>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>-Spd +Res
Is there still hope?
>all these quests that punish not having DC units
ISIS pls go I'll never use Xander no matter how hard you push him. I'll clear this shit in the most retarded ways if I have to.
Can I get the +1 attk and speed seal I missed this month?
>a group of large-chested evil women will never use you as their sex pet
Life is unfair.
reposting quick guide for infernal
how do we stop reinhardt? when will they add a skill ignoring weapon effects ?
nope. roll another and merge her
>they literally took out one of the two things that makes Hero Fest enticing to roll on
Defend this, IS apologists.
Me on the middle left
Nope. Textbook definition of 1000 feathers.
IV reroll fucking when?
>Using Xancuck
Haha keep failing at this BHB, I'll be wasting my orbs.
This is why Alvis was too afraid to purge house Freege and compensated them with The Manster District.
Me on the top right.
Don't get tricked.
Is it "only" 6%?
>wasn't around to get Xander
>can't roll Reinhardt to save my life
>will spend days' worth of stamina to clear these maps
God fucking damn it.
Later this month. But you will need to level your unit from 1 to 40 all over again. Actually I have no clue sorry user ;__; but I really want IV re-roll. 80% units I own are fucking -atk, since my very first Hector and Takumi, to my latest pull a fucking nino -atk.
Remember to leave NEGATIVE feedback about this, otherwise enjoy your Peri, Merric, Elise and Ogma stealing your 5% leaving you with a shitty 3% forever
I will never defend IS until they put in IV reroll.
>tfw (mostly) FTP
I have so many pet project teams I'm working on, but it's gonna require so many feathers it's kinda outragous. At least this new arena mode gives in incentive to finish them up so I have 7 teams
If it makes you feel better, beause the 4* rate is higher, your Reinhardt rate is higher.
Was there any particular reason you needed to take that extra turn instead of just moving Azura up to dance Reinhardt
I wanted to ask about this, does the wording mean that it only applies until you pull a 5*?
Was the original Hero Fest like this?
stamina was a mistake
>no Hector to slap on Roy
Man I really wish DC was easier to roll.
you couldve ended that in -1 turn, just dance rein over
I'm sorry, its retarded
Peri and Elise are not as bad as people think they are.
Yeah you got a point.
Hey, free Brave Sword+ Fodder
Add Feh!
>Roy is fucking build for DC
>IS jews him out of a DC sword
I won't ever forgive them. Atleast SoS is "okay".
They have Horses, so unless they have old man BST or are named Sully and Stahl they're gonna be decent.
>Hero fest
Who cares, it's shit.
No the original Hero Fest had the base 5* rate as 5%
Now they changed it so that only applies until you get a 5* and then becomes the normal 3% rate
I don't know who thought this change would be a good thing but I sincerely hope they get fired
That looks pretty legit
pretty much did the same thing but with Klien instead of Reinhardt
Same here. A Xander GHB rerun would be nice too.
The tower refresh is actually good.
My webm and no reason this wasn't some super precise tactic I didn't plan ahead, just tried to finish it asap without thinking, could have kept Reinhardt in place for spur atk bonus on Nino if needed too
>mfw -atk Rein
>Hey, free Brave Sword+ Fodder
Yeah man, that's what everyone rolls on Hero Fest banners for, Brave Sword fodder :^)
Reposting my BHB clear guide with Xander/Reinhardt/Camus/dancer. Should be a relatively free and cheap way to clear it.
Not a single one of those is worth a 5* pull.
Not worth without a DC investment and even then if I wanted to run a meme res tank cav I'd use Jagen.
Ah yes, a Brave Sword for my Alfonse, the one unit no one uses, because every other good sword already has a good or at least decent Prf weapon.
It wouldn't surprise me if we get a brave breaker seal or something next month.
>Game gives me Shannas out the ass
>I just want O N E (1) Subaki to give Miccy the QR
it hurts
>tfw can't do that with Ursula cause she can't do jack shit alone
Why the fuck whould they do that?!?!?
Its like they hate money, mother fuckers
The silhouettes are easy to be identified
>he used calvs
Honestly, this was pretty difficult using an armor team.
Peri is more of an offensive Desperation lancer. But you're right that she's not worth a 5*.
>Not worth without a DC investment
You take that back you son of a whore. Jagen's attack and speed are complete horseshit.
