XCOM General - /xcg/

Machete Edition

Previous Mission: News:
1)EXPANSION dropping August 29th

2)Julian Gallop Phoenix Point AMA

3)Jake spoke at PAX East on March 10th on the growing pains of rebooting XCOM

4)LONG WAR 2 1.4 is OUT

The /xcg/ Mandatory Read:

/xcg/ XCOM 2 Character Pool:

Image Library of /xcg/:

List of compatible mods for Long War 2

XCOM2 modlist, updated a bunch of threads ago!

MEGA Mod Repository, now contains all of the mods in the modlist!

Modlist Steam Collection - Contains 99% of the mods in the modlist:

Assorted improvements (Skip intros, alleviate stuttering, multi monitor support, and resolutions past 1080p):

/xcg/'s Long War Library (New LW players read this shit or you will be ignored):
Piratez mod for OpenXCom:

Other urls found in this thread:


engaging ayys!

should've waited for p10 but ok

Pistols are useful, but they really shouldn't be.

how did I do?

>not finishing in July

You did okay


pistols are useful

New ayy information tomorrow, git hype.

>Not Ironman
How many times did you reload, and for what reasons? Be honest.

>playing ironmeme

I reloaded a lot in the early parts, basically everytime I met a new alien with some OP ability I had no idea about

but when the game got pretty easy at the end I didn't really reload at all

Sounds like an average first playthrough.

Looks pretty standard for Veteran. You did ok user. Now, upgrade to Commander and get your skills up so you can do some Legend runs.

the question is should I just up the difficulty and ironman or do long war 2 for my second playthrough?

I'd go commander once, Long war is pretty hard.

Do Commander while you're waiting for War of the Chosen. I wouldn't get into LW2 right now until you're done with WotC/Lump updates LW2 for WotC

At least survive the jump between Vet and Commander before you move onto serious modding

I wish the game had more Mutons. They're supposed to be the Alien's actual line soldiers, but you hardly ever see them. I get why they wouldn't be wandering around city centers, but you'd think they would be a lot more common during Retaliations or guarding Facilities. But it's almost always the same boring old Vipers, Codexes, and Sectoids.

More webms like these, please

Alright /xcg/, what's the thing you're most looking forward to in WotC?

There's so many, but probably SITREPs. It seems like a really good way to spice up missions so there's something different every time.

performance increases and the photo booth

everything else is icing on the cake

Any good deals for WotC? $40 seems like a bit much for me.

GMG had it 25% off at two occasions.

Photo booth and bond system.

Are performance increases confirmed?

They say they're working on the performance and engine. Whether or not the patch that drops with the expansion will actually solve people's problems is something else.


>miss!, look at my dab.jpg

Katanas are Useful.


Wakaliwood voice mod when


fuck off

Finally we'll have a good voice for the african soldiers

Turians best Ayy

Why are 3d modelers so bad?


Is there a Kung Fu mod in the works? Or am I going to have to settle with melee weapons only?

I doubt fists would be able to break alien alloys

>no one has reminded them yet



*waddles up beside you*

*resists your grenade*

Close Combat Specialist.

RIP my squaddie shinobi who gave her life to solo kill a dark VIP and stop a dark event

should've used a sniper

snipers need spotters tho

There's no reason for the Shinobi to die if you are only using them as a spotter

its a suicide mission mate, you only send in the one

Someone moved to a flank, took a yellow alert shot, crit, he died. That's quite possible and has happened to me, so it might have happened to user's Shinobi as well.

ADVENT is going to melt her down into goo

I'd argue you should position the Shinobi better to prevent that but fair enough.

If you used a sniper with the shinobi it wouldn't be a suicide mission, you martyred your soldier for no reason. I am disappointed commander

I hate getting shit like Low Profile and Executioner as AWC perks
I mean yeah theyre good and all but 90% of the time I forget the soldier even has them, especially if theyre an Officer

RIP my ironman game, I didn't even activated alien ruler dlc in my campaign and they just show up at month 2 just right before I get my tier 2 weapons somehow even tough I specifically didn't enabled it, everything was going smoothly...

il make more later


I can understand Executioner but how in the fuck do you forget that a soldier has low profile?

>hating low profile
low profile is godlike, you should take notes on who has it and position your soldiers accordingly
a soldier with low profile means more high cover for the rest of the squad
unless its on a sniper where the enemy will barely see them its useless, but even then they will be protected if something gets too close

Lol this happened to me too, I don't blame you because there should really be a warning when you start that not enabling the missions means they'll just show up randomly.

its hard for me to unlearn prioritizing heavy cover for one specific soldier on one of like 3 active missions
I also do this shit with ever vigilant, but luckily the first turn dash in concealment usually reminds me

There is.

