>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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tharja shit
second for tharja is also shit
I like this thread more
I choose this one because fuck Laslow
Mae on the top of the thread!
So guys how do I marry Celica so I can impregnate her more than fifty times?
Valter looks so cool.
Doot has a nice butt!
Rate Julia is a green tome
Memes aside for fucking once
Mae paizuri!
Roy's voice doesn't match him.
>tfw no Fir to rub you off
y liv?
When is he arriving?
>tfw my flier team blue slots are reserved for Corrin and Hinoka
Sorry Valter
she's the cutest green tome
*as a green tome
Probably the best one along with Nino though they both serve different roles.
Best green tome user by far
Reposting from old thread since i got no answers
Alright /feg/ please help me out with the squad assault 2 a bit.
I requested earlier help but i am not getting anywhere mainly because of the last trial. On the last trial i need to fully blow my load of Ike Nino Reinhardt and Olivia in order to destroy it
The first one is done through a Robin an Oboro a Clarisse and a Bartre
The second one is where i usually blew my load of these four
The third one is where i get shat on
What is my current inventory :
>Robin M (+Atk -Res ) ( Rally Defense, Bonfire, TA 3 , Lancebreaker 2 , Spur Def 2 )
>Summer Gaius (+Atk - Def ) ( Stock Build )
>Summer F.Robin ( Reposition, Moonboow, Darting Blow 3, Renewal 3, Hone Atk 3 / Hone Spd 3 )
>Summer Tiki (+Atk -Def ) ( Stock Build with QR 2 and Dragon Fang )
>Summer Leo ( +Res -Def ) ( Stock build with Glacies and Fury 2 )
>Summer Xander (-Spd +Res) ( Stock build with Renewal )
>Camus ( Swap , Moonbow, Fury 2 , Renewal 3, Goad Cavalry Hone Cavalry / Hone Spd )
>Michalis ( Swap , Bonfire , Iote's Shield , QR2 , Threaten Def 3)
>Ike (+Atk -HP) (Swap, Aether , Heavy Blade 3, Swordbreaker 3, Hone Spd 3 , Squad Assault Ace A1 Seal ( +3HP ))
>Nino (+Atk -Def) ( Draw Back, Moonbow, Fury 3 , Desperation 3 , Breath of Life 3 , Breath of Life Seal )
>Reinhardt (+Atk -Spd) ( Rally Resistance / Rally Defense , Moonbow, Deathblow 2 , Lancebreaker 2 , Spur Def 3 / Spur Res 3 / Hone Cavalry )
>Boey (+HP -Res ) ( Stock build + Rally Speed , Spur Spd 3 )
>Bartre ( +Atk -Res ) ( Stock )
>Marth (+Spd -HP ) ( Swap , Luna, Fury 2 , Renewal 3 , Spur Spd 3 )
>Mathilda ( +Res - HP ) (Stock)
>Tobin (Stock + Luna )
Notable 4* lvl 40 support units :
>Stock Olivia ( Stock with WoM 2 )
>Stock Lissa (+HP -Res) ( with Rehab and HP +5)
>Stock Clarine (+Atk -HP) ( with Rehab and HP +5)
Other lvl 40 4* units
>Stock (+Def -Res) Oboro ( +5 )
>Stock Clarisse with Luna
>Stock Berkut
>Stock (-HP +Atk ) Jagen
>Stock Cecilia with Fortify Cavalry
>Stock Cherche ( +HP -Res )
What the fuck was his problem?
Check the event schedule
reposting because new thread:
because of tyrfing's passive and brash assault and his gigantic hp pool but slow speed seliph is basically only good at one thing: running a defiant defense build where he becomes hard as diamonds when he falls below 50% hp
however it's extremely niche, so it's up to how the meta goes to determine whether this build is even useful, and even then the fact that moonbow exists impacts the viability of the build very hard because since he has to be at around 25-ish HP for defiant defense and tyrfing to activate, it's easy for moonbow users to cut through his defenses like butter and finish him off, especially because he's so damn slow
don't get me wrong, being able to tank lance units because of defiant memes is fun, but he's not useful.
Kagero's weapon is still effective against infantry units. Anyone know how much is the "boost" that makes it effective?
His whole life had been a big lie and he didn't take it too well.
He lost to Yugi in a children's card game and ran away and became a knight in shame.
He couldn't Alm down.
22 spd
somebody post the age-reverse image of delthea and luthier
>[ ] no counter built into weapon
>[ ] love of motherland
>[ ] Camus
She's great, but seriously, look how sheer her dress is. You can see every last inch of her curves through her clothes, and she's probably too dumb to even realize it.
