Why are roastie cops universally cunts?

Why are roastie cops universally cunts?

tfw got pulled over by qt girl cop and let me off with a warning for car in wrong color and bad lights

because what woman would want to join the police force instead of being a mother or becoming a nurse/kindergarten teacher? only a vile cunt, that's who.

Because they thought joining a male organization would earn them respect from men but it only made men resent them more.

tesla looks outdated

and new camaro looks neat

my fetish is to be harassed and raped by a butch (but in a delicate way) girl copper

Hnnng mfw no thic coppa milf with huge tits to rape me in the back of her patrol

Why even life

This guy gets it.

>rick & morty

Where's the Rick and Morty?


My best experience ever was with a qt female cop

>be me, 23
>just finished 12 hour shift on a Friday evening
>tired as fuck
>dd was at dealer for warranty work
>was supposed to be finished that day
>dealer called at 430pm "won't be ready till Monday user"
>have to pick up daughter
>oh well, take my beat to shit 1986 f150 plow truck
>pick up case of beer on my way and leave on passenger seat
>title expired 6 months ago
>headers and axle dumps
>Not a matching color panel on it
>No front bumper
>dents and rust
>so fucking tired, falling asleep with eyes open
>disco lights a few miles later
>driver behind me reported me as a drunk driver for swerving and shit
>qt blonde cop, maybe 30
>explain situation
>she's relieved I'm not drunk and chats a bit
>turns out we live fairly close to each other
>lets me go with just a warning for expired tags
>dead battery
>fuck me again ffs
>she calls tow truck for a boost for me and takes care of the bill too
> let's me sit in her cruiser while I waited because it was like fucking

Hnnng this is my fetish continue

>-25c outside and dark
>ended up dating for about a year
>I think she just felt bad for me



I had an unexpected kid when I was 19. I'm 27 now

>because it was like fucking
Her pussy? Don't leave us hanging here

>why are [any] cops universally cunts

Fixed that for you, and because if they weren't they'd have chosen a career other than being a professional cunt.

It was fucking cold you sperg. Life isn't porno

Bump with more ho popo stories faggots

>never been commited to a 3D girl
Just mentioning 3D is fucking retarded. No sane person considers cartoons a date option.


so you drove like a cuck and got pulled over and now you're posting on a taiwanese basket weaving board out of frustration

> posting on a taiwanese basket weaving board out of frustration

fucking hell you got my sides, send help

wouldnt know,never been stopped or caught

Every time I've ever been pulled over by a male cop with a woman partner I've been let off, they must give them the good vibes.

That image has been around since quite literally before the Rick and Morty show existed.

Anyway, user, how was your first day on Veeky Forums? I hope you made lots of friends!

"this guy gets it" is a typical nig and dorky catch phrase, we all know you've been binge watching this show, no use in trying to hide your fanboi status.

I miss the days when retards all bought gixxers. That was the high water mark of racing - you could buy a new engine from the wreckers for a grand because there were so many of them.