It was my first commander ironman, no death yet but the fucking snakes froze entire squad for 2 turns, I just knew, didn't even bothered seeing it unfold. I guess next time I will just enable the 'mission' and not even fucking touch it letting it on eternal post-pone. What were they smoking ? I can understand it reacting to being 'shot' but reloading and moving ?!

It doesn't pop up, at first glance you would assume disabling it would disable the rulers entirely.

That's your own fault for making assumptions instead of reading this

I usually get it on my grenadiers for some reason. Really nice considering the aliens always shoot at them.

>What were they smoking ?
Nothing, you are meant to scout them out and plan a engagement for them. You're meant to adapt to them being on a mission, if you wonder into them randomly like an idiot of course you're going to get owned

>I can understand it reacting to being 'shot' but reloading and moving ?!
They'd be piss easy if they didn't react to movement

I got it on my assault and baby its been wonderful

Well to me the logical thing would be that the text would be a description of the dlc and the box would simply be an enabling switch, they designed in a way that some people could make a mistake, and a pretty damning one considering how it can fuck your campaign if you aren't prepared for it. I mean how hard would it have been to have a warning pop up that you might be making a big mistake?

Also forgot to mention that my thought process was carried over by the dlc missions in EU, which were basically enabling missions which wouldn't pop up at all if you disabled them, so I thought they were like that.

You bought and downloaded the DLC, you would think a person who did that would want them enabled by default. Don't try and pass off the blame to others, you didn't read it and suffered for it.

If you don't know what the Ruler DLC does this means nothing to you.

Why would you buy DLC without knowing what it does?

The ultimate reason it left a sour taste is I didn't even wanted to have their armor, waste of time and resources. Then they just show up when they weren't even enabled. If I expected them to show up I would have brought better CC and dots damage. Oh well, better luck next time. Why wouldn't they give the option to disable aliens rulers altogether for some play trough and costuming purpose ? That's some odd game design to force it like that.

So I'm not that intellectually gifted
How do I get the camera to move freely again?

Who the fuck buys DLC without knowing what it is? What is wrong with you?

The collectors edition exists.

That is no reason for confusing design. While they do have a small warning, it is clearly insufficient for the task. It should work like the EU/EW DLC did: a button where if you click it, it's on and if you don't, it's off. Not this "click it, it's on, don't and it's still on but in a silly way" shit that they do. It is unintuitive and clunky. That the other user got fucked sucks and you can see why it happened, but don't defend shit DLC design by saying "you did the intuitive thing, fuck you".

I bought the Deluxe Edition (which includes the DLC) for cheap way after release. I saw a screenshot that included the neonate Viper and just thought Alien Hunters included new enemy types (like that text box says) or something.

I had no idea that disabling the mission meant some caped snake asshole would come and wreck my rookies on my first supply raid.

The rulers can be "disabled" by leaving the mission on and ignoring it

It was a supplies raid for me too. ahaha !
I plan on it, still weird.

>it's another shitters get owned by the viper king episode

It's not that confusing at all, instead of rushing into a game how about you stop and read what you are doing?

Tell me, have you ever tried reading?

I want to move on to the next level, but this guy keeps racking up the free kills.

Is there a cap to xp gain per mission in vanilla?

>I don't know Viper King, but say hi to your mother for me

You can only level once per mission.

and the Viper King is the easiest by far, all he does is disable a troop or two while dealing minor damage to one of them

>Is there a cap to xp gain per mission in vanilla?
You can gain 1 promotion per mission but enough experience to earn 2 promotions. You can farm 2 entire levels of promotions in the lost towers if you want to

You guys are so smart, I bet you read the entire manual before playing a game too, huh?

Again, please explain to me why this:
"click button to turn on, click again to turn it on, but in an unclear way"
is more intuitive than this:
"click button to turn on, click again to turn off".

Nope but I can certainly stop and read 5 lines of text

hmmm i am very impressed...

Because there is no reason to ever turn off the DLC, If you don't want to do the missions then just don't do them.

Alien Hunters isn't hard if you know what you're doing. But you won't have enough information if you disable the mission on your first playthrough.

There is no introduction to what rulers do and you don't have the weapons that are supposed to counter them. Not to mention the characters will still speak as if you did the story mission which is confusing.

>still trying to justify their lack of attention span
I noticed that shit the first time I played it, brainlet.


Because the DLC isn't meant to be turned off.

This is counter-intuitive. And you know it is. Which is why they're directly adding a way to disable DLC content in WOTC.

>I have no argument and must shitpost

If you don't want to play with the DLC, you may wish to turn it off. The way it is designed, you cannot actually disable the content, you can only ignore it. This is unintuitive and confusing. Sure, the box tells you this, but explain to me why the devs would design it such that you *cannot* disable it. It doesn't make any sense. Wouldn't it be simpler and easier to simply say "if someone wants it off, they can turn it off"?