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Warlock got the best DK but worst set of class cards this time around

why isn't she available anymore?

Reminder that Renounce Darkness is the only honest deck.

I honestly feel like warrior got the worst class cards, but i guess we will all find out in a few days.

is it gud?

>Your opponent has a 3/1, 3/2 and 3/3 Grim Patron
>Endless getinhere

The absolute maximum damage you can deal with this card, assuming you save literally all your spells, run double coin, double prep, double evis, thalnos, and double sinister strike, is 4+4+5+5+9 = 27

It goes thalnos prep evis prep evis coin coin sinister sinister spectral pillager and is so unrealistically complicated it's never gonna be more than tier 8

I don't know why blizzard insists on giving rogue cards that require you empty your hand for a small payoff

Is aggro effectively dead this expansion? I don't see how aggro can survive now that so many classes have a 2 mana AOE. Remember that shaman became an aggro killer after they got Maelstrom Portal. Maelstrom Portal killed Zoo by itself. I honestly think we will have a real control meta for once thanks to spirit lash and defile. Mike did good work this time. I don't want to see any shit posting.

Ah I'm sorry, mate

Just getting into HS and liking pirate warrior. There are many decks out there but which is objectively the best, and what is the goal to try to keep my weapon up the whole time?

depends on the meta
too slow against aggro
guuud in control

At 10 mana it may not do enough to stabilise

>10 mana Warlock card

Anyone else still worried that card packs will be rigged? I'm genuinely thinking of only playing Arena for about 2 weeks.

which class would benefit most from having a 40 card deck? If it was exclusive to them I mean.

I think druid did good this set, token and BIG EZ got some things, I think token will be stronger though just because druid of the swarm is gonna be nuts in that deck.

Fuck Ben Brode

Fuck black-star

>he preordered

you want to beat them in the face as much as possible as a warrior.
if you do have cards on your hand that synergize with your weapons you should delay attacking with the weapons sometimes.

It's literally n'zoth.

Shitty N'zoth with a pointless hp.

Dear /hsg/, please take measures to keep your retards contained.
I'm specifically referring to those of you too zoned out to post in the right thread.

pls respond

Im thinking rogue

If Discardlock can use it, good for them, I'm just glad that it's an all-around useful DK that has potential in any Warlock deck, not just Discard memes.

Priest is dead right?
It got a shitty 2 and 3 drop and a whirlwind and a bunch of meme control cards

Maybe warlock because of the hero power

What do you run this in?

Why? Are they really that bankrupt for card ideas?

Not feeling hunter, lots of slow cards and it's just never worked before so why should it now? I loos forward to trying though.

Thank you Blizz.

Nice expansion.

No one, having more cards than the minimum allowed is detrimental for every deck.

Just wait 1-2 weeks to see what ends up being good this meta so you don't waste any coins or cuck bucks. Try using sites like hearthpwn to see whats good too.

Elemental jade rogue... I guess??

nothing thats a packfiller

>Control requires skill when its actuallu stalling and playing big things on curve
>B But you bait removal!!
Both are different sides of a same shitty coin

Bring back combo


It's fgreat in Wild.
My Wild Demonlock has been struggling a little, lately. This might just be what it needs.

Would be fucking amazing in my Dreadsteed deck, too (deck would be strong if it weren't so starved for face heals), would that they didn't fucking kill my Dreadsteed husbando's card text....

Id say rogue but even then its just inspire: +1/+1 that can be a 5/5 immidiately with planning

>win 4 games in a row thanks to yogg
you just gotta believe

>shadow caster this

Mage got interesting things grindy mage decks are super fun so I hope frost lich and sindragosa are good but traditional freeze mage will probably still be the go to mage list

>They kill Dreadsteed but Grim Patron can still potentially lock up the game.

Well I'm mad.

>does 50 damage in one turn from empty board
i hope you liked that interactive gameplay

Because very rarely has a class been completely unplayable 3 expansions in a row.
Unless blizzard want another pre-loe shaman scenario, this will work somehow.

Is this the worst card to ever exist?

Marsh Queen for that stupid early game into Deathstalker Rexxar
Then either Putricide and some secrets or Prince Keleseth if you really want to meme it up with 1 mana 4/3s.

This is real?????

