ornn is the new champion and he's a huge bara furry daddy
/lolg/ - League of Legends General
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graves is my cute papi!
Xayah is cute
I love Jinx!
>Orn laughs and builds a full item during your backing animation
>Come back to lane and he has another full item
Can anyone stop this mad goat.
>people still don't realize how good akali is
>another bara-bait champion
How does riot keep getting away with it?
Pretty soon this will be the gayest game on the internet.
2nd for most alpha mid laner
Ornn is cute, but you know who's cuter?
I need someone to play duo bot with me as ORNN x Poppy kill lane
First for being the official first Ornn poster
I want her to cuck me so badly....
first for giraffes and our (her) son
Ornn looks cool, wonder what his voice sounds like.
Is this guy the most overloaded champion in the game?
is this normal??????????
>thinks her popularity is strength related and not fun related
theres nothing fun about akali
you just point and click delete so the only fun you derive from playing Akali is the +15 lp
Nope that's ekko
hey look, a retarded tripfag.
you don't see those everyday.
Ornn is going to be so broken upon release. And Taliyah is definitely out of meta once he is released.
I want to fuck Ornn!
Lee sin will forever have that title. They straight up removed parts of his kit. This champ has a lot of invisible power though.
nice original design.
The most broken support in a long time
stop being toxic
>85 lp
>queue jungle/mid
>get mid
>hour long game
>no honors
>nigga stole my penta
just the way I like my bronze II games
Now that the dust has settled, who is better, rhaast or shadow assassin?
>implying I wont be playing him top lane
I think he's trying to say no one plays Akali because she's boring. Objectively not true.
Its because her ult does literally 0 damage
>He can destroy champion made terrain
How much do taliyah, jarvan, aziri, trundle and anivia suffer against him?
lolbabbie general i'm going to watch TI, keep rolling on your own filth
isn't this guy going to be broken as fuck in ARAM
I love Soraka
And her banana
Especially her banana
>Can buy from anywhere
Hold me
Bot sure how someone could find her boring.
who cares
>ziggs, sona, maokai
nice mode babs
What's Tl ?
gee boss I wonder how terrain creating champions will fair against a champion that destroys champion-made terrain
does anyone know how rammus does against full AD comps?
Everyone will play him top but the Braum+Ornn Cancer Bara Bros Bot Lane will destroy
Because he's probably a Yasuo/Riven/Lee Sin/Zed player.
they want to achieve different things
rhaast is the best bruiser in the fucking game
shadow kayn is an ok assassin that trades pure damage for absurd mobility
>cannot teamfight
>No cc or utility
>meh at best split pusher
Only thing she's good for is having fun during laning phase.
It's just that I'm more about the splitpushing life but she's cool, she keeps greedy idiots in check.
>inb4 Ohmwrecker gets an upgrade
Did I stutter bitch?
nobody plays Akali because shes NOT FUN you dense nigger.
R'ing onto Ashe and one shotting her with a Q and Auto is not demanding in any way nor does it have any room for a display of champion mastery
>b-b-b-ut deleting people is ff..f.f..fun
shut up
where were you when waifufags officially got btfo'd by riot?
To be fair every single new champion release has been broken for a while and so have most of the reworks
>Did I stutter bitch?
No you just typed a random incoherent mess.
post the video wtf im dying here
That's a pretty cool passive, except the upgrade part which could be good or bad
Or jungle
>enemy sees that Ornn is invading their jungle
>only has basic items
>try to kill him
>he comes out of bush with full lethality build
>ornn lewds already
why are the bara furfags so fast
>he gives special upgrades to certain items that his team can also benefit from
Any guesses as to how many free stats he'll add per person?
xth for Syndra
>Deleting people is not fun
Then you have shit taste. Seriously, what champs do you main? As if I already didn't know.
Just look it up, are you retarded?
Aside from maybe jarvan and taliyah the terrain abilities aren't as important to their kits such as if you were full ad vs rammus
I'm asking how much it will hurt them, obviously it will but how much is the question
that aside, what else are they gonna do with their lives
im busy playing videogames ans posting during downtime post the video
you sound upset friend, need a hug?
his ult seems akward
If this is what they meant by boot enchantments coming back, I'm not happy about it.
