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I'm going to craft her someday

reminder that hafu is a dirty whore

How is Ysera good against aggro?

Is Naxx worth getting now that it's back in the store?
Is it fun?


gl getting to turn 9 lmao

>9 mana do nothing

Yes, we already knew that Hafu is a woman. What is your point?

Yes goy. Buy it.

I want to talk about this card. I like it. Would it, Corpse Taker, Bolvar, and the new 1/1/1 DS Taunt be good additions to DS Buffadin?

>turn 5
>secret mage has 2 secrets up
>pop block
>only cards in my hand are hydra and living mana

Shieldbearers in these threads for some reason think "control" "counters" "aggro"

I've literally been (you)ed like 8 times for calling them stupid for saying such dumb fucking shit. They still insist.

can someone give me a good pw decklist?

I want her in my goya meme deck

Aside from midrange hunter, what are some viable f2p decks?

it's probably because the only viable control deck in the game for a long time, control warrior hard coutnered aggro

This card isn't really constructed viable user, the stats just aren't good enough and the effect is too conditional on having 2 minions that would genuinely benefit from having 2 extra health to be worth it in a competitive environment.

It's Argus defender except more expensive and doesn't give taunt, it's not good enough user.


She isn't really. One of her spells is (if you ever get to turn 9)

It goes like this btw.

Aggro > Control
Control > Midrange
Midrange > Aggro

Secret mage.

Corpstaker would be viable in Paladin just by merit of Wickerflame existing. At any point if you draw her before him you'll be able to get all three effects that matter.

what does /hsg/ think of loli?

Why is he so happy bros?

Corpstaker is a paladin staple regardless because Tirion and the new 1/1 common pretty much guarantee that it will have AT LEAST Taunt and Divine Shield when you play it every time.

Lifesteal is a good bonus to get from Wickerflame (or maybe some other lifesteal minion if they show us one that's actually good).

He is happy priest is a viable class thanks to him.

Because he got better art than the deathknights

What if you scrapped Bolvar and ran for Small Time Paladin instead?
Corpse Taker is already a day 1 craft for me considering what said, but Sunborne seems like it would be pretty effective in conjunction with hand-buffs.

Because he's dead

Is C'Thun warrior still a thing?

I remember someone got to high legend playing C'Thun Warrior, and that deck still has a soft spot in my heart.


This can't be true. If Midrange beats Aggro then why does my Midrange Hunter have the worst win-rate against Pirate Warrior?

You should flip your arrows. It's more accurate that way.

Because hunter is a bad class.

if by viable you mean completely unplayable then yes

Take me with you,Happy Ghoul

I played with pirate warrior 3 times against the same control warrior in wild at rank 6 who seemed to be teched against aggro and I decided to be cheeky and counterqueue him with C'Thun warrior. Instead I played against a pirate warrior and I ended up winning.
I like the deck but I don't know if you can make it work anymore.
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I hope we get WILD arena again lads
they said they'd think about it

Feel free to try user but I'm going to be honest with you and say it. +2 health isn't goon enough to justify bad stats in any class other than Priest. Priests like health buffs because minions are more likely to survive so they can be healed with their hero power. Other classes can't reliably heal their minions and tend to value +2 health much less than +1/+1.

It's just not a very good card user, the effect is clunky and the stats aren't great. It might work in Priest but I don't see it working in Paladin.

what do you guys think of botting/botters?

Yeah control warrior just beat midrange pally so fucking hard back in the day

fucking lmao holy shit you're fucking stupid dude. never type again

You take that back right now! Midrange Hunter got me to rank 8, where previously my highest rank had been 17. And I can win against many varieties of decks, just not Pirate Warrior.

I don't give a shit as long as they don't take years to make their plays.

hunter isn't really midrange since it has no AoE and no Heal. It's more mid stats minions rather than a 'middle of the way' deck

I will make Quest Druid work and everyone that laughed at me for trying will regret it!

I really hope the Druid hero will cost 4 or 6 mana.

To be fair, dying in Warcraft can be the kind of thing to make someone happy.
Sure, if you lose you're consigned to eternal damnation, but if you win you get to live in a paradise of cooperation and servitude, because everybody serves the Lich King equally.
You could even fulfill your life long dream of falling in love with a Blood Elf. Sure she'll be cold in bed and you'll never have kids, but you still get to fuck her.
I see. I might try it out a bit just since it's a common, but I get the point.

4 mana 3/3 taunt/divine shield is shit. Psychotron is 1 extra mana and has one extra hp, and it's not anywhere near viable.

With lifesteal it's a bit better than wickerflame, mostly because 3 attack is quite a bit better than 2 in this meta. That said, wickerflame doesn't really see play outside control paladin, and with only a single lifesteal minion in your deck, corpsetaker becomes pretty inconsistent. Another issue, a bit minor though, is the lack of synergy with redemption. Playing wickerflame with redemption is devastating against pirate warrior, giving you 8 hp most of the time while preventing 4 hits on your face at the same time. Since corpsetaker's effect is a battlecry, it'd just come back as a vanilla 3/1.

One of the more overrated cards in this set.

kek. What happened next user? Got lucky vs the mage scum?

1 mana more for just 1 life more is shit, though.

Psychotron wouldn't be viable even if it had +1 attack. It's that far from being viable, which was my point.

If you ever get a working deck be sure to post it here. Jungle Giants was the only quest I opened and it's depressing how bad it is.