Please no, fuck off, no. Fuck off stop this "vomit damage on face" combo shit.
So fucking interactive.

>recently pulled Harrison from the pack bug
Make sure to craft those golden DKs guys. HahahahHHahahah

would you run waifu Thalnos?

>draft arena
>get to pick 1 epic
>it's always absolute gutter-trash dogshit
The universe really does hate me, huh?

Nothing personel


Grim has a hardcap coded into it because of limited board space, dreadsteed doesnt.
A better nerf would have been deathrattle: resummon it at the end of the turn

spell damage? shouldn't it be spell power???
are we getting a difference now??????

Like they were "rigged" in Gadgetzan?

Well this was inevitable

Brode's favorite son gets good shit again. Blackguard and Ebon Blade Uther are obviously good but I think there might be a very strong aggro paladin deck here too.

thalnos is already a waifu

>literally no Barnabus help
Guess I'll just dust the golden one I pulled and go with generic goodstuff druid.

>mills your win conditions
Get gnome'd

You have to remove the top 3 of your deck too then

Yes because le poorfag
>5 Kazakus

Decent nerf to the Warrior Portal.

That's a ten card eight mana combo, it's pretty much worse than old combo shadow priest. I don't expect it to ever show up anywhere.

>3 mana 2/2 draw your Tirion

It's pretty good Treachery fuel, would be even better as a 2 mana 3/3 though. That said as much fun as Treachery is I dunno how many people are going to be willing to run enough awful cards to make the combo happen reliably.

You still lose 3 cards, and pay 7 mana in a 2 card combo to give them a 5/5.
You would have to be a hard zoo deck to make that meme work.

Who even runs that

Premium Rogue card in Arena draft, you retards.

I can't wait for all the people crying about getting princes in their packs

It will be hilarious

Control Hunter might finally be a real thing now in Wild. One can dream.

I did. Old miracle,old freeze,molten and Patreon provided the best time I had with HS

What is a Death Knight card?

>playing arena

You would be surprised.

I've been playing around with valuelock/renouncelock and it's definitely possible to stall against most matchups to get good combos

>get shaman, warlock and warrior in arena
wtf how do i play these?

Both n'zoth priest and raza priest got great stuff here I think priest is gonna be very fun and probably at least tier 2 this set.

Official Death Knight Tier Rankings:

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

>Infinite weapons.



Could pick warrior and smorc as hard as you possibly can

who here /ready2destroyweapons/?


do you think the upcoming expansion will be great? these dk mechanics seem nice


mage is good but is not going to be played much, there are better options to end the game in mage

I don't expect many of these cards to see play, especially not the DK, but as long as auctioneer exists rogue will always be relevant

Post your top 10 cards from this expansion.

1. The Lich King
2. Uther the Ebon Blade
3. Frost Lich Jaina
4. Bloodreaver Gul'dan
5. Scourgelord Garrosh
6. Ultimate Infestation
7. Corpsetaker
8. Defile
9. Bone Drake
10. Drakkari Enchanter

you could dead man hand your death knight right? and I guess Upgrade and the weapon buffers

Curvestone is infinitely more skill based than Combo/Aggro.

It is also the most inclusive meta. Combo and Aggro decks are fringe mechanics that make the game insanely boring and samey. A Tier 1 curvestone deck can actually lose to homebrews. A Tier 1 combo deck makes it pointless to have a big card collection and experiment. It needs very specific counter decks that disable their fringe mechanics.

Curvestone is the only good Hearthstone.

Does anyone else want the ranked system to get updated? The whole Legend thing is gay.

I much rather prefer the SC2 rankings, where you go Bronze to Platinum, then Master, then Grandmaster as the top 200.

All mage should do that

doomerang seems good, so do the weapons and plague scientist

>Tier 1

>Tier 2

Seems like you've been smoking a bit too much ganja mate

Building upon this, I guess you could fit the old malygos chassis on it, if the meta slows down enough it might be decent.
Combo's pretty flexible, you could use shivs instead of evis to still deal 21

The main problem is that you're straight saving the cards rogue NEEDS to work. Old Malygos Rogue worked because you didn't really need your cycle cards for the damage dealing, but here you have to keep preps and coins for your wincon.

Maybe memeing it up with petals ? I don't know.

>8/8 that gives you a clown fiesta card
>he preordered
