League of Legends general - /lolg/

Riven edition


Other urls found in this thread:


Is Mundo Jungle good now?

Tell me about the Janitor. Why does he do it for free?

Mundo everything is good now

why did fag mods delete the old thread

Hotpockets aint free

riven a shit

also what the fuck was the last thread even deleted for, it broke no rules???

xth for Syndra


>Your main
>Your favorite LoL faction
>Your favorite GoT character(s).

Hoboslut edition

What's everyone's opinion on Rakan as a support? Is it possible to climb with him?

Batteries for your vibrating fleshlight ain't free

but y'know what is free?


Tywin, Jon, Tyrion


You can't climb by playing support.

Every Targ ever to have lived (closely followed by the Lannisters tho)

>Mods deleting my yordel thread

So that's the way it's gonna be huh?


>You can't climb by playing support.

t. brainlet


end this meme now

>Place wards
>Team gets picked of anyway because they don't look at the minimap

>Make a perfect 4 man initiation
>Team doesn't follow up because they're a bunch of kda playing pussies who are worried they might die

>Peel for your adc every fight
>Doesn't matter because they're a shitter who can't even right click targets properly

You can't climb by playing support.

i repeat

t. brainlet

rank 1 NA is a sona main

xth for cutest couple and whats wrong with previous thread

When did TF Blade start playing sona?


guess he dropped a bit

why are the tiddies censored, that doesn't even make sense

>guess he dropped a bit
>a bit

You do realize that support is actually the easiest roll to CLIMB with right? Climbing and carrying are two different things. It's hard to CARRY as a support, but easy to CLIMB. The enemy team is going to have a dumbshit waste of a slot autofilled support most of the time, so by bare minimum being a useful bitch and doing support things, you will win more games than you lose.

Hell Janna has a 55.6% winrate in Bronze. BRONZE, going up to 56.65% in Silver.

And guess what? A 55% winrate is a climbing winrate. This is why I commonly say Janna players are boosted, because they are. It's why you are so much less likely to get autofilled in diamond than you are in bronze or silver, because diamond is full of support mains who took the easy climb on sluts like Janna.

Ban Janna, Tresh or Soraka. In that order of priority. Fuck the enemy support to the point it's crying it's eyes out because all he did was onetrick some cheesy shit and it came back to bite him in the ass.

Or just one-trick Janna like a cunt for freelo.

yeah i don't know what the fuck this shit is, but i just lost some LP because of it. There are like
50 things that I could have done better, but this is just stupid.

It was ranked solo

This is the ideal yordle body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>challenger named "The Tank Man"
>only plays sona, janna, lulu, and karma

>dropped 10 players difference
that's probably

but can you swim in him? That is the question.

>enemy ban Janna
>play Lulu
>do the same exact thing while being a lany bully and having a even better synergy with ardent censer

I want to go swim in Kled!

Look at that LP difference you fucking mong

he's trying to tell us that tank players are huge fags obviously

-Ends every game with less than 100 cs
-About as much gold as his support
-Tries to pick based on teamcomps, will experience anxiety when he's first pick
-Clears one camp on average before immediately ganking for teammates
-Jungle pathing practiced dozens of hours in training mode
-Too polite, will give a camp to teammates even if he's on the middle of clearing it
-Feels the compulsive need to defend himself in chat whenever someone criticizes him or pings him
-Uses his cc and then prays his teammates carry him to victory while he just stands there, watching
-Obsesses over his stats, has op.gg as his homepage, fears being judged over them

-Tops the cs chart every game by farming both jungles and taxing every lane
-5000 gold above the rest of his team
-Picks the same 2 champions every single game
-Has literally never ganked a lane in his life
-Moves around the map in confident, unpredictable ways
-Will actively use smite to deny farm to teammates
-Does not register the chat and pings of teammates at all
-Arrives late to every teamfight for cleanup duty
-Instinctively knows only virgins look up teammates' stats before games

Yeah, and you gets matched with players over 1000 LP away every single game in challenger. 200 LP in challenger is peanuts.

did you say "Glorious"?

I wanna cuddle Jinx

made me laugh do more of these user

do one for ADc please

Does anyone even enjoy, in the sense of actual having fun, laughing and smile during this game?
Had a long break and all I feel is boredom and frustration getting shit on by people that are much better

Anything I've done in live that's competitive I don't smile and laugh to myself like a lunatic, it's all about a sense of accomplishment. I go into league with the goal to get to a certain rank and that's what drives me but if you go into a competitive game purely wanting to have fun then you'll be disappointing. Unless you play whatever shit rotating gamemode or normals then sure you can have fun there.

I still laugh alot playing this game
not as much as I used to a year ago, but I still have fun. Even while losing

Burnin ain't free

Hey /lolg/, how is your day going? There's a small chance that i broke my arm today, but it wont stop me from posting my cutie heimy !!

League is dying so the matchmaking is worse than ever. Games are the worst they've ever been, I can't remember a season where I've ever had so many games that were absolute shitstomps because one team got stacked with much better players than the other team

Sorry, not knowledgeable enough about adc taxonomy

>>th highest ranked player in NA na.op.gg/summoner/userName=nevercomplacent

Playing Singed is the most amount of fun I'll have in a game just from running around and spreading poison like a loon, flinging people all over the place.

