its a sheer cliff face 5-10 Z levels up before starting to curve off one tile per z level, the bit in the middle is a volcano, possibly dormant
Luis Wood
>Sheer cliff face
I'm jealous as fuck desu
Dylan Murphy
You can totally build some cool walls around the entrance. Maybe an archery tower in that circle bit, OR some archery holes along the cliff face.
Adam Ortiz
How the fuck do you get actual cliffs
Angel Martinez
i got lucky i guess, map loaded and i got this, really didnt aim for this. most extreme cliffs ive EVER seen in DF
the place where we embarked is 62 z levels BELOW the 0 level
Gabriel Lee
Ryan White
What's your favourite tile-sets to use? I@m looking for something angular for my structures....
Post more Kobolds
Benjamin Cox
Use extreme values of elevation x and/or y variance in adv worldgen. Disable periodic erosion of extreme cliffs. Embark on a water feature.
Jacob Diaz
How is that image related to DF or /dfg/?
Samuel Phillips
There are watermelons and wolves in DF
Nolan Hall
Sadly it ain't angular, but the little k with the accent is my kobold soldier tile.
Luis Garcia
It's obviously a wolf stealing from a food pile and dodging at incredible speeds
Jacob Turner
So? There are tons of animals and plants in DF. You could just as well say cat pictures or the cover of a farmer's almanac are DF related because cats and farming are in DF. Hell, even the edition is another general's meme.
Luis Phillips
I don't see the problem, wolf women exist in dwarf fortress too. The only one who has a problem with this is you user.
Samuel Miller
why cant I screencap my game? when I press the button it just captures whatever other window I have open. Will summarize the report anyway >Ab, Forgotten beast, Giant Tick with poison spittle >Only two sworddwarves because I forgot about army until 20 mins ago >Both asleep >Rush him with 3 wrestlers who have been sparring for the last few minutes, none higher than competent anything >Tick mauls one immediately, spine bruised, cant seem to move or maybe is in too much pain >Second guy has his throat torn out and dies >Tick bites Urist McLastHope in the right hand >Shakes him by the hand and throws him away, tearing the right hand off >He stays on the floor for a second, then sprints straight at it again >Dodges the poison spittle >Dodges the poison spittle >Grabs and rips off one of the left legs >Dodges the poison spittle >Punches it once in the body with his left hand, exploding it into gore and instantly killing the beast >Grabs a drink then goes back to sparring with the now awake sworddwarves without even going to the hospital I reckon a solid gold personal barracks and his own wrestling squad is in order, any other things I can do for him?
Nathan Jackson
Dumb frogposter
Levi Robinson
>wolf women exist in dwarf fortress too You're right. We should start having furries for the OP from now. After all there are animal people in the game and that makes the DF related. Actually fact, since there are gay people in DF maybe we should have gay pride logos for the OP pic instead. No no, I've got it. Since tools are an item category we should have black & decker catalog photos for the OP pic, because that's totally DF related. Or you could just accept that trying to justify random bullshit as the OP pic is faggotry and do better next time.
Nolan Howard
so my civ is 100% completely dead. how long will it take for one of my dorfs to assume as the new monarch?
Owen Torres
Blake Jenkins
Gay pride logos seem like a good idea for the next OP, Toady is wuite progressive and I'm sure he'll appreciate it.
Tyler Baker
posting wolfs with watermelons when you don't have a pic to relate should become a thing
Ian Rogers
Make him a noble if you can, or promote him to captain.
Nolan Sullivan
Agreed. It's the only logical thing to do when you're trying to make a thread quickly but don't have the time to browse through dozens of pics to find that one mildly amusing pic that's actually related to the thread's topic.
Matthew Morris
update when
Owen Edwards
20 days at the minimum.
Ayden Parker
I got myself a vampire troll in a cage. Anything I can do with it?
Jace Cox
>dog engaged in life or death struggle with a giant mole >dozens of dwarves just walk by like "not my problem" >finally have to order a passing off-duty hammerlord to step in Not cool, Toad, not cool.
