/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Forever /svgg/

Yo what the fuck edition
previous ded:
The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.
Whether or not a game belongs in /egg/ is a case by case matter, however games that would belong in /svgg/, space voxel games general, are automatically considered /egg/

WebM for physicians:

List of currently known and "vaguely not" dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask):
>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Garry's mod
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Intersteller Rift
>KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
>Robot Arena
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>StarMaden b

Games that are definitely not /egg/:
>The general that quite literally cannot be named. The Mexican scam artist one. With the shitposters. Fuck off.
>Hearthstone, found in the hearthstone general, /hsg/, not in this general
>Shadowverse, found in the shadowverse general, /svg/, not in this general
>Warthunder, found in the Warthunder general, /wtg/, not in this general.
>Crossout on /rcg/ and yadda yadda ran out of characters
If you're looking for any of the aforementioned generals, please use the catalog search function, or learn how to use the built in filters.

Information about these games, such as where to get them if they're not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:

OP pad for future /ded/s

Warbros Serb is dead again. RIP in piss. (1181502)

Other urls found in this thread:


What the fuck happened.


Who tried to kill /egg/?


What the shit happened?

Has anyone tried playing spergies multiplayer lately? Is it any less fucked than it used to be?

From the depths to make submarines and spacecrafts
Machinecraft to make automobiles, spacecrafts and submarines but no impact on the world
TerraTech for a dumbed down building of land and air vehicles with resource gathering, and small factories if you feel like it.

There are few conveyor hell games and there are few physics games with water. There's only so much a consumer computer can do and there's only so much a programmer alone or in team can care for.
These kind of games often use simple graphics because it's very low on the selling points for niche games
It's like a complex venn diagram with "Can't exist" in the middle.

No, you power up the reactors, but excess production from them is going into storage tanks.
If it happens that power consumption is still low, reactors will be turned off to save on the fuel cells and canned steam will be used.
When steam reaches low levels reactors will be fed fuel cells once more to sustatin production and replenish tanks.

>the mods are about three steps away from just pulling us behind the shed and ending the suffering


wot the fuggeth hapen

Probably some buttblasted /hsg/ guy who got janny status.

not seeing any posts with [forbidden] so /hsg/ probably reported us.

>i can't read what i'm clicking
>being given any kind of power
God, I hope not.

>when you're so retarded that you keep posting in the wrong thread, and instead of learning how to post in the right thread you get somebody to remove the thread you keep accidentally posting in instead


>i can't read what i'm clicking
>being given any kind of power
kek, would explain it.
but jannies can't delete threads, there is some more serios faggottery going on.

Report every and all /hsg/ posts in this general
The increase in traffic can't be accidental and we should believe it's some sort of raid.
There's nobody genuinely stupid enough to post so many times wrong, right?

To be honest, why not delete the /general/ in the OP? What purpose do they really have, if it can get this thread killed? Seems like asking for trouble, but what do I know.

>thread was deleted
ay lmao

retards must learn to READ before posting.

This all started because /hsg/ and /svg/ got butthurt about "hsg" in a link and "/svgg/" respectively. Cutting out "/hsg/" and "/svgg/" isn't going to do anything, and if someone is too dumb to not click on the one that has "/egg/" in the subject they fully deserve to be made fun of for being retarded. You don't see us shitting our pants over other threads for coming up in our catalog search, in fact several of us encourage it.

it wasn't bui spamming his shitty taste in porn again?

color me surprised

>caving in
that's not the slav way

Girls Band Party has cute girls in the OP and I like that they show up when searching /egg/.


Reminder that teamwork is important in all things

You guys do in fact remember that we removed it after a couple of threads the first time


What's the average price of the equalizer in crossout? Are they high or low right now?

And by 'it' I mean the intentional strings, not the shit they were actually complaining about


If I'm not mistaken, the strings got put back in because someone was throwing a fit again. I don't think we've gone a single thread since without some retard throwing a fit because they can't read a subject line.