Heres my attempt

Betacuck ADC

>spends so much time helping his jungler on his first camp he misses the first 3 minions
>always waits for thresh to last hit the cannon, even though he failed the last 8 times
>shares towergold with his support
>heals his teammates to save them even though he is in no danger himself
>will give up farm to win a teamfight or take an objective
>will pick supportive ADCs if the team requires it
>watches streams to pick up and learn new ADC strats

>will run it down mid if support fucks up 1 cs
>does not do objectives unless he farmed all 3 lanes and the jungle
>will AFK if the jungler takes red
>does not pull for his jungler because he could miss valuable time to assert lane dominance
>does not pull out
>adds all healslut supports and rawdogs them that same day
>engages 1v5 - and wins it
>hasnt even unlocked Sivir or ashe, he strictly plays Vayne and Draven for their solocarry potential
>does not follow calls, he is a leader and makes his own calls and goes alone
>has his own stream and tells everyone that disagrees with them to kys themselves inrl and bans them

Best girl.
Best legs.
Best wife.

whats that white stuff on the cupcakes

ok which one of you retards is this?

whipped cream

So I finally played ranked right after posting that I would wait a year
>other people actually way more toxic than me
>I die ten times as Sona and the team rightfully blames Twitch for rushing IE
>I get cool honor for not saying a damn thing the whole match
It was nicer than I thought

you sure? what if its something else

Heimy is the best wife !!
i mean, just look at him !!! he's such a cutie-patootie!!

doodle requests?? hmm

Lulu cuddling an Elise, elise looks a bit disgusted at her but lulu is oblivious to it

sour cream?
truly devilish

Alpha male would take the red for himself.

Viktor playing Rock Paper Scissors with his robo-arm


if possible to spiderform, forgot to add

Vi and Cait cuddling (with maybe Jinx spying on them)

you deserve it yordels are shit you pedophile

Yasuo and Master Yi committing Sudoku

hope this is good enough

Virgin jungler
>Picks "Late game" champs
>Doesn't want to gank lane because he's affraid of fucking up
>Buys a control ward everytime it's gone
>Respects the other jungler and doesn't attempt to take the river crab
>Pings everytime he spots the enemy jungler and pings the lanes to be careful
>Doesn't dare to even put 1 step in the enemy's territory

Chad jungler
>Farms enemy jungle , doesn't even put 1 step in his own
>Will tax a minion wave every 3 rounds per lane
>Ganks lane everytime the enemy dares to step over his half of the map
>Takes tp over flash so he can catch losers who dare to take his objectives
>Will kill the enemy jungler atleast 5 times in a row if he dares to steal a camp

thanks based drawfriend

here !! sorry it doesn't rlly look like they're playing that lol
o fug I didn't see that

Tell me lolg, what do you value most in a support?Buying a sightstone assumed of course.

Do you like aggressive and damaging supports that do more damage rather then assist you like a Malz "support" where they harass well enough but have a high risk of taking the kill.

Tanky supports like Leona or Braum who try and make sure while in a fight in that you are being attacked as little as possible by stunning the enemy or enemies in bot lane by use of CC or simply blocking the damage but have little to no damage of their own.

Or the more passive supports like Janna and Soraka who will keep you going in the lane and keep you buffed but will need your help in turn to be defended in case the enemy feels like focusing them?

Good supports

As a jungler i like my support to roam midlane and ward the enemy jungler as much as possible.

you're rad user

!!! bonus heim because. lol

the only thing I want from my support is to have lane presence and to ward properly
everything else is a bonus

those rare games where you get a random support you perfectly synergize with are heaven though, and its the main reason I still play adcuck often

Just remember that a support wins you lane (there are exceptions, but supports are strongest early.)

>the only thing I want from my support is to have lane presence

This, i cant explain how frustrating it is when your support sits 10 miles behind you in lane and just gives up the lane by giving up all pressure

And then flames you for being down 15-20 cs

Ahh thank you, kind user !!

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Pool party Veigar W H E N

tysm!! cuties!! ppl like you keep me coming back here to this... ahem.. ummm
interesting place
i love these 2 desu & sorry I didn't know how to draw jinx into it or how to draw cuddling overall. whoops

I like it (don't worry Jinx was extra and only if you wanted to)



Lulu has the best fanart.

yes, and i hate mundo >8|

I'm finding it hard to win as Rhaas, I do good at laning phase but when the team fights happen, it's like I'm not doing much damage.

Git gud

yi has not yet mastered the art of committing sudoku

But I love her

> feel like playing TF
> midlane goes cleanse
> toplane goes GP
> jungle goes olaf
> adc gets QSS second item
> supp goes morgana and gets mikael's second

And it's not fair!! There's yordles that deserve it more than she does !!

Volibear and traditional sejuani (with her helmet and not like the new splash) at a bar

This is one of your best, I fucking love it!

sorry but loloo will never love you