Jonathan Allen
Im more curious how a vampire troll came to exist than what to do with it
Blake Russell
Drink it.
>topple statue >get cursed
Caleb Jones
Nolan Moore
What would you do with any other troll? What would you do with any other vampire? Take those two things, shove one in each ear, then shake your head back and forth until the two things are well-mixed or you pass out.
Jacob Martinez
what kind of embark settings do you guys default to? I usually go for two miners, cook/farmer, carpenter/wood chopper, fisherdwarf/brewer, then fill in the rest with whatever I find relevant to my spawn terrain. Thoughts?
Lincoln Sanchez
>Obok drinks the dwarf cage What
Jacob Hernandez
If you wanna go an evil playthrough, harvest its blood, give it to the nobles, and try and run a decadent vampire metropolis.
Colton Reed
Obok not only rapes children but also drinks dwarves
How much more evil can he get
Connor Bennett
He could always help elves conquer the world.
Nicholas Roberts
Sebastian Gomez
Evan Howard
the whole world seems less bright without arena poster around
Nolan Lewis
the whole world seems less bright without any DF updates around
Andrew Nguyen
the whole world seems less bright at night
Austin Williams
the whole world seems less bright when you're dead
Thomas Campbell
>walk through mountains to see what's in the area >oh a fortress >man this layout is terrible >open door to random room >random Forgotten Beast chilling in the room
at least I have 179 meat for my adventurer now.
Jason Ortiz
Similarly, if you start a fort as a dying civ, what do you have to do before you can make dwarf adventurers again? Become Mountainhome?
Ryan Clark
post stonesense
Michael Foster
Should happen before the end of the first season if the monarch isn't imprisoned or living in a cave somewhere.
Nothing special. As long there's somewhere to start you can start an adventurer from there. You could embark and retire without unpausing and it will work.
Christian Bell
>giant child attacks fort >kills all my farm animals and two wardogs >picks fight with giant slug >loses
Cooper Gray
>werelizard decides to show me why i fear the night >kills two hunters >killed by 6 women holding babies bitch ass lizard
Carter Sanders
That's odd since I had a solid metropolis with close to 200 pop (the entirety of the dwarf race lived there according to legends viewer) and when I retired I could only make a human outsider.
Tyler Fisher
>Werepanda shows up outta nowhere ready to kick my shit in >Kills a bunch of kids >Dies to a doggo Bitch ass panda
Jason Bell
This is a shitty anime
David Lopez
It would honetly work great as an anime short. And I think that's actually how a DF animecould work, as a series of shorts of funny moments.
Easton Johnson
One miner slash bookkeeper One miner slash broker One stonecrafter slash mechanic One carpenter slash woodcrafter slash bonecrafter One farmer slash butcher slash cook One woodcutter slash axedwarf slash brewer One hunter slash leatherworker (sometimes fisherdwarf as well)
Angel Brooks
>Weremonitor shows up to fuck everything up >Kills two dogs >Gets caught in a cage trap
Bitch ass monitor
Noah Lopez
For a second there I thought weremonitor meant something else
Austin Cooper
>kills a bunch of kids Urist Mcpanda did you a favour m8
John Mitchell
It was a human, apparently he used to be the leader of some big guild, slandered some other guild and got cursed by them. He lived for like 100 years and travelled across the world to get wrecked by a dog.
David Powell
Nicholas Butler
Can you just rename a regions folder name to add a new one? Like the guy made that adventure mode world, could I just make it region 3, or do I have to change more stuff?
Ryder Scott
something like this?
Asher Clark
Justin Russell
That's amazing.
>no race of technologically advanced cyborg people yet
Christian Martinez
>Same fort >forgotten beast shows up >one-eyed oxpecker with deadly spittle >weremonitor shows up at almost same exact time >weremonitor and oxpecker fight >weremonitor gets rekt, dies >oxpecker dies from own spittle
Colton Wilson
It would be nice if vampires could intentionally feed on willing subjects without killing them.
