>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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reminder arena assault is fucking whale cancer, the difficulty is same for all 7 teams based on your first team
>dumped another 20 orbs sniping summer corrin
>more florinas
Kill me. I'm up to 160 orbs on this fucking banner.
This is my wife!
No way, it'd be easy as shit to cheese it then
Do we know the utility of the Sacred Coins?
Adorable and smol sheep
>attempt the Lilina&Cecilia map
>my Ike can't tank the red mage even though he's fucking -atk+res
>no other red that has reposition and the res to take his role
>no reposition fodder
>give Ike Subaki's res+3 and a res+1 seal
>slap fortify res seal on Doot for safety
>fucking Klein of course is -hp and can't tank Cecilia
>slap hp+3 seal on him
>finally did it
>cost me 2 pots because I'm an impatient fuck
I'm embarrased, angry and a shitter, but at least I got this shit behind me now. All because I don't have fucking cavs.
you get low as fuck score so who cares if you cheese it?
Wow that stat inflantation from hard to lunatic is busted.
Hahahaha newfags think the 5* focus goes down to 3 on Hero fest
Newfags literally just spout bs like it’s gospel
It has swordbreaker I think
I couldn’t do it with normal means so I just used some Rein
She's strong!
Whales are jumping ship because the game is way too easy in its current form. It's a huge challenge for regular players with LITERALLY no downside and solid content for the big boys.
They will still need to add more innovative content because right now the game is extremely one-note. Unfortunately, this is linked to the core of the gameplay.
Will Nino be able to do it?
ISIS are jewing us.
still waiting...
Lol the first hero fest had the same wording fuck off newfag
>tfw I can't beat the new squad assault
Everything has so high stats that almost all my units get doubled, and I don't have enough characters inherited for five full teams to get by without relying on dancers. Arena assault is going to fuck me hard, right?
Probably not, but I know she'll try her very bestest.
Dont call me a newfag motherfucker, i've been here longer than you
>free summon
eyyyyyyyy. +spd -atk. Free TA3. Does Fae want fury or TA3?
Caedanon? Is that you?
Any news on new characters being added?
Arena assault will likely be actual teams, so it will be the 7 QP Reinhardt that will fuck you over.
>he had to use horse memes to beat infernal instead of pure skill
>only 160 orbs
someone save me from this hell I just want femuis cute feet[/spoiler
Hahaha I’ve been playing this game since day 1 and the first hero fest said the same thing, literally just fuck off
>Arena assault is going to fuck me hard, right?
everyone aside from top whales are going to get fucked by that mode
shut up retard, go back to >>>reddit
Fuck it I guess it's time to level an Olivia for dancer memes. What IVs do I want on this shy bitch?
>undermine my own bait by confusing two different fights
haha whoops
+Speed/Attack and anything but speed/attack. She's a dancer foremost.
Is Lukas really a sexual predator like Heroes makes him out to be?
>tfw no good team besides Horse
Thanks. Other than dancing what else can she do? Do I just slap on a Ruby Sword and hope she can at least take green units?
I run with Wo Dao+ and Fury on my Olivia, she loses some bulk against greens but it helps her against all other units in combination with Moonbow. Just use whatver you got available.
Clive and Delthea are a couple! Mathilda btfo
I gave her G. Tomebreaker. She kills Julia
I have triadept on my and it works perfectly fine.
That is not the map you absolute retard.
But yes, I used 6/6/6/6 Camus to tank both Cecilia and Lilina at once. He tanked Cecilia and destroyed Lilina with Vantage. After that, it was easy.
Eirka is the G.O.A.T outside of cavmeme and she even does it alright inside a caveam if for some reason you lack hone cavalry.
Delthea is their daughter.
Reminder that the NA translators are really dumb and the Hero Fest will remain exactly the same as it was before. JP text for comparison (Part 1).
shit for who?
Only your wallet saves you
This is Genny's home!
I'm only at 4.75 and I'm already thinking about just buying orbs, how did you not cave in already.
I'm over $100 invested in this
Part 2
Nope, they are lovers!
>check out new assault
>first map
>slowest enemy unit is sakura at 36 speed
They're really starting catering to whales now aren't they
>something that doesn't imply rape, instead looks cute
More of that when?
>rape isn't cute
armor banner
>free summons
They're really starting catering to F2P now aren't they
Guess you ain't wrong.
Cry harder you fucking loser.
Silly Lukas. He pushed his luck. He should have stuck with Julia.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll work something out with what I have.
Allows you to change IVs.
Reddit's Marth needs to get away from Hector's daughter ASAP. The Reddit Army stands no chance against The Elibe Crew
is this how things went in the royal chambers?
>Free pull gave me a 3* Hinata
Who should I give Fury to
Neutral 5* Nino
+res -hp Ryoma
Linde (Though she's doing ok with healing)
All Valentians are savages! Murder their men! Rape their women!
>have spring Camilla
>summer corrin
>fucking Hinoka
>But not a single Caeda
Either ursula, Nino or no one and keep it for later.
You can buy 1* units that have Neutral IV
I'm pickle rick
Nino > Ryoma. Nino is loose without Fury, Ryoma's default kit is fine until you find a spare. Linde and Ursula prefer Life and Death.
Do you like me now, /feg/?
Of course! I rolled you this morning!
>Hero Fest will remain exactly the same as it was before
wait. Were people under the impression that it would be different in some way?
Isn't Celica royal? Why does she waste her time with a flithy peasant like Alm? Does her panties get moist at the thought of unwashed peasant cock? Gods, what a slut. Maybe I should ask her for a blowjob the next time I see her.
Do I upgrade bartre for fury 3 and nowi for lightning breath and give it to femui or do I upgrade the rest of my Chads to make him 40+3?
>free pull
>3* wood
Guess I shouldn't be surprised.
The wording was the exact same as the first herofes, but some shitposter here tried to intentionally misinterpret the event description to start a shitstorm and a few gullible newfags bought it.
why would you spend 20k feathers on fury just wait until hinata
I'd like Elise no matter what she did.
Sorry, but are you even strong enough berkut?
The thing is, she is into STRONG men and the bedroom has no place for the weak like you. Now go guard the pillow fort like a good boy.
t. Uncle
Text in English is extremely misleading.
and it was the first time, send feedback and move on
>so far i've gotten merric'd and cordelia'd on the summer banner
im never going to get corrin am i, right now im sitting at 3 summons in a row with no blue orbs and im back to a 3% rate, althouth merric didn't really ruin much since i got the 5* corde like 3 summons before
+hp/-spd god damn it
This is your typical Echoescuck.
>"Hmph, foolish rabble, you are beneath me"
>Gets ass kicked
>"This means nothing"
>Gets ass kicked again
>"Next time I'll get you"
>"How did I lose?"
Why do people like this guy again?
Anyone leak the new banners yet?
>Ready to give Gronnblade+ to the +spd Cecilia I just 5-starred
>Realize I feathered all my spare Ninos a couple weeks ago
>new banners
not in a million years
Cordelia is a good pull regardless and literally has no bad IV's. Even with -spd, she's a brave-user with enough base speed to rarely get doubled. Even with -atk, she's a brave user with huge base attack. You lose a few kills here and there and quad fewer things, but she's still one of the best blues regardless of her IVs.
between the 10th and 25th we're getting 4 orbs a day my boys
Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, some more than others.
You'll get another Nino eventually.
Is FEH the Dark Souls(TM) of Fire Emblem?
>Realize I feathered all my spare Ninos a couple weeks ago
Are you fucking retarded?