It takes 10 minutes to get from shut down to 95% capacity because of the slow heatup time of heat pipes. Storing water is unwieldy and takes way too much space. You're clearly doing it the over-complicated way for the sake of autism, the bad kind... complexity for the sake of complexity.

Someone couldn't handle the bants

Anyways mods hate transparency and jannies have free reign as long as they don't stand out

>pick up FtD after letting collect a year's worth of dust
With all the things that've been changed, it's disappointing to see that it is still a fucking mess.
I wanted to modernize an old plane, but I'm just left wondering what the fuck I'm doing wrong.

Now although the plane is agile, it seems to rely on thrusters for pitch up/down, which I'd like to replace with tail planes (muh material).
But when doing so, the AI will have a tendency to outside its intended vertical bounds (300-400 m altitude).
Do I simply not have enough tail planes, are they placed wrong or is there some entirely different fuckery going on?
pic very related
On a side note, why is ammo storage still going for the "pirates and age of sail" aesthetic?

There's also an ammo parts box in case you don't want ye olde pir8 barrels

>It takes 10 minutes to get from shut down to 95% capacity because of the slow heatup time of heat pipes.
During this time you'll rely on canned steam.
Obviously, you can cut down on warmup time by reducing the amount of pipes in your reactor.
Fewer pipes means lower heat capacity, which in turn means you'll need less time to warm up.
Or you could just add more reactors, which has the added effect of better energy production per unit of uranium.

>complexity for the sake of complexity
Complexity for the sake of saving on uranium, an incredibly abundant resource.
It's still dumb, but for different reasons.

It's disappointing to hear you didn't spend that year gittin gud

What happened to StarMade?

In the Angel+Bob mod setup, is saphirite/stiratite smelting straight to iron/copper supposed to have a 0.5 smelt time? The regular iron/copper ore smelt times are still the same 3.5, so it seems useless to upgrade to the dual sorting when five steel furnaces can supply your entire factory and the lost ore is compensated for by the resource savings in a hueg furnace line instead being used for an additional mining outpost.

Literal zombie game. Its dead but doesnt know it, still shambling on into the night trying to achieve something, flesh falling off its rotting corpse.

They need to start over from scratch, or join up with that guy making Sky Wanderers and become his employees.

In that time period, I got gud at games I played.
Did you miss the part where FtD collected dust?

Isn't Hearthstone a card game? What does it have to do with engineering?

It doesn't, which is why it doesn't belong here, and if you came here for a card game you're an idiot.


they're so dumb they can't read and keep mistaking /egg/ for them

balls have zero to me

>Talers are now worth literally so little that their price is limited by how low the market can go on the price of some things

It sure is fun being right.

>there are people in cuckout with over 500,000 gold, that they earned through the market

Yeah but I don't see the need to even mention it.
How?? /egg/ and /hsg/? What's the history between you two generals?

>tfw you know just enough chinese to barely understand the ching chang nip nong lady


/hsg/ asked /egg/ to remove a link to a game that at the time was producing a shitload of OC at the time, in a previous format of the OP, and when it was reformatted, it was decided that something would be put there as a memorial.
Then they started bitching about that so it got made more specific.

/svg/ is there because they were complaining about the formerly /svgg/, which predated their entire general's existence significantly, so that's their to teach them to have respect for those who came before them.

Where the hell is this avatar from?

Its not in any of the factions, and doesn't come with any of the car packs you can buy.

What if instead of using brute force learning methods for neural networks, we used hand coded programs interfaced into a larger network as a series of "lobes" for it's artificial brain?

he's a mod

You what

you i everything else...

Problem is then shifted to "learning" how to use the lobes in tandem with each other, while also being limited to how well exactly that shit was programmed, and any problems that are left in will ruin the entire process, as the algorithm is tuned to use the malfunctioning code.