Andrew Powell
Just accept the deaths and replace them with more migrants.
But yeah that would be ideal.
Josiah Ramirez
This sounds like a brilliant idea that I'm sure couldn't possibly backfire in any way in the future.
Nathaniel Lopez
Just have all of your dwarfs be vampires.
Lucas Price
Well that's half the fun, isn't it?
Thomas Morgan
> Has vampires > Has barrels of blood > can't use barrels of blood for vampires
Jace Jenkins
>trying to generate a world that's just with with war&mythos >3 days and several dozen gens later i'm still trying to generate worlds
the suffering
Jordan Green
My latest adventure as a 2 year old dwarf turned out interesting. It then nicely dropped to 0 fps when I tried to go anywhere.
Andrew Brooks
Liam Parker
Can't vampires in dwarf fortress subsist on animal blood too? In adventure mode at least, if you make anything with blood pass out you can feed on them. Honestly, it doesn't have much of a downside as a curse, unlike lycanthropy in dwarf fortress.
Charles Ortiz
If you can make a thing with blood pass out, vampires will feast on it. (Includes creatures with poisonous blood)
Leo Cox
Michael Brown
>Legendary Melee Dwarf >Rape incarnate >can comfortably deal with many threats alone, even up to megabeasts >a squad of them can comfortably take an invasion force 10x their number with only minor injuries
>Legendary Marksdwarf >will usually fail to maim an average invader before they close the distance to melee, putting themselves at great risk >have to set up cheese, like seal up then place fortifications to make them useful >will still ignore said set up to path to melee if possible >an absolute nightmare to train Why even bother? Is it that melee squads are just so good? I don't even bother with traps anymore, I just throw melee dwarves at everything unless it has deadly dust.
Christian Lee
Ranged is too bad and melee is too good. As support for melee troops they're not completely useless, your close quarters fighters will usually eliminate or trivialize any threats before the marksdwarves run out of ammo and charge in. If war animals worked properly it might be a different story. Having a few deadly animals per marksdwarf on the front line while they sit back putting holes in the enemy would be a really fun strategy to field, even if it would be more efficient to just have a squad of speardwarves instead.
Samuel Lee
Nice _rock_
Logan Russell
marksdorfs leave less bodyparts lying around, meaning less cleanup. then again, hammerdorfs leave no bodyparts at all, save for ome teeth here and there.
Juan Evans
Brody Mitchell
That all this is happening in The Hill of Minds makes it even better.
Oliver Torres
Playing dress-up with my military dwarves is one of the best parts of this game
Lucas Ramirez
>one of the worst parts of this game* ftfy
Cameron Nguyen
Yeah I personally love it when my Hammerlords ignore station orders to retrieve a single gauntlet from the other side of the fortress because that was clearly the best place to leave it.
Caleb Hughes
I respectfully disagree with your opinion and wish you a good day also you have shit taste
Jackson Sanders
I'm guessing weapon racks and armor stands aren't working as intended yet?
Isaiah Diaz
>I'm guess [thing] isn't working as intended yet correct
James Price
Once, I lost two guys who I picked to be my first militia because they decided that they should wear armor across the other side of the map.
In an evil biome surrounded by zombies.
David Cook
nice to meet you guess
Parker Barnes
Alright guys, rather new to the game and just got my first ever strange mood Fisherman took over a crafts workshop and is screaming for bones and metal bars, will post results when he's done
Ethan Baker
Lock him inside until he's raving mad, then put him in a cage and use him to fight crundles.
Colton Robinson
Finishing commieblocks is always a good feel.
Matthew Martinez
its already too late
Ryan Russell
>bin At least you can put your texture pack in it
Oliver Morris
Jose Butler
Now that is a lavish roast
Levi Young
regardless of whether you have armour stands or not, dorfs will still put all armour and weaponry in their respective stockpile. if an armour piece is too dangerous to retrieve (i.e. in the case of those zombies), you can forbid it.
Parker Martin
please no bully, im very disappointed at the moment