/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1948

>Recent News
Surprise Ticket! Available 8/5 to 8/9
Summer Livestream Summary pastebin.com/PsbupquE

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for August:
7/31 - 8/8 - Poacher's Day
8/9 - 8/15 - Five Flowers of Fate
8/16 - 8/23 - Guild War (Earth favored)
8/24 - 8/30 - Xeno Sagittarius Clash
8/31 - ??? - New Scenario Event

8/1 - 8/15 - 16 Million Player Celebration (Daily Free 10-Roll 8/1 - 8/8, Magnafest, 1/2 off Free Quests, Daily Crystals, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


How many Celeste claws do I need if I don't have any Enmity characters?

Welcome to /gbfg/, where pedophiles act superior to manchildren


Can I run S.Zoi / Six / Orchid or should I replace someone?


Why use claws at all if you don't have zoey and not going to ticket her?

11bca60c zoi

I'm not going to be at 100% hp all the time right?

I got Aoidos but already have Anthuria. Who do you think has a better spot on a team?

woops forgot to click reply

This is the new thread now.

>yfw all zodiac generals will be blonde

I'm ok with this.

This is now thread #1949

Previous thread

Doraf bitches!



Yui doujin!

Host a kirin please, I'll carry

Host Baka HL right NOW.

I love my cute vampire boy (male)

Atelier is recruiting!

We're an old guild made of people from both /mbgg/ and /gbfg/ with the sole intention of having fun together and doing what we can during GW. We're looking for people that are around rank 120+ that can pull their own weight during Guild Wars.
We're not that tryhard about GW so don't be afraid of joining. Due to popular demand, we now have a discord but the IRC is still active if that's your thing. We are also superseeded so we get to skip prelims for the next 3 wars.

Contact game.granbluefantasy.jp/#profile/7707879 if you're interested in joining.

Veight buffs when?

will you hyper carry?

Childhood is liking cows
puberty is liking erunes
adulthood is realizing that potatoes are the best

>just got banned for the second time
What the fuck. Is it viramate? All I use it for are the shortcuts, and that's the same as using bookmarks. I joined some coop today though and it automatically instantly clicked join for me whenever I selected a room. Is that it then? I wouldn't think so.

Last thing is that I was using macro recorder a bunch in the past few days. Can they track your mouse movements and see how repetitive they are?

>No feces anywhere
What's the point?

>Can they track your mouse movements and see how repetitive they are?


Good post.

Must be a macro.

but they see if you click the same shti at the same time intervals


adulthood is realizing you need to get with a primal if you want to become someone in the world

Would that mean Godhood is realizing that all races are great and every single one of them contain both amazing males and females?

Post ID!

Fuck, guess I can't use macro recorder anymore then.

How about pokerbot though? Using that your mouse always moves at the same speed and always in straight lines, would that trigger them?

I thought all they did was register inputs, didn't think they looked your mouse.

>hating Kane-san
don't talk to me or my swords ever again

what is the point of this post

holy shit i just got a 48hour ban even though i only use viramate

No, get off him you lecherous fiend

Any pokerbot worth its salt randomizes movement and click position

Get better taste in swords.

Don't insult Hori's wife, you shit taste pleb.

>tfw MVP baha for the first time despite getting wiped by Skyfall

Lucky, though I was panicking for half a hour because it got stuck at 5%

No, godhood is realizing that only primals and noraces are valid choices. And goblins.

>want to dickcraft nio
>everyone says 4* is bad
>too casual for 5*

I love Vira!

why do people black out their names?

Who the heck cares what /gbfg/ says. Make her and obtain 1/5th of the absolute cutest Wind team in the game.

Is this a Swordfag guild?
Will you let me in if my favorite sword is Sayo?

4* Nio is still good on element, go for it

they dont want to catch a cold

Shut up liar, 48 hour bans dont even exist, fourth ban is permaban.

>release supticket
>wait for everyone to give you their money
>ban them all

>not liking all swords
You get better taste. Only Yasusada is shit.

Pokerbot randomize the click position
0-4 just craft Nio for dick
5-9 5* Nio for dick

Why would they not do it? This is an anonymous image board.

>Mahira and Yugu don't work together


I just realized wind can only make a Siete/Birdman/Gawain team if you dont want to use girls
what the heck

I want to KISS Vira!

I laughed.

Wait that's the wrong picture, tehe. METERA IS NOT CUTE AND NEVER WILL BE. She is too adult to be called cute.

4* Nio's coma success rate on element and crit buff on low CD makes her extremely good when going against earth

>2 characers with no damage
>in a game all about time management

Because it is waifu element.

I'll review your application if you message me at 9209222 and tell me why you love Sayo.

You get bonus points if you love all Samonji bros.

>No damage

literally why would you want to not use girls

Is there any dude who likes Touken Ranbu here just asking haha

There's only 3 of us in atelier that like swords but yes

Why is your image only half the size of the original?


Come help take down this JK firelords!

Yes. And I'm not gay.

Are there any cuties here that use virusmate? Will it let me leech yugu better?

probably because I got it from google like a stinking casual

C-can I come too?

Is Magna Water good now that Europa is out?
I luck shitted a ton of daggers but the last time I tried to play water it was shit.

>only 3
Aw. I thought it was for real.


Yes. And I'm gay.

Whats the worst that could happen if you make Nio, that you draw korwa? Oh no how terrible

I've watched the first couple of episodes of the anime and holy shit it's a snooze fest.

The only cute one was Tonbokiri.

Magna water has been good since the introduction of 5* quatre

yes why not

Lads, why is Yagen so perfect? I'm a doutanukifag but Yagen is just sublime. How does he do it?

Lanlan looked pretty good in the manga chapter this week.


4/6 Now! Sage or CR would be cool!

I don't use it but here's a response, please don't cry

whoever said you can expect to finish angel halo in 140 ap potions is a big fat liar. I'm at 160 already and I only have 19 shards.

Fun posting

I'm an Iwatooshifag but Yagen makes me crave for his delicious thighs.

no homo

God damn Vane armor is the worse out of the homoknights

Shorts and legs

>need bsc
>it's leechfest
Why even bother with zoi? I'm not anywhere close to strong enough to carry.

>Vane is the worst out of the homoknights
fixed it for you

You luck is AWFUL

Try to rationally explain how Korwa and Ferry deserve the same 10.0 rating as S.Zooey

A handsome boy, a strong boy, a good boy!

How do I get the free 1000 crystals in my inbox?