I'm going to own a Lamborghini one day, Veeky Forums. I don't know how yet or how long it'll take but mark my words, I WILL be the first guy on Veeky Forums to actually own this!
I'm going to own a Lamborghini one day, Veeky Forums. I don't know how yet or how long it'll take but mark my words...
im a cuck who needs validation from strangers too.
>I will be the first guy on Veeky Forums to actually own this!
You's a bit late my dude
This picture proves absolutely nothing
no timestamp, no proofs
cool story bro
It was a guy on the bike thread talking about building race cars
Someone called bullshit on him so he dropped the lambomb
you can look that pic up, it's legit
I already own a Lamborghini, OP
Pic related
I know someone who had one..or still has one.. havent seen him in a while.
Anyway i think they have stopped production so those are only going to get rarer.
I could have had one if i didnt flunk my studies..
Was so close..
But at that time i didnt know what i wanted..
Which still shows through i suppose.
Why isn't the fucking engine centered with the chassis crossmembers?
Is it supposed to be that way or is a motor mount or something worn?
Wait with the driver in the car, does it have adaptive engine mounts that would raise it up just a hair on the driver's side, therefore balancing the weight distribution side to side?
The engine is centered, at least the crank
The 2 banks aren't perfectly symmetrical, but the crooked effect you see is because of the camera and the fact that the cross race weld is center point symmetrical, but not side to side
Normally I'd let engineers be engineers but holy shit I'm glad someone else is triggered by this too.
it's straight you heathens
There used to be a richfag on Veeky Forums whose parents gave him a record company or some shit. He has multiple lambos.
I'm pretty sure we've also gotten a bread on hood lambo pic as well, not sure if that was the same guy.
Some guy bought one using buttcoinz a few years back, it was even featured on Jalopshit
>>I could have had one if i didnt flunk my studies..
>hurrrrrr if only I had a 4.0 GPA, id totally have a lambo right now
You're dumb as fuck for thinking that way
>implying you good grades means youll make shit ton of money and be (whatever you consider) succcessful
I type..
Like an autist..
It's not hard. Make a plan. Here's mine.
>attend 4yr uni for engineering
>cost of attendance is roughly ~40k when said and done
>entry level mech engineer pay $65k
>leverage previous experience, get $70-75k base pay
>Pay off student loans in 1yr
>Buy lamborghini the next
Used gallardos are cheap af. $90k gets you a damn nice one.
>attend 4yr uni for engineering
Most people who even end up finishing their degree, are there for more than 4 years.
>cost of attendance is roughly ~40k when said and done
Yeah nah. More like 100k.
>entry level mech engineer pay $65k
If you can get a job in your field, which isn't easy, and that's pre taxes and living expenses.
>leverage previous experience, get $70-75k base pay
Yeah, nah. You'll be lucky to get $65k.
>Pay off student loans in 1yr
That's not how money works, you'll have less than you think, and you'll owe more than you think
>Buy lamborghini the next
Yeah nah. No one's going to finance a lamborghini to an autist wearing cargo shorts who makes 60k a year.
If you honestly believe that you'll have a lamorghini in 6 years you're a total and complete moron.
>think she can buy a $90k car after 2 years of making $70k and paying off $40k
so you think you're going to pay no taxes and spend less than $10k in that time?
nice job
you took a picture of the engine at a car meet or are working on at the mechanics you work at
I'm a mechanical engineer, graduated early with 35k in debt. I make 80k, but I'm expecting a 10% raise in a year.
I'm not paying that shit off for 8 years, because the interest rate is lower than the average yearly return rate plus increase in compensation plus appreciation of other assets.
If you pay student loans off at the expense of living standard, you are a moron.
>First on Veeky Forums to own a lamborghini
Meanwhile a Veyron owner shitposts here and there you newfag. So take your shitty little turdborghini and shove it up your ass
He's also leaving out living expenses pre and post graduation
>at a mechanic's shop
Yeah he totally owns it dude
All this shit aside, is it realistic at all for someone making 60-80k a year to finance an exotic car with reasonable % and payments?
>implying a Bogadi Varon owner would take the car to some local mechanic
Obvious the guy is shitposting from his home personal one
Not unless you live with your parents and are essentially a man child with an income and zero expenses
Even then that's such a terrible idea
Yup. Save some and drop a heavy down payment. Normies finance 60k luxobarge SUVs for their wives on a regular basis.
If you're a car enthusiast and make owning something you want a priority, it's fine.
>$5k car payment
>$1.5k insurance payment
>~$10k annual maintence bill
If you have an extra $90k/year to spend, then you can finance an exotic car.
>Oh look at me I'm anonymous and you can't do all these things that you are literally doing right now every day of your life!
In state tuition, 2yrs at a community transfer to a 4yr state uni. Engineering jobs are fucking everywhere and you're a moron. Entry level in my area was $65k last year, $61k the year before, $59k the year prior to that, and isn't stopping.
Just because you're a cuck that won't make the necessary sacrifices to make something work doesn't mean everyone is. Can't find work? Move to the work. Not making enough money? Gain more skills.
The best part is that $70k a year I'm going to be making doesn't even account for the $20k a year I make running a small metal business on the side.
>living standard
>I'll still have 30k to live on, which comfortably pays my mortgage, food, fuel and leaves a little over $1k a month to save/play.
>No I'm not
Good luck, OP. My dream is to some day own an Aston Martin. Hopefully we both make it to the mountaintop.
>he thinks running costs are comparable between a daily driver E class and a decade and a half old Italian exotic super car
How dumb of a nigger are you?
According to the numbers you supplied your mortgage is less than $750/mo
You're a dreamer.
Tons of kids in school are dreamers.
Once you hit the real world you'll see that your take homes are exaggerated, and your expenses aren't being accounted for.
Do you really think that 99.95% of people are really just that fat stupid and lazy?
lmao this is how poor people stay poor
You people have it all wrong. If you wish to become wealthy and stay wealthy, you do not spend large amounts of cash on an asset that does not hold its value and does not make money for you.
I have a bit more than three million saved up and I drive a 2007 Suzuki Swift. I would really like to have an Aventador S, but buying a lambo would be fucking idiotic as I cannot afford to essentially throw 400k away, not yet at least.
>three million saved up and I drive a 2007 Suzuki Swift.
yeah sure you do user
Do you not understand taxes
Not all rich people flaunt their wealth, friend of mine, he's like 60 now, sold some land he inherited about 10 years ago for nearly 4 million to someone that was going to develop it.
He retired at 50, still lives in a small 2 bedroom bungalow and has a hobby farm, still drives a 1970's ford truck
>Not all rich people flaunt their wealth
no shit, t hat still doesnt make you LARPing about having all that money ring true
It's because of the AWD system, afaik.
Thanks bud.
you might be a retard normie but at least you have good taste in lambos
your a faggot but il still wish you good luck, also you better liberty walk kit it
>4 year college to only start at 65k with 40k of dept
kek or better idea
>join a labor union, starting at $60k with no experience, get more training and make 6 figures within a few years
>you better liberty walk kit it
you suck at english and you have terrible taste
I'm the other meche who tried to talk sense into him, but desu 65k is in fact on the low end. I took a pretty middling offer for the 80k I'm making. Plus I've got a lot of headroom for it.
No dude i actually flunked a unit in my final year.. and it was a profession degree so they didnt allow me to be off the pass mark a few percent.
The whole crew passed and are now making serious bank.
..at that time it was probably 25sterling pounds per hour.
Which probably equates to around 50 bucks per hour back then.
Its been about a decade since then and im still lurking Veeky Forums
Missed out on real life lambos.
Who else is going to be rich and show multiple boards your money?
Veeky Forums is first because it was my first love
Veeky Forums of course
/r9k/ to show I'm a rich robot
/soc/ to fuck with the betas
why are you typing like you post on reddit? stop doing that. There are other ways of money millions of dollars. If you thought going to school and getting high marks is the only way then chances are you aren't going to make it at all.
you sound a like a sad and lonely person. Flaunting money is a damn shame
Yeah ya got that right, people are straight up canibels irl..
Today i turned up an overtime offer and got sniped on the way out.
Have to wait until monday to see if i still have a shift.
Cant shake that brain.
I'm going to give advice on how to make money of course (real estate agent/real estate landlord)
I won't flaunt it too much, I will ask what I should do with $10k in every board. It will be fun.
>go on /r9k/
>post pics of me doing coke with hookers
>go on Veeky Forums
>post pics of me doing coke with hookers in a limo
>go on Veeky Forums show my gains and money while doing coke with hookers
>go on /soc/
>anyone want to do coke and chill with hookers with me?
>I WILL be the first guy on Veeky Forums
Nope I'm gonna buy one tomorrow.
Why do you type so fucking stupid
Used r8 v8 manuels are 35k-40k in Germoney famalambo
Took a Gallardo out on the track last year; surprised how small it was. Interior wasn't as nice as I thought at $200K+ car should be. Just felt... cheap.
Fun to drive, though.
Good luck! I hope you achieve your dreams!
How to afford a lambo
>buy crypto
You sound like you desperately want love
You also sound naive as hell