it


>this guy making the Vetra SFMs
Doing the good lord's work.

I don't see what you're talking about. Totally not a fuck up on my part for not spoilering the good part.

Angara are so fucking awfully designed, just ugly looking humans.

What to expect from a studio that forgot to give female turians crests


That is fucking scary. The center Anderson would have been pretty cool though.

Always felt like Anderson was somewhat too much young-looking. Rugged and grey-haired suits him better.
Did you know he was born in London?

Can someone explain to me why the Reaper tried to stop Shepard in the first place? They're just machines. They didn't kill because they liked it, it was because they thought it was the best and most logical solution to the problem given to them. If Shepard had found a better solution, why wouldn't they be interested?

The Reapers basically have OCD

You can't tell those types there's an easier and more efficient way

London you say?

It was the place where Anderson was born, London.

It's a shame the Leviathan Shepard talked to at the bottom of the sea doesn't show up at the end to tell the Catalyst to kill itself. They could have used him to actually fix the ending.

Also why to Reapers show what seems to be hatred towards organics?

>tfw you will never buy nice dresses and jewelry for your femtur assistant

They're based off a race of arrogant, self superior shitlords that didn't take being put in a blender and turned into Reapers by something they created to be their servant.

Man, do people just not understand what Stealth Grid does?

Just about every time I try to cloak people for safety they just break cloak immediately doing stupid shit

Because most people who are not playing infiltrator are not used to stealthing around. Especially if they have to react to someone's stealth and not control their own.

>Trying to be an actual teammate on multiplayer
Playing it wrong user. You gotta go for the highest points out of everyone and ignore them if they go down. They are weak, you are strong.


>BW Montreal closed down

Seems like the new trilogy is dead already.

MEA is transferred to Edmonton. Back to daddy.

Casey will save it.

Like he did with ME3, dumbass.

>saving anything

You need to have faith. He's never let us down.

ME2 and ME3


Exactly. Two great games.

Will Mass Effect Andromeda be good after an eon of patches and possible mods?

It's already good.

Mods can't fix a shit story and shit characters

No. The story is mediocre and the side quests are pointless filler.

judging from the mods that were released for ME2 and 3 i´m convinced, that Andromeda can become a much more entertaining and challenging game. Mods like ALOT or EGM added lots of fun and more depth to the games

Mods are like Omni-Gel. You can slap them on everything and miraculously all problems are solved

The Frostbite engine doesn't have proper modding tools. All you'll ever see are model swaps and minor asset edits, there's no way to properly add more content or change the story.

member the good old days when developers embraced modding tools, when you could mod games till you practically got a new game. I remember all the neat stuff that was/is available for the source engine.

Define good

Not every game is a skyrim.

We should try to make a dating sim, since that's what we really want from the series

I do. EA hit a jackpot by buying DICE and Frostbite became their internal engine, so they will never release tools to the public. God damn jews.

We are a C-SEC detective, our options our are femtur partner, suitrat informant and not sure what to make the femdrell, special ops?

What the hell

Femdrell works at the diner we come to to think about our cases over a cup of coffee?

I also want a maletur option who is a passive bottom

i want that ingame. mod to remove underarmor when?

A chirpy, bright eyed femsalarian who escapes from a sur'kesh and her first breeding contracts with dreams of being a singer hires you as her piano player.

"I'd do it myself, but I'm afraid I don't have the right amount of fingers!"

What, would a femsalarian in forensics be too generic?

It seems like a field you would find a salarian in. Go for it.

gas them!

Gassing angara is illegal

Only illegal if you get caught.

What about eating?

>tfw ywn touch Sara's silky soft hair



femtur slutes? femtur slutes who wear padded bikini tops?

Kill yourself

femturs with flashbangs?

>minding your own business, atching a bmovie about aliens invading earth.
>Door slams up
>It's your femtur gf
>Looks at what you're watching
>Turns back to you
>"ayyyy take to your penis!"

Is that XCOM 2?



This is a good one.

needs inclusion in the next collage


so , did you liked the new mass effect?
if not , would you like to make a similar game one day?

I wonder if that guy draws male turians in the same kind of squished fashion.


The drippy parts look weird. All I can think of is reaching out and snapping one like an icicle.

It's probably a Turian's most sensitive erogenous zone.