>Armour team
>get Sheep out of beach banner
>okay well maybe I can give Wrath Staff to my Bridal Lyn
>also +ATK -SPD
Fucking why are all my units fucking +ATK -SPD?
Just making sure, when you eventually open a 5* on the Jew Fest banner, its best to open everything afterwards since the 5%+ will still apply, right?
My Ninian is -Spd +Res
I want her but among all those 4 I'm most interested in Julia
I already have a neutral Ryoma so I don't need Ike
What do I do with this?
Yes, then stop rolling.
Genny is slow as shit anyays
Just uninstalled now.
"F2P friendly" my ass, they're just as jewish as any other Gachashit.
If you like him, use him. If you don't, fodder him because he kinda sucks.
what if its a mistranslation what does jap text say
How and where do I leave that negative feedback?
Since everyone is reposting their well thought out strats I'll repost my aweful strat where I attack the left flank first. Like an idiot.
Did it with pic related. Xander has swap and cake has dragback and TA. Rein has lancebreaker. Took sapphire lance off water
Put rein in the safe corner for strike position on red mage/lance. Next turn rein kills one then you swap to pull dancer forward. Dance rein and get the other kill. Drag back dancer out of bow range.
Turn two rein kills bow cake kills cake. Dancer dances rein and rein kills lilina. Lance should be by himself. Have xander hide as he will die
Lancer hits rein for one hit
Kill Lancer with cake /rein
Hope that helps any lazy anons. Willing to help if clarification is needed.
It's another "just cav my shit up senpai" map
Options > FAQ > Customer Support
Make a Four Fangs Team (minus Linus) and make sure to put him next to Nino.
>finally get summer Corrin
>it's +def-hp
A-At least it isnt an attack/speed bane right? It shouldnt matter that much if Im giving her blade tome and have hinoka right?
This game stopped being F2P friendly for a good 3 months now.
When they introduced Infernal mode, Chain Challenges and Tempest Trials they stopped being F2P friendly.
Casuals will look at this game and drop it like a hot potato while a casual can pick up Granblue Fantasy or F/GO and they can get the ball rolling even if they're far behind.
What do?
You WILL adress ME as king Miccy of Macedon!
-spd Corrin is literally just -1 speed from Ursula and has better stats otherwise. If you can't manage that then you may as well say you can't beat this game with blade tomes.
You know those quests that require you to kill a unit with another unit? This is his job, he leaves with 1hp and whatever unit can finish the quest
If this turns out to just be worded really badly I'll laugh. Someone's getting fired over this either way.
I'm not ure what you're trying to ask here.
>Get a Genny for free Summon out of new banner
Who do I give Wrathful Staff to as my sheep is sadly not worth keeping alive? I do not have Elise but I have every other support at either 4 -5*.
>everyone using the same cav setup, myself included
How long before we get a fucking jungle map with trees out the ass as a fuck you to cavs?
fuck you
IVs are a mistake
31 spd is crushing
What are you smoking? Genny's speed is complete horseshit anyway. Doesn't matter if she has 22 or 25 speed since everything relevant doubles her anyway.
I love using 99 stamina and literally all of it gets wasted
That was Berkut for me. Ended up using armor/infantry. Back to ponies for this.
Can anyone make a guide for Infernal with Cavs that have no inheritance
>casual friendly
If you didn't play during the first 3 weeks of the launch you shouldn't bother at all.
ment for
>They remake the Fates Fox Forest of bullshit
>every enemy has the Beastkiller skill and tons of Res
>They have the stupid unhittable gimmick just like in Fates
>tfw cleared it without using a horse
>tfw Anna scored two kills
I'm pretty satisfied desu. Is that battle music new or is it from somewhere else? It's definitely not directly from FE6.
>cavs with no SI
Shit nigga what're you doing?
is this even possible without dancer horse or reposition? there is literally no one that can tank all those colours without crazy merges
If anything he got a promotion.
Hector became the most common hero in the arena after the herofest, they don't want to give shit too easily.
Yeah totally crushing, that's why 32 speed with shittier attack, shittier hp, shittier def, shittier res, and +1 move is totally superior. Cause of that 1 speed.
Why not just admit you're not very good and focus on learning to play?
I just don't have the skills available for all the guides people are posting
Well I hope they enjoy nobody buying orbs then because that's probably what is going to happen here.
The initial Ike hype has worn off and they took away the high pull rate that drew people to the first banner. They're fucking themselves at this point.
This was a tough map.
Klein best boy.