Im astounded by the amount of idiots i knew that work for big IBs now. Its like they want to hire math illiterate clowns who are only good at swindling eople out of their money.
Isnt it weird that some of your dumbest friends end up working at g sachs etc?
>tfw too smart to work @ g s4chs
Math doesn't matter at that level you mong. Personality and shit matters by the time you get their. They could get an autist with a math or physics PhD, but fuck that they have enough capital to make money that it doesn't matter who they hire.
> underestimating social intelligence/skills
I knew a nigger in highschool who literally couldn't draw 3D images.
Thought he would end up in a dump... he has a job at a reputable law firm now.
The only thing that matters is the money you generate. It doesn't matter how. And you should always determine someones worth on that aspect.
They do have a bunch of Math/Physics PhD's it's just they're stuck in the back office happy to be making low 6 figures while management cucks them out of 99% of the revenue they generate.
Lawyers dont produce money or value. They take money from here and put it over there. They dont produce anything like an engineer or construction worker do. They dont save ppl like doctors do. They are just trained chess players for the chessboard of an overcomplicated society
Really made me think. Try r9k and stay poor.
sales > everything else
Sales= no real talent
Sales= making up for low talent with high energy/effort
Isnt it weird that a society that values self-interest in the economy also values it in the hiring process? it's not about cold, efficient business. human nature makes most people look out for their friends and family.
>Sales= no real talent
>Sales= making up for low talent with high energy/effort
I'm in sales. Sadly, I know this to be true
Sales can be anywhere from shit-tier to god-tier. It all depends on how good you are.
And people keep telling me you can't beat the market.
The guy on one side of the Chinese wall is only concerned with sucking his client's dick to facilitate whatever conflict of interest his firm is cashing in on, and the guy on the other side is only concerned with automating his job as much as possible so he can go hit the links on a weekday.
>he fell for the talent meme
oh boy
It's literally all about the face. Talent, ability, education,'s all secondary to looks.
Wish someone had straight up told me this at 8 years old.
>Personality and shit matters
Yes. Be a spineless bitch and take it, just take it.
>They dont save ppl
Social Engineering is a thing. We aren't promised every moment.
It's almost like being good at swindling people out of their money is more relevant to the job of an investment banker than being good at math or something
Really gets the noggin jobbin
protip: IB is essentially sales, if you want something more mathsy then go into trading, ER, etc.
t. butthurt anarchist
found the lawyer desperately trying to justify to himself why he isnt a (vast) net drain on society
Have a forward grown maxilla and orbits is all you next in life.
>tfw getting my maxilla brought forward on socialised healthcare
I can't wait for Dr. Pajeet to fuck my shit up and I become a Bogdanoff impersonator who dreams of suicide
Maybe you should consider the fact that good looks and great social skills will take you much further than a high IQ
Im probly better looking with better social skills than you, inferiorboy ;)
having an outgoing personality and a high gpa are the kinds of people they hire, explains why you are not hired.
goldman cucks lmao.... Renaissance Technologies is the place to be.
Elliott Roger Lives?
>They don't save ppl
They do, indirectly. Because lawyers exist, there's always a risk of being sued. If that risk didn't exist, companies would cut corners creating dangerous & sometimes lethal situations for their employees, consumers and other general members of society.
Take cell phone towers for example. They must comply with certain radiation exposure limit that's deemed safe by the FCC. If they didn't, civilians would be developing cancer (sometimes lethal) and could die.
They're not scum, they're not leeches. They're necessary for modern society to function.
>inb4 lawyer trying to defend his profession.
No, I'm not. Too much time spent in school not enough ROI.
>still believing that cell phone radiation causes cancer in *current year*
are you fucking retarded
>when niggas don' read
cell TOWERS at a certain distance does cause radiation sickness and cancer. (longer periods of exposure)
Cell phones, most people believe, are completely safe.