I still can't believe they released Ekko and thought he was even remotely balanced.
Hey lads, looking for bronze and silver duos to carry for fun. I play on weeknights and weekends (NA). Leave your IGN and I'll add you!
>every single new champion release has been broken for a while
is this a joke?
Taliyah was utter shit until they let her Q deal bonus damage to minions
Urgot is at a like 45% WR or someshit
SA Kayn was utter DOGSHIT until recently
Camille got gimped in PBE and was sleeper on live until pro's s tarted picking her
>level 1 honor
it's not hard, you sit down, play the game and shut the fuck up if you don't have anything worthwhile to say. it amazes me that people can still get themselves reported in 2017.
>Barafags out from the shadows to wage war on the waifufags
well boss it'll probably hurt the ones who rely on their terrain abilities more than the ones who just get it for funsies. Also I imagine the people that need to ult to make terrain will be very upset. Otherwise it's just a cooldown war and you get to play who's got the bigger retard in a terrain set terrain remove match. Hope your ornn thinks you're worth it.
Oh god
Oh fucking god
>Trying to kill the 3/0/10 stunbot with a global battering ram
am i the only alpha male on Veeky Forums with lvl 0 honor?
no one plays or cares for aram
riot even said they don't think about aram when design champions
>deleting people is not fun
thats right. Deleting people alone is not enough of a reason to validate a champion.
Why do you think Veigar see's no play?
The champion has to have a FUN KIT as well as being able to delete someone hence why shit like Vayne,Zed,Riven,Katarina ect gets so much play
there is no point to playing the game if you aren't having fun while you play.
>riot even said they don't think about aram when design champions
>literally nerfed the shit out of Sona because of ARAm
>ornn E is literally poppy E
>alpha male
don't you mean unlikable loser
Never change ADCbabs
Trundle gets shit on. Anivia still has her slows and stuns but cant cheese him as well.
Jarvan isnt too worried, Taliyah is fucked
>alpha male
>that posts on an anonymous fish fingering board
>about league of lamias
haha draven amirite heheXD [/spoiler
>but it destroys terrain and has a knock up, not a stun lol
It better not have 525 range.
this has to be the shittiest champion reveal of all time
holy shit
that "meet ornn" video was mobile-material
Sona was nerfed because of Aram retard.
If a champion is OP on ARAM riot will LITERALLY go out of thier way to adjust said champion ONLY for that map (they do the same with Twisted Treeline)
Sona got gutted because her design is inherently broken and if she is ever strong she would crowd out all other support choices.
Taliyah was shit on release then they buffed her to be broken causing them to max e which got her nerfed again
Red kayn seemed broken at release but turns out it's average now, blue kayn was shit though
Camille was average at release then become op after people realized how good was was. So I'll give you that
>Why do you think Veigar see's no play?
Because he's incredibly easy to play against?
>The pinnacle of fun champs
I knew it. I fucking knew it. You're a massive faggot who has no business saying any champ isn't fun.
>new tank champ
>two (2) dashes
So Ornn. Support, Top, Jungle?
You sure you don't want to recall bro? xD
sona is a support champion with brainless gameplay. I'm surprised her ult doesn't auto target.
who gives a fuck is she got nerfed.
something by asanagi, the alchemist one.
holy fuck Veeky Forums is full of beta cucks
Waiting for the Ornn script that auto buys reistances if you were gonna die to a big ult
Ornn is nother new champion allowed to:
> Have a dash AND shield at the same time
> Allowed to ignore terrain and destroy player-created impassable terrain
> Being a tank and also do damage based on current/total HP, allowing him to be relevant even if behind
> Have forms of CC that are hard to fight against
> Have a perk that can be possibly meta defining and too unique, even by champion standards
> Have all the assets of a tank but without the weakness of one
> An overloaded kit with all sorts of useful quirks and numbers that's puts him above older champs
> A game changing ult that's hard to counter by old champions with simpler kits
>Doesn't knock back enemies
>He just goes through them
You mean shit poppy e
and crushes champions generated terrains
*builds adaptive helm at you*
Champs like Vayne, Riven, Zed, and Kat see so much play because in addition to being able to delete soemone, they're all incredibly SAFE.