I tried it in Standard to counter mages because i dont like the druid decks too much. Worked pretty well. Shit like the 2/1 with Fire ele battlecry, the Twins it the 10 armor guys are still pretty nice cards.

try jade giants

What's the point though? There's really no card worth replacing Jungle Giants with in a Jade deck because even if you complete the Quest by then it gives you nothing of value for that specific deck.

Don't dust it, that new 10 mana spell might make it playable

hell yeah, went balls deep with my hydra

It also was one of the very few legends I got from Un'Goro one of the others was Golden Jungle Giants and I've been working on it ever since.

Like mentioned, Jade Giants is at least playable. I posted pic related last thread and it's the best build I've tried so far, though I feel dirty having to rely on Jades for it.

Here is the exact explanation by one of the designers of Magic. Its probably a bit different in Hearthstone in certain aspects (no "real" super combos etc.), while most of it remains true.

"To that end, R&D member Zac Hill described an ideal metagame structured such that:

"Midrange" is advantaged over "Aggro"
"Aggro" is advantaged over "Control" and "Disruptive Aggro"
"Control" and "Disruptive Aggro" are advantaged over "Ramp" and "Combo"
"Ramp" and "Combo" are advantaged over "Midrange"[47]

Each of these 4 categories would ideally occupy around 25% of a given metagame. In Hill's definition, Aggro refers most specifically to the fastest creature decks built to punish slow starts, ponderous Control decks, and aggressive decks who've substituted out damage for disruption. Midrange decks in this definition are slower creature-based decks who trump the speed of fast aggro with better quality from their somewhat more expensive spells. (Both of these would likely be considered "Aggro" in the traditional definition.) "Ramp" and "Combo" are conceptually similar as noted above; while the combo deck might seek to set up a combination of 2 or 3 cards for a powerful, game-changing effect, the ramp deck instead focuses on building mana as fast as possible and then casting game-changing yet expensive spells, or taking advantage of certain interactions that require a large manabase. A midrange deck often doesn't have the sheer speed to stop ramp or combo from either casting a huge spell or "going off" with the combo. Control decks can counter or otherwise answer the single big threat ramp decks and combo decks provide while winning the long game. Similarly, "disruptive aggro" (equivalent to Aggro-Control in the classic archetypes above) can also stop the single threat Combo and Ramp offer while focusing on winning faster. These rules can change however as blocks cycle and meta shifts"

Reveal stream when?

Hafu is cute and nice



How necessary are Aya and Elise? What would you substitute for them?

>Last thread ended on talk about Raptors gangbanging Cornered Sentry
I guess we can have fun.

I have Play a Friend but /hsg/ is saying some retarded shieldbearer shit today so none of you are getting it.

does anyone want to do the 80 gold friend quest with me?

For Elise, I'd say Lotus Agents and Stranglethorn Tiger should work out. She's not really essential and often ends up being just a 5/5 for 5.

Aya is a bit more of an issue. Skeram Cultist should be alright, since it at least buffs your C'Thun and has decent vanilla stats. Big-Time Racketeer could also work, since it essentially gives you a bigger body and a tiny "Jade" instead of contributing to your Jade ramp. Also is safe against Mirror Image and Potion of Polymorph I guess. Aya's pretty essential for the deck, though, as you really need your Jades to get big ASAP, so if you can you should still grab her.

A tip for playing it: don't be afraid to shuffle your Quest away or just wait with playing it. You'll finish it eventually no matter what because your Jades will be huge and waiting to play it can give your opponent a bit of a shock when you suddenly finish it 2 turns after playing and throw a 12/12 C'Thun for 0 mana in their face.




anyone want 80g eu?

Sure Nash#2202


If there was ever a Tavern Brawl "All values are doubled except Mana Costs", what would be broken in it? All ingame values, of course, not gold gain or shit like that.

C'thun would be pretty good

anyone here have any success with pirate?
what decklist do you run?

>double charge

>no legos from the "bugged" event
>opened 50 packs without a lego 3 weeks ago during the "bugged" pity timer
>no 2k dust
>every quest is 40g and gets rerolled into 40g
>no free arena run
>no motivation to ladder climb because 99% of decks are netdeck quest warrior or some other t1 netdeck that plays out exactly the same no matter what

New Card reveals:




>Destroy the enemy hero

Blackguard is playable



>Druid only helps Token Druid
>too slow for that
Fuck you, Brode.

How will this do, what say you arena mechanics and professionals?


He's thinking about that sweet paladin t3 : coin + truesilver + trade + ghoul

That Uther Death Knight is garbage

>9 mana
>Gain 5 armor and get a 5/3 weapon

The hero power isn't even good. Ignore the "win a game part" you're just getting a 2/2 for 2, if you even survive to turn 9 and then survive to turn 10.

What the fuck is Druid's theme this expansion?

What do you mean by success? I'm running exactly TS's wild list except -1 3/3 epic pirate +1 1/2 remove 1 durability pirate. I got to rank 5 in 2 days from rank 19.

In what world does Paladin have a hard time living to turn 9?

Shitting small stuff everywhere.

He actually said it. Reversal of his healing role/lore and embraced spreading plague/insects through the land. They built around this kind of stuff.

highest winrate deck

>getting ashbringer with lifesteal is bad

reminder that Ben Brode is a manipulative jew

the druid hero seems bad or im wrong?

>2 mana 1/5 taunt that's likely a beast

lmao @ Silverback 'Smashed Patriarchy' Patriarch

Wow anti-semitic much?