Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/

>What is Guild Wars 2?
Guild Wars 2 is an active free-to-play MMORPG from ArenaNet, the sequel to Guild Wars 1, with events taking place 250 years after its timeline.

This thread has botspam, he copies image files and names, identify yourself by posting your favorite race or a gw2-related image!

Last updated: 7/26/2017

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whats the most fun starting zone to level up in with my bro

Why didn't you just use luma to launch HBL and FBI, you know, like the guide says?

Are you ironically being a hipster twat? Remember what /jp/ warned us about ironic shitposter


Woah there.

Delphox was cool tho


Play it. It is good.

Fuck MMO. I don't like people. But single player space games are KILL I guess.

oh here we go. rolling lads

B-but I´m afraid. If I lose, will you give me advice that´s so bad that I´ll kill myself?

ok final final question, why are my pathetic casual kusoclears higher than your full shmup efforts? :)

What sex scene needs to occur in Rance X to be the most fappable scene in Rance ever?


Fom where are these tree leaves?

t. /pol/ neckbeard who hasn't gotten laid in 5 years

Use mouse + WSAD.

Colt Anaconda is amazing

Can cuddle like a pillow

draenei with big blue futa horsecock is the pinnacle of civilization

are you fucking retarded?

literally did 5 andy runs today and had a soj drop on the 4th

you're real unlucky

caledon forest, its big and really varied for a zone

>Both Toska and Meaty equally degenerate
Truly the perfect pair.

Shame that leo doesn't have some extra synergy with them

I still do kinda. Just pirated Black ops to play moon and kino again. Anybody down for a v2 lobby in 2-3 hours?

I'll let you think about it a while.

>Face is literally just a helmet
>Doesn't blink

You have to actually be autistic to enjoy REv1. Shitty story and villains, no actual revelations, gameplay is trash, and the monsters aren't good in combat

sampled sounds aren't FM. they are fundamentally different and incompatible ways to generate sound. You could mimic a single FM tone using a sample, but FM lets you modify the waveform in complex ways that is impossible with samples.

Sorry for what?

>game tells you to log off and take a break every hour

w-what game is this


level 58 nova with hero damage under a tank missing every aoe ult is being this delusional

Assuming normal patch times, 19 hours is when it will start, who knows how long it'll take though, I reckon an actual proper 6-8 hours of patching.

But the twist is that he was actually loyal and didn't backstab you like Fontaine in the first game.

I just want those sharp boots the hunter had in the beta damn it

melee is completely fucked in general right now.


Someday the pic is going to get pretty thin, what are you going to do then roman boy?

Yes you're right , congrats .

What about non-english content on cd/cardridge?

there're some wallpapers too, pic related.

>that map I was never able to find anywhere and was not part of the game yet it was used everywhere on gaming magazines that featured articles on ut2k3

Has anyone here ever developed a MUD? (Any MUD-Dev subscribers here?) How about making areas or even just serving as imms?

Pretty sure PC master race games in the 90s took up to a few years to make, if they didn't turn into vaporware.

Red Orchestra 2, bridges of druzhina. "machine gun woods" is too fuckng accurate

But you do the raping in the wrestling event

>In the filename
>In the image
>In the post itself
You really like redudancy, huh?

I bet she would. Aqua's such a slut.

>implying all consoles don't have red/white wires for audio


I hate this pedobait

Remember when people considered Nobushi OP?

How do you affix astral soul?

Well, they're PAL, so it's all worthless. Sorry. I can take it off your hands for about three bucks if you like. Heck, I'll give you $3.50.

The game doesn't really open up until you reach 80. You can go to WvW and follow the Zerg ball around for a while to leech some easy xp.


Didn't Last Blade have a few stages like that. It works when there's a bit of a aesthetic like that

>all these shitters crying about the "git gud" responses
you have to be educated in the thing you're criticizing or you'll expose yourself as the retard you are

it's crazy how people missed the point of the meme so hard

Awww poor wittle sape doesn't understand DnD mechanics. It's ok sweetie, it's gonna be alright you are very very smart for a sape.

Etrian Odyssey
Legend of Grimrock

isn't the sega cs the one version that has the foreground refresh at 30 fps, and the background at 60? if true, this is the last version I would consider...

There's other flaws. The touch gimmick was just bad and really poorly implemented.

The drop rate on items and souls also kind of sucks balls. I've heard that the luck stat is completely bugged, but don't know how true that is.

Ogre Abyssal Knight

It's free.

Define dead.

I do, she's one of "the good ones".

>tfw I bought this game but haven't started because I can't think of a name for my light skinned, blue eyed chibi


Good entry point into Darius series if I don't have the Steam mega game one?

Are you living in a school bus?

yeah i just measured it, the rca cable on my guncon 1 is aroud 8ft long.

makes sense

I went in with the lowest expectations and came out going, "yeah, that was alright. I didn't hate that." I was kind of pleasantly surprised.

>August 7, 2017
>Percy S T I L L doesn't have links
>"B-but muh ai!!!"

is this a copy and paste from reddit?

Super Paper Mario

2006 was awesome, would recommend. Why PS2 user?

>those bottles moving in unison
they obviously move to the movement of the train.

>no liquid
probably got absorbed by the wooden floor.

There's also Ecstatica, but that's a different engine, based on ellipsoids rather than polygons.

Yeah. People often say that Casing the Joint is the worst mission in Thief 2 but Kidnap takes the fucking cake as far as I'm concerned. I'd go as far as to say that it's by far the worst mission in the trilogy.

The ending was clearly bait for dlc or an expansion.

>stock server
>day 2
literally playtbc scam has come to fruition

Neutral troop growth is just 10% per week.

Literally always. It's by far and away the best level 1 option.


I'm an aggressive hugger
Can I hug you, too?

I need a new arcade stick, pref one with a larger handle, I'm going to be doing some online looking after work but would like some reccomendations from y'all. I'm willing to spend abouut 250-275$ at the most. Thanks guys/gals

WarioWare devs are now working on Rhythm Heaven as their main series.

Well yeah, he said "literally Hitler", not "literally Lenin"


The entire thing is written in hiragana, so convert the appropriate parts to kanji and katakana, and you get this:

Suupaa shisutemu kaado de asonde choudai.

Daily reminder are the #1 community with no cliques!

You're mistaken.

Quickscoping was at it's most viable in mw2.


If you think that is bad, imagine what would happen in Sora and Vanitas' imminent meeting

It's something worth preserving, unlike most games.

Pokemon Emerald (battle dome)

Shoulda just been special chips in the specific games.

10w RMS is almost unbearably loud with decent (i.e sensitive) hifi speakers.
