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I want Ornn to ram me

by giving her a better model

i want to play with graves' balls!

Ornn main btw

Ornn item upgrades

xth for Syndra

Xth for Poppy!

I main Ornn for 2 years, ask me anything

I'm actually not against item upgrades. I just wish they weren't tied to Ornn. It just feels so shitty when it's late-game and you're full build, and you can only spend gold on elixirs.

why is ls so fucking cute

I wanna see Ornn's mana costs. I bet they're fuck huge early on

>locket stoneplate even stronger after ornn release

(probably)1st for the best fluffy husbando !!

Lulu is the sweetest angel and i love her more than anything in the world!

Because he's the one true god.

>Riot announces my main
>Bara furry faggots immediately jump on him
Being a Ornn main is suffering

>triforce upgrade
>cleaver upgrade

>"That thing is way too big"
>Grins at camera

I like Camille

Yay you posted my waifu! Thank you! Isn't she just the cutest?

We've been starved for a new husbando since WW VGU, deal with it

Its somewhat scary that Ornn will essentially be access to shit late-game that the entire enemy team won't have access to.

Even though its just one item, a carry having an upgraded IE or Rabadons makes it sound like its a permanent infernal buff if the numbers are strong enough.

I do too

I had the filename as TOOBIG but I forgot I had randomized names on ;-;

>want to discuss riot's matchmaking
>people here derail saying stupid shit
>i literally say that im watching a game with unfair matchmaking, i post screenshoots
>people accuse me of being shit and that im actually the one playing that game
holy fuck some of you are literally braindead retads, your life is most likely shit and you deserve it, never again ill try to discuss something serious here, guess ill have to start using reddit or some shit, maybe people there have more than double digit iqs

Xth for Jinx

>trinity upgrades

Okay user I'm going to try to git gud, any tips on what i should be doing?
i remember back in season 3 some guy was making a video series about gitting gud is threre anything more up to date?
Tips/advice/words of wisdom?

Why is Riot making another champion? On top of that, it;'s another champion with over the top "LCS BIG PLAYZ" abilities lol. "Wow, he can shop on the spot! I guess that's okay xd." This is why Riot is getting away with so much garbage because players complain but don't do anything past that.

Riot is one of the companies that actually listens to it's playerbase but the community is complaining about the wrong things. Some things IMO that is actually unhealthy for this game

>champions able to surpass terrain
>First blood tower gold
>rng dragons
>rift herald

Some other things IMO they need to be looking at besides making another champion

>overhaul of the reporting system/tribunal
>a new ranking system
>announcer packs, buyable emoticons etc

>Kidnaps children for years on end to play with them
>when parent's finally run into them when the child is tired of playing with Lulu, they freak out
>Lulu is literally a secret child molester

Get out of here with that sweetest angel bullshit.

remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer

Why is every second new champ/rework a damn toplaner? there are other roles too but Riot prefers making toplane champions over and over.

If Ornn isn't limited to one item upgrade like the rest of his team (like the passive kind of implies)
>Abyssal Mask, Sunfire and Locket on Ornn.

And yet trump is president, you are bronze and math still works

Because new content is the lifeblood of the game, not to mention champion design teams work on champions not on some other stuff.

>posts OCE screenshots
>thinks anyone cares about his meme pics

Allright, nevermind, they DID manage to make Ornn BOTH a furbait AND an OC donut steel

jesus fucking christ this game is grinding my gears

>Locket and Redemption buff out the ass

Am I the only one concerned about these two since they're literally core items on any utility support?

1) thats a myth, i dont know for sure whetever that exist or not
2) it doesnt really matter because matchmaking is already shit for everyone toxic/afk or not

i guess i was assuming everyone has a brain

toplane and bruiser / tank champs suffered the most from being all functionally the same just pick the one with the highest numbers that came from releasing new champs so frequently

mages were pretty bad for it too but minor reworks were enough to fix most

>he'a still going
No I didn't post your waifu, I posted my waifu. Get the fuck out.

>trinity upgrade
>by the time you buy it trinity is completely useless and you might as well sell it and buy a cleaver instead

no one gives a shit about your bronze oceania games.

Lulu is my STAR!

>Jax with a full set of Ornn Upgrades

I just went through one of the most awful bowel movements of my life.

Who wants Poppy pics?

>And yet trump is president, you are bronze and math still works
how is that related to riot's matchmaking? oh wait it isnt, fucking retard

Why the hostility? I've told you before you are more than welcome to share my wife Syndra! I'm inviting you to. I want you to be happy with my wife!

Can only buy one

I very much doubt they add more of the unique mechanics of the items but rather just stack a bit more of the primary stat. e.g. BC won't gain more shred but just gains 800g worth of HP for 1k upgrade

You can only make so many different ways to right-click people for ADCs and Supports are boring as fuck to play.

There's a reason why Top/Mid/Jun has the highest concentration of champs

First is a meme
Second is a fact which naturally invalidates your posts
Third is a fact that proves your memes bullshit

Check mate

I guess of the 2 options I presented in , it's
>adds to commonly built items so as not to force people to deviate

xth for CLIMBing!
i will NEVER give up!

Basically because top is cancer as fuck and has the highest degree of champions outright countering each other whilst also having high degrees of jungle intervention.
So they need to make more champs to deal with the things that are bullshit, which leads to more bullshit that needs to have answers.

Ornn is quite likely an answer to the Maokai/heavy CC situation, the current lack of an engage orientated tank being played top much and the whole people constantly teleporting back to lane deal.

Is league still big? I want to sell my old account

I will make sure to ban Ornn every single game.

Lulu is the sweetest! THE SWEETEST!

Oh wow Tanks got fucking gipped. No one builds Sunfire anymore because of how fucking shit it is. Abyssal Mask is okay I guess.

>full build twitch with upgraded IE
>full build trist with upgraded IE

Leave Ornn to me.

>trinity upgrade

we just got a jungler and an adc and support


Ornn will probably be top or jungle so care as you might not be able to play Trinity champs effectively with him in the team

how is that related to riot's matchmaking? oh wait it isnt, fucking retard

>my wife
No she isn't yours and she doesn't want anything to do with you and your bullshit. But have more (You)s since you like them so much.

>guess ill have to start using reddit or some shit, maybe people there have more than double digit iqs
leave if you want to but reddit just a big circlejerk and will downvote whatever you say if it doesn't agree with the pack mentality they have.
Do it too often and you'll get "hadow banned" so no one can read what you have to say.

Ok seriously how do I unlock the highest tier mastery token. And how does all that loot stuff work I still haven't figured it out

I made video about the random AP scaling on ADCs, if anyone else has ever been interested in that.

It's something that has really bothered me for a while, like why does Jinx have AP scaling on her E? Nobody will ever use it. It would be the same exact shit if it had no AP scaling at all, or if it just had extremely weak AD scaling and lower base damage.

Also Graves W, etc. I wonder if Riot even knows.

youtube. c o m /watch?v=9B9IRnm5cAU

I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!

well it depends on what the upgrades do
It's quite possible that it's going to give sunfire something solid, considering it is an item they aim for Ornn to build himself.

interesting, im late to the party and i dont know if people are memeing but there is a lot of talk about him going uspport and rushing warmogs?

Can he not regen? is he like guldan from hots?

If you can't understand why math says you are wrong it kinda explains why you are in bronze

> Open some free jew boxes
> Tristana Firefighter
> Blackfrost Anivia
> Gatekeeper Galio
> Surprise Party Fiddlesticks
> MFW I want champions shards

>hey we gave orin a short-range targeted dash that knocks people up if he hits them into a wall
what if they want to use it to escape tho?
>oh fuck in that case lets make it a skill shot
what if he wants to use it to initiate?
>didnt think of that, let's triple the range
what if lolbabs arent humping terrain when hes looking for an initiate?
>dw, we'll let him make his own terrain to ensure the ability always goes off
one problem tho, a CC like that that only hits one champ is kind of weak
>thats why its going to be an aoe knockup, like a malphite ult!
it's perfect!

Ardent Censer Yi Kayle combo is suck a fucking cancer holy shit rape me how do I stop this shit.

What's your opinon on Nami, /lolg/ ?

Just walk away from the wall bro

How can I win more games with theese?

she smells like fish and has no waveclear

thats just memeing
>lol he can shop without going to base rush warmogs lol xD

>tfw no /ss/ of nami raping fizz

Bramble Vest LUL

Perfect for eating.

Maybe any of y'all wants to talk about their day ??
Maybe how you lost/won your games today ?
Hey, dont be like that, user !! Even if he's bronze he might become the best Leona player one day ! You never know !!
She's the best champ to start maining supports, in my opinion, atleast !!!

Legacy either from when more items (trinity as the primary offender) offered dual stats or from all the way when all spells had AP ratios and to make baron buff feel bit better since it grants 40AP

This isn't exactly secret

Ye dude go support, rush an expensive item that provides no useful stats or passive until you are 3k hp

He could be support if his numbers are high enough but then again then he could probably go mid and ADC as well.

good riddance to bronze trash

Perfect for eating.

holy shit
past your bed time dude

the servers won't be up long enough for him to even get to gold, let alone beat people who can actually play the game and choose to play leona.

>Only 1 ap item
>And that's your 5-6th item if you even get it

That's pretty unfair considering all the other upgrades are core items for most champs. Give it to morello too

Ok, lets count since the beginning of preseason 6:


Other roles:

7 toplaners and 10 champs from other roles. Toplane got about three times as many new champions/full reworks than any other role.

is the whole point of the post going over your head?!?!?!!?


Kinda surprised they didn't put RoA in there for the battle mage archtypes

He's saying it's better Poppy E. Which it is.

Damn right

>getting baited

>1) thats a myth, i dont know for sure whetever that exist or not
I can tell you quite honestly it is not
>used to use thier shitty mac client
>game was prone to not starting up/lagging out randomy and other misc shit that would casue a lot of my games to be remade
>the more the client fucke up the more depressing/rude/and downright trollt my team mates got
>despite all this i got to gold3/2 i cant remember
>this season it feels like they dubled up and one account is dropping in silver
>Get a new computer
>decide I should also start a new account
>easily get into gold, and it helps that players dont instantly /ff & run it down mid when bot lane gets a double