Can you imagine being around her? She's hot as fuck and obviously has an amazing body under the frumpy robes, but she's completely oblivious to it. She probably doesn't even realize what her body is really even for thanks to her inbred genetics keeping her brain in a constant, endless fog of incest-induced numbness. You could probably walk right up to her, lift up her shawl and press your crotch against herr ass, bulging dick lodged right between her asscheeks and as long as you just make casual conversation her inbred brain wouldn't realize what you were doing, even when you started rocking your hips to jerk yourself off with her soft, fat ass through the fabric.
God, what a stupid slut.
Stinknigo/Stinkslow btfo!
What's the third map again
Ez game lmao, going to play fgo for a true experience
My water wife.
nigga i dont got time to sit around and help you theorycraft your way out of your squad assault rut
it's not going anywhere you can save up orbs and gamble them for better units to help you complete it, you don't need to do it now.
Why is he so slow?
pretty sure every single thing that says "effective against" such as poison dagger, wolf tomes, falchion, etc... are 1.5x damage.
>my water[tittied] wife
nice surgery muh man
A true experience of what
Sexualizing Genny!
how is Lloyd? anyone got any fun memebuilds or anything I can run on the most annoying boss in FE7?
I wonder how the guy who wrote this feels knowing he made a meme here.
Same desu. Gonna go grind for golem testicles.
For those of us without rein
I see. I guess that's the reason people use Felicia since Felicia's weapon has higher attack
He's good just use distant counter lmao
whens hero fest banner
I wonder when, or if, FGO will ever become challenging.
Imagine how much easier would FEH be if there was a support system.
did you get this on paheal?
[post ursula pls
yeah thanks man im gonna spend 100 dollars and fish for hectors now thanks!
>start with cav memes and dancer, fail miserably
>try all different combinations of teams, they all fail
>full circle back to cav memes
>find one and only one possible way to win through very specific positioning
Finding the exact route and positioning through trial and error was way harder than it should have been.
Give him distant counter or don't bother.
>we have to hate Laslow (the most well-written fates character) now
>for those of you without a rein but having a cav meme team
what's the point
What about for those without GHB units?
Just inherit Hone Fliers onto Michalis and use Valter to nuke some fools
Of cuckolding
8-1 sinister shadow
Robin M
Lance Knight ( Armor )
Axe Cavalier
Stop asking everyday
I want to make little sheeps with her
What are all my f2p bros at with their catalog?
Orb buyers please don't reply to this post
>frieza will die in your lifetime
Go back in time, install on launch day, and be there when GHBs drop
He already burned all his energy
not even blade+? I can build that.
>I won't lose! I WON'T!
He sounds like he's on the verge of tears. That's either great voice acting or terrible, depending how you look at it.
Just use Klien™, horses are for shitters.
Not having a cav team at this point is all on you
Just got stung by a wasp, ama
Who deserves Blarraven+ other than Robin?
Can anyone else use that tome?
Help me with that final Ike map in Chain Challenge. How do I beat that map?
5 minutes user is best user
I'll also Riposte.
Seliph can be salvaged, it's just he's not great out of the box like "top-tier" swords.
He's fantastic at the one thing he can be built for...but that's just the thing. It's one specific thing. And only that. That's all he can do. Kill red and green melee. And since it requires a specific build to reach full potential, people write him off. He's polarizing because if you've used optimal Seliph, you love him, but if you haven't, he's mediocre.
He has a niche though, and I've talked about it at length. It depends on careful positioning and not just "throw it at the problem" like some characters
but kagero has more attack than felicia even with a 5 might weapon.
Still no Jagen
Feels fucking bad
Should have been Papenbrook, he already has the art.
Be more careful user
How did the brave lance cav do minimal damage to Cecilia - oh, TA. Good thing I have no roys, haha.
>Horses are for shitters
>uses TWO Dancers
4*+10 nowi or 5* nowi?
Please don't abuse /ourguy/, he's only to be posted at 15:55 JST or when there is a legitimate update/release of content at a different time.
what is your opinion on fortress defense +def beruka with ignis on a flier team
he'll come back stronger
Does Klein have the best base kit in the game?
But I already have +atk Minerva. Also Michalis and Valter aren't as cute.
How much is the HP stat increased over other stats in this game?
For instance if the average of a stat were to be, say 30, does that mean 40 (+10) is average HP?
Never rolled a single Marth or Chrom as well as a lot of 5 * only units
I hate going through the same motions just to explore a different move I can make before getting fucked and having to repeat the process. I can't stand wasting stamina like that.
Praise God in heaven! After 168 f2p orbs and no other 5*s, I got her. She's +atk/-def, perfectly usable.
>started playing after Xander and Camus's GHB
Guess I should kys myself
>Also Michalis and Valter aren't as cute.
Okay man, I'm not about to argue with your bad opinions