Any other dutchies worried for their cars right now?
Any other dutchies worried for their cars right now?
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t. not dutch
Nah it should be good. Also it's insured for this kind of shit and besides, what are the odds that anything should happen
There's a storm, I'm Belgian and it's the same over here.
Then again, the Netherlands and Belgium have the combined area of two folded out newspapers so there's that
If the windspeed would be any higher this storm would be classified as a hurricane. So yeah, there's that.
Just don't park under a tree or in a "new europeans" neighborhood where random shit is laying about.
Nothing really happens in the east, only saw a dumpert video of a retard flying away with his bike thinking he was ET.
Around here there are only broken off branches.
Wrong, nothing is safe. Rooftiles, walls, raingutters, trashcans, literally everything detaches from whatever it attached to regardless if it's rooted or bolted down or not. Even windows are blown out of their frames. Fortunately the storm is pretty much over now.
Lmao no I just went with my bike to my uni and did some hektik wheelies in the storm
Yes, i folded the mirrors in and my parents' caravan was blown away from the wind
>only saw a dumpert video a retard flying away with his bike thinking he was ET.
Holy fucking kek
I hope you get decapitated by a rooftile for mocking the weather gods.
Meh I attend Groningen uni, the storm up north is very mild so far. Even the trains and buses are still following their standard schedule
Ah okay, northern Groningen is in the eye of the storm even so that's cool. Here in IJmuiden it's literal doomsday.
>Even the trains and buses are still following their standard schedule
So in the north there have been less than 2 leaves blown around?
>tfw live in polder
>all my friends own 3k civics
i don't want to become one "them" o
Aww, it's netherland's first hurricane
Wageningen here, some people were stabbed because their bike blew away against some foreinger
Yes. Was quite a big thing. 'Code red' they called it. 3 persons died. In a country of 17 million. Windforce (Bft) 9 throughout most of the country. 10 in the densely populated west. 11 at some places near the coast.
Trains stopped in the whole country. 30 trucks tipped over. Trees blown over. One of Europe's biggest airports (EHAM) completely shut down.
I don't think there are many other countries where this would've resulted in 'only' 3 casualties per 17 million.
No because i park my nice car in the garage and my shitbox on the street
>implying your shitbox isn't the nicer car
BMWs are trash.
Dutch people were a mistake
>storm in dutchland
that means tomorrow is windfall lamp post harvest day for the dutch!
Sorry Ahmed, but founding New Amsterdam doesn't make us guilty of your country getting bombed
Name one thing touched by the Dutch that isn't shit now
I'm desensitized to the catastrophic effects of powerful hurricanes because my entire city gets blown apart by one every few years
>running late at my wagecuck job because of traffic jams
>all parking spots were already taken at my building
>had to park all the way at the end of the street out of view of my office
>only spot left was under a big tree
>tfw Ive been thinking about my car for the whole day
Amber Logger
LOL, faggots. My shitbox ute lived through a cat 3 cyclone, your shitpiece will be fine
Glad I live in earthquake